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The Legislative Process

Chapter 9: Citizens Effecting Change

Canadian Government Review
Legislative Process (simplified):

Bill introduced (typically by Cabinet ministers)

Private Members Bill Introduced by a non-Cabinet member
(Senate, HOC)

Three readings in House of Commons

Three readings in Senate

Royal Assent by Governor General (Lieutenant-Governor in provinces)

Bill Becomes Law
Third Reading Message
Introduction Debated and voted
Sent to other House
for process to start

Report Stage Royal Assent

First Reading
Additional Governor General
Without debate amendments moved, gives royal assent; bill
debated, voted on becomes law

Second Committee
Reading Stage
Principle of bill Examines closely; may
debated, voted on make amendments
Class Activity:
Introducing: Bill C-99, Classroom Harmony Act
An Act to regulate the use of social media in the interests of classroom peace
and harmony

WHEREAS since time immemorial, teachers in Canada have wanted the

undivided attention of their students;
AND WHEREAS for an even longer period of time students have, consciously or
unconsciously, resisted paying attention in class;
AND WHEREAS the use of social media has increased the number of distractions in
Canadian classrooms;
AND WHEREAS the use of social media in classrooms has become a matter of
urgent and pressing national concern;
NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate
and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Passing Bill C-99, Classroom Harmony Act
You are all in the House of Commons.

You will be split into three groups:

Liberal MPs
Conservative MPs

As a class, will follow the legislative process (including debates) in order

to pass Bill C-99 and make it a law.
First, please move the desks

Please create 2 desk groups like the

one shown in the green box.

Each desk group will represent a

different political party.

The Committee will sit at the round

table on the side of the room.

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