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Ethical theories and sex and

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Pythagorean: Influenced by Platos
Cynic: no dualism (chariot): physical/spiritual, spirit
trapped so must free through rejection of
shame in sex.
physical world.

Greek Augustine
of Hippo

Stoic: Stiff upper Lip: Sex linked Sex and

to reproduction. Overcome
anything that threatens self- relationships
control (Greek and
Pre-Fall: No shame in sex. As Christian Views Marriage = better than
it was given by God it is good in burning. Chastity = better
itself. still.

Old Open to Emphasis

Testament interpretation on
Testament spiritual
Jesus (Plato
Golden Stoning of the
After the Fall: Punishment from Rule adulterous woman St Paul
God for original sin:
1. Shame of body. 2. Pain in Return of Christ
childbirth. 3. Women subordinate to imminent
Some sex should not be practised
Genesis 1-2 sex in sinful ways i.e. sexual
created by God, meant involvement with non-Israelites
for procreation. (Jews), adultery would be
punishable by stoning. Women
were not equal to men and must be
virgins on marriage.

Old Testament
view of sex

Bestiality and
homosexuality is seen
as immoral. Should be
punishable by death.
Jesus gave very little on sex Paul man is the head of the
& relationships. He did state,' household just as Christ is the
Whoever divorces his wife and head of the church.
marries another commits
adultery against her. He also
brought about equality of both
men and women.
Paul Valued Celibacy over
marriage and sex. Giving
yourself to God. Links with
Greek philosophers stressing
New Testament spiritual life above physical.

Paul If people could not

control sexual urges Paul women should obey their
should get married. Sex husbands. (Ephesians 5v22-24)
only in marriage. The body wives, be subject to your
is a temple of the holy spirit husbands Wives are the property
and should be respected. of the man Ephesians 5v31-32.
(1 Corinthians 6 12-20)
Sex is a constant
reminder of mans
rebellion against God
original sin.

The devil uses

women to lead men
away from reason
pleasure in sex leads Augustine of
man away from Hippo
reason. See Adam &

Sex is necessary for Background accepted

procreation, but only in views of gnosticism
marriage. However body and soul separate
sex was dangerous
2) Sexual acts can View of Catholic
be morally wrong Church.
even if it is natural
i.e. incest, rape or
adultery. He attempted to unite
Aristotle with Christian
theological looking at
end purpose telos.

Aquinas Natural law

1) Sex is wrong if it does Aquinas concluded that

not coincide with the act of the purpose of sexual
procreation organs and sexual
Masturbation, bestiality, activity was procreation,
homosexuality and and any other use of
foreplay are all immoral. sex was intrinsically
wrong. Sex is only in
Kant does not see sex within
marriage as wrong, the purpose of
A husband who commits
marriage is NOT PROCREATION, but
adultery cannot want extra-
a union of two people of different
marital sex to be universal law
sexes. Sex is morally acceptable in a
unless he wants his wife,
monogamous relationship.
children, parents and so on to
engage in extra-marital
Kant categorical
imperative You should not use humans
as a means to an end i.e.
Neither can homosexuality be
universalised, since every
Sexual pleasure is only
homosexual is conceived
allowed when service
through a heterosexual
more valuable goals
relationship although artificial
such as marriage
insemination could change this.
Utilitarian reasons for Utilitarian view to sex is
having sex: called libertarian. More
1) The value of pleasure. than a contractarian
approach which
2) The contribution which emphasises the
shared pleasure importance of mutual
makes to the value of voluntary informed
a relationship. consent.
3) That consensual sex
creates much good, Utilitarianism Sex is immoral if one
and, if harm to another or both of those
person is avoided, involved lack a
Bentham - as long as there knowledgeable
provides the greatest
is mutual consent for consent. i.e. a man
happiness for the
pleasure sex is not wrong if having sex with 15
greatest number
both partners are willing. year old illegal
He also asked whether immigrant desperate
such a relationship harmed for money. This is
society/caused immoral many
unhappiness, either prostitutes have been
physical or moral forced into it.
(Undermining marriage,
fidelity etc)
Utilitarians must be tolerant homosexuality, and
of people with non- bisexuality is tolerated.
traditional sexual However if everyone was
orientations, except in cases a homosexual it would
that do great social harm i.e. harm society.

Utilitarianism & sex

John Stuart Mills-

stresses the value of
liberty, sex should be a
matter of individual Harm principle (an act or
choice, without state consequence is morally
interference. However permissible if no harm is done) is
we should try to seek important to utilitarianism
higher pleasures and especially in extra-marital affairs
the goal of ethics is to short-term pleasure will produce
seek the happiness of all long term pain. Etc.
by taking their needs into
Situation ethics has one
Primary principle agape for
Joseph Fletcher in Unconditional love; not love
situation ethics captured As an emotion but the love
the mood of 1960s when That put what is best for
approaches to sex and The other person first.
relationships became
more free because of
contraceptive pill

Situation ethics seeks

equal treatment of
everyone and acts our
of love. Sex is a Situation
genuine expression of Ethics
love. Situation ethics rejects
free love like natural
law and Kantian
N.B.This is not easy when ethics. Rejecting one-
applied in practice when night stands, orgies
strong emotional feelings etc.
and physical drives take
Virtue ethics looks V.E. would consider what kind
from the standpoint of sexual practices will tend to
of the individual and make a person more virtuous
his or her personal those that involve taking
qualities, virtue and pleasure in giving oneself to
ideas. another and developing
intimacy and commitment ,
Less virtuous- those that use
others for ones own pleasure.

V.E. Points to the

values of love
commitment, Virtue Ethics
honesty, loyalty,
friendship, pleasure.
Vices exploitation
and selfishness. Michael Slote Emphasis ethics of care in
relationships, requires a sort of 3-way
Rosalind Hursthouse A balance as far as sex and relationships: 1)
Virtuous person is one who care for those who are near to us (intimate
exercises the virtues in care) 2) care for other people in general
circumstances (humanitarian care ) 3) care for our own
well-being (self care)
He suggests that sexual personality
Each persons may be found at the core of moral
approach to sex and personality how we behave towards
relationships is based sexual partners both influences and
on their upbringing mirrors how we perceive and interact
and their relationship with people in general. failure to
with their parents. learn to control the pursuit of sexual
pleasure undermines the
Oedipus and castration achievement of virtuous character.
complex The wants to
sleep with his mother
but doesnt because
she has no penis,
therefore his father
(according to the childs
mind) has chopped his
mothers penis off. He We have a Super-ego
will then submit to his an inner voice reminding
father. His urges will As a result of the super- us of social norms which
only be later on ego rules about sex and comes from parents and
directed to his wife. relationships change authority figures in
dependant upon society. we need this
cultures. voice to live ethically in
Today the unitive role of love is a Jack Dominion states that sex
comparatively modern element, and is not dangerous and should
the role of sex in marriage as an only be used for procreation.
expression of that love is also now Sex is so powerful and
recognised. Even sexual pleasure meaningful that justice can only
is seen as a gift from God in be done to it in a continuous and
heterosexual marriage. (see song enduring relationship.
of Solomon)
He accepts cohabitation,
premarital sex and even accepts
homosexual sex as long as it is
Issues today in Christian ethics in a loving relationship. He sees
the church as having to rethink
There is a big divide today
with homosexuality. The
Richard Holloway points out, that the rejects homosexuality stating
Bible is being used for the possible it is an abomination.
split of the Church over ordination of However the Bible also says
gay bishops. Holloway states that the you shouldnt mix milk with
impetus for social reform comes from meat. Of which most
society and not the Church. Christians ignore
Natural Law is the most reliable approach when
making judgements about sex and relationships.
Explain the main teachings of natural law (e.g. purpose, potentiality and
actuality, primary and secondary precepts) the deontological and
absolute nature of Natural law and its origins in Aristotle, and how it
is a basis for Roman Catholic teaching.
Discuss the nature of sexual morality (e.g. sex as procreative, sex
within marriage, homosexuality, abuses of sex.) , and apply Natural
law to sexual ethics. Using examples, you could s how some may
see Natural law as the best approach because e.g. it is universal
and God-given, but for others N.L may appear out of date and
You need to discuss what is mean by reliable and from who
perspective this theory may seem reliable. You may then discuss
whether there can be any absolutes in terms of personal
relationships or whether some other theories such as Kant,
utilitarianism or N.L. might be considered more reliable.

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