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Seminar Presentation on


By Guided By :
Amit Saini (13BCL003) Prof. Tejas Joshi
Kapil Dhabu (13BCL038)





Flow Of Presentation

Need of Study


Literature Review

Case Study


The objective of this study was to be aware with
the latest trends in the field of retrofication of
structures to come up with some new innovative
ideas for the betterment of the field and also for the
improvement in the structures.

By undergoing through various online journals and

texts we have come up with basic idea of
retrofitting and also with the fields in which
retrofitting is divided and how it is carried out in
respective works.
Need Of Study

The basic need for study of this stream is

structure safety. None of the structure is
indestructible, but we can come up with
ways to give it more in terms of its life. Thus
the study of retrofitting plays important role
in repair works, rehabilitation and
maintenance of a structure.
What is Retrofitting?

Retrofitting is basically defined as addition of something

which was/is not a part of manufactured unit of object.

In terms of Civil Engineering, Retrofitting refers to

provision of extra safety or repair to preexisting structures
or even provide various desirable features to a unit at the
time of construction.
Literature review
Paper details Outcomes

1 Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beams An increase of 8 to 60% in beam flexural strength.

using Advanced Composite overlays.
(GFCL) An increase of 75 to 175% in post-cracking flexural
stiffness were achieved.
Author :Ahmad Abdel Hamid, Hany Applying the GFCL along the full depth of the beam
Elshafie, El-Sayed Nasr, Ezat Fahmy, increased the bond of GFCL to concrete and enhanced
the concrete ductility.

Journal : journals of materials in civil For the retrofitted beams failed in a tensile mode
engineering strength, stiffness, and ductility increased
proportionally with the increase of fibers content.
Literature review
Paper details Outcomes

2 Structural Retrofitting of The stiffness of the CFRP-retrofitted beams is

Reinforced concrete beam using increased compared to that of the control beams.
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer.
(PART-A) The increase in maximum load of the retrofitted
specimens reached values of about 23 % for retrofitting
in shear and between 7% and 33 % for retrofitting in
Author :Yashmeen Taleb Obaidat flexure.

The crack width for the retrofitted beams is decreased

compared to the control beams.
Journal : ISRN
Increasing the CFRP plate length in flexural retrofitting
can make the CFRP more effective for concrete repair
and strengthening.
Literature review
Paper details Outcomes

3 Structural Retrofitting of Change in length of CFRP reinforcement may result in

Reinforced concrete beam using different behaviors of retrofitted beams. The longest
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer. CFRP presents a high stiffness and high load.
When the CFRP strip do not cover the full depth of
beam the load capacity decrease for 90%. Therefore it
is not advisable to use a CFRP strip not covering the
entire beam depth when retrofitting for shear.
Author :Yashmeen Taleb Obaidat
The peak load and deflection is slightly affected by
the orientation of CFRP. For 45 CFRP orientation, a
larger increase in load capacity is obtained compared to
Journal : ISRN 90 .
Application of CFRP laminate Roll of CFRP plate
CFRP laminate
Literature review
Paper details Outcomes

4 Structural Strengthening of Polymer modified concrete can be effectively used for

Damaged RCC Structure with structural strengthening of deteriorated RCC members of
Polymer Modified Concrete. column and beam because-
1. Free flowing
2. Self leveling
Author : Suresh Chandra 3. Self compacting
Pattanaik 4. High early strength
5. Cost effective

Journal : WSRR It can also be used for additional load carrying of

those structural members by method of jacketing.
Micro concrete for strengthening
of a beam

Additional reinforcements provided

for jacketing
Literature review
Paper details Outcomes

5. Construction Techniques of U-Shape wrap and bottom wrap was good for
Retrofitting for R.C.C. Members improving shear strength as well as for reducing
Using Different Glass Fiber deflection of RC member.
Author : Sandeep G. Sawant, A. B.
Sawant, M. B. Kumthekar, V. V. Even if initial cost of U-Shape wrap is more than
Diwan bottom wrap, The strength of U-Shape wrap beam
was increased by 33.33% as compare to bottom side
Journal : International Journal of wrap beam.
Engineering and Advanced
Technology (IJEAT) Cost of woven roving wrap was more as compare to
single mat and double mat wrap but load carrying
capacity also increases as compare to single mat
and double mat wrap. It was indicated that woven
roving U-Shape wrap is more beneficial and
preferable for Retrofitting.
Woven roving

Single mat Double mat wrap

Literature review
Paper details Outcomes

6 Retrofitting of Reinforced The new technique using the CARDIFRC strip bonding
Concrete Beams with system is a promising method for improving the flexural and
CARDIFRC shear behavior, as well as the serviceability of damaged
concrete beams.
Author :Farshid Jandaghi
Alaee and Bhushan Lal It does not suffer from the drawbacks of the existing
Karihaloo techniques, which are primarily a result of the mismatch in
the properties between the concrete and the repair
Journal : Journal of material.
Composites for Construction
It increases the durability of concrete as CARDIFRC mixes
are very durable because of their highly dense
Paper details Outcomes

7 Retrofitting of RC beams using Strengthening by silk fiber composite at tension zone

natural FRP Wrapping materials. beams have carried more ultimate load by about 39.77%
compared to that of control beam specimen.

Strengthening by silk fiber composite at flexure zone

Author :Sandeep kumar L.S, beams have carried more ultimate load by about 36.82%
Dr.H.N.Jagannatha Reddy , compared to that of control beam specimen.
Rumina Nizar
The ultimate load carrying capacity was found to be high
for beams retrofitted with NSFRP composites as compared
Journal :International Journal of to control beam.
Emerging trends in Engineering
and Development The flexural strengthening provided was high, which made
the beams strong and stiff, because of which most of the
beams could not fail by flexure so the failed by shear.
Beam with FRP wrapping material
Case Studies-
1. Gujarat Earthquake:-
Retrofitting of RCC Structures with Fiber Wrapping Technique.

Why it is used-
1.Easy application.
2. High strength to weight ratio.
3. Resistance to corrosion under the attack of chemicals.
4. Resistance to environmental degradation.
5. Tailorability to adapt any shape.

Fiber used-
1. Carbon-High Strength
2. Carbon-High modulus
3. Carbon- Ultra High modulus
4. Aaramid- High Strength
5. E-Glass

1. Surface grinding to get even surface
2. Apply putty on concave areas.
3. Apply primer to surface.
4. Apply first layer of Saturant by brush or roller.
5. Take FRP sheet, orient it and place on saturant and press it.
6. Apply second sheet and repeat same procedure.

Column joint wrapping

Applying E-Glass Fiber

Application of side wrap on beam Wrapping of damaged columns in
column joint commercial building
2. Health building at Nashik :-

It was constructed in 1984.

In 2009 it is decided to extend the building.

Faults occur,
1. High water table in that region
2. Eccentricity of all columns.
3. Loose pockets found in concrete.
4. Sufficient concrete cover is absent for reinforcement.
5. Improper construction techniques.

The steps that were suggested and are adopted are as below :

1. The entire flooring at the basement to be removed & to be provided again

with a raft below it. To overcome the uplift pressure that could be generated
due to the higher ground water table it was suggested to provide a raft below
the basement floor.

2. All the columns should be jacketed. In the existing structure it was found
that the columns were not centered properly in their position, due to which
they were subjected to unwanted eccentric loads. Also the concrete in
columns, beams, slabs was not compacted properly which created loose
pockets & honey combs in the components. Suitable cover for the
reinforcement was not maintained.

Photographs shows the step by step stages of retrofitting work for the considered
Health Building at Nashik

Photo1. Column jacketing at basement stage

Photo2. beam column junction strengthening in basement
Photo3. finished Column after jacketing work

1 2 3

Photo1-Rusting condition of existing slabs reinforcement

Photo 2- Replaced slab reinforcement for existing rusted steel reinforcement.

Photo 3- Application of chemical admixtures at the joint of new and old concrete

Photographs shows the step by step stages of retrofitting work for the
considered Health Building at Nashik

Photo 4- Compaction of concrete by needle vibrator and placement of cover blocks

Photo 5- Finished slab - ready to cure

After going through a semester long review of technical

paper and case studies pertaining to real life structures
we are now capable enough to carry out some small scale
retrofitting works where we can put on all the knowledge
we have gained through this review.

1. Retrofitting of Existing RCC Buildings by Method of Jacketing by BHAVAR

2. Assessment of damage to framed structure in Gujarat earthquake and
retrofitting with FRP, BV Bhedasgaonkar.

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