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Struktur dan Sifat Asam

By Leita R. Silaban
Apa Sih Asam
Nukleat itu ?
Definisi Asam Nukleat

Asam Nukleat (bahasa inggris : Nucleic acid )

dinamai demikian karena keberadaan
umumnya didalam inti (nucleus) sel.
Dinamakan asam nuklead kata asamnya
karena gugus fosfat pada struktur asam
nuklead menyumbangkan sifa asam yang pada
keadaan netral akan mudah melepaskan proton
( H+) nya sehingga sering disebut anion asam
kuat (pada keadaan tertentu fosfat akan
bermuatan 4-).
Sedang kata nuklead karena kebanyakan asam
nuklead berada pada inti sel.
Tipe Asam Nuklead
Promote Lifelong Learning

You can develop lifelong learning traits:

By showing curiosity about human nature and
how the world works.
By seeking and valuing diversity.
By persisting in seeking out new solutions.
By using your unique talents and intelligence to
promote positive change.
By learning and applying technology tools to
solve problems.

Food and beverages are not allowed in the

Please be in your seat when the bell rings, as
class begins at that time.
Major assignments and projects can be
resubmitted. They will be scored at a 10%
Ask team members or a classmate first for
Each absence has a one-day grace period.

Grades are based on the accumulation of

Our Grading Scale
Points are based on: 90-100% =A
Class participation 80-89% =B
70-79% =C
(effort) 60-69% =D
Completion of assignments Below 60% =F

(daily work) Grades are calculated

on cumulative
Major projects, exams, and percentage and are
rounded up whenever
self-reflection possible.

Grades are posted online and updated every

My Pledge to Students

I will trust you until you give me reason to do

I will respect you and work with you to solve
I will promptly correct and offer feedback on
your work.
I will work with you to meet learning goals.
I will offer extra help and alternative
assessments should you require them.

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