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P&ID: Tutorial 1
Matric No.
Write approprite names in the respective blank lines of the following P&ID
based on ISA-5.1(1984).






12 11

Abdul Aziz Ishak, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia (2009)

P&ID: Tutorial 1
Matric No.
Draw appropriate P&ID in the respective boxes based on ISA-5.1(1984).

Pressure control for vapor product line.

Flow control for steam supply line.

Level control for liquid

level in vessel.


Ref: 5-2.2
P&ID: Tutorial 1
Matric No.
Draw appropriate P&ID of a kettle reboiler in the respective
boxes based on ISA-5.1(1984).

Pressure safety
Pressure and temperature gauges valve for vessel.
for reboiler vapor line. Pressure control for steam line.

In this reboiler type, steam flows through the

tube bundle and exits as condensate. The
liquid from the bottom of the tower, commonly
called the bottoms, flows through the shell
Liquid level switch to side. There is a retaining wall or overflow weir
manipulate a solenoid valve separating the tube bundle from the reboiler
for bottom products . section where the residual reboiled liquid
(called the bottoms product) is withdrawn, so
that the tube bundle is kept covered with
P&ID: Tutorial 1
Matric No.
Draw appropriate P&ID of a kettle reboiler in the respective
boxes based on ISA-5.1(1984).

Install a differential pressure transmitter (dPT) between point A and B. Transmit this signal to a DCS. Inside the DCS, show
this reading (dPIR). Install a DCS differential pressure alarm high (dPAH). When alarm high is triggered, shut dirty air inlet
using a solenoid valve (PS to solenoid valve).

Install a secondary overpressure device (PRV) at point C.

In reverse pulse baghouses, individual bags are

supported by a metal cage, which is fastened onto a
cell plate at the top of the baghouse. Dirty gas
enters from the bottom of the baghouse and flows
from outside to inside the bags. The metal cage
B prevents collapse of the bag.

Bags are cleaned by a short burst of compressed air

injected through a common manifold over a row of
bags. The compressed air is accelerated by a
venturi nozzle mounted at the Reverse-Jet
Baghouse top of the bag. Since the duration of the
compressed-air burst is short (0.1s), it acts as a
rapidly moving air bubble, traveling through the
entire length of the bag and causing the bag
surfaces to flex. This flexing of the bags breaks the
dust cake, and the dislodged dust falls into a storage
hopper below.
P&ID: Tutorial 1
Propose a suitable control system for the The fuel assemblies which form the reactor core, are loaded into a specially fabricated cylindrical steel
following system. pressure vessel (the reactor pressure vessel). The reactor pressure vessel is about 12 metres high and
has a 20 cm thick steel wall with an inner diameter of about 4 metres. It weighs about 314 tonnes. The
primary coolant system of a 900 MW class reactor consists of the reactor pressure vessel and the
primary circuit with 3 identical loop (Top figure). Each loop has a primary coolant pump, a steam
generator and the interconnected piping. A pressuriser is installed in one of the 3 loops. Each primary
coolant pump will circulate the cooling water (ordinary water) around the loop through the reactor core
Open-ended question at a high pressure of about 155 bar (1 bar = 100 kPa). In addition to its moderator function, the cooling
water would also transfer the heat from the reactor core to the steam generator. The water temperature
at the reactor pressure vessel outlet is about 330 degree C whereas the water temperature at the inlet
of the vessel is about 290 degree C. The cooling water is in a sub-cooled condition at such high
temperature and pressure to prevent it from boiling. The steam generator of about 20 metres in height
is fitted with U tubes in the inside which serve as the heat exchanger to transfer the heat from the water
in primary circuit to that in the secondary circuit. The heat will convert the feed water in the secondary
circuit to steam for driving the turbine-generator (Right figure).

Primary Coolant Circuit

The pressuriser is mainly used to maintain the pressure in the primary coolant circuit and prevent
overpressure. It is a cylindrical pressure vessel of about 2 m in diameter and about 13 m long, tapping
off from one of the hot legs in the primary loops. The steam and water volumes occupy the top half and
bottom half of the pressuriser respectively during normal operation. There are water spray nozzles at
the top and a group of heaters at the bottom of the pressuriser. The water level inside the pressuriser
and thus the pressure in the primary coolant circuit can be controlled by operation of the heaters and
water spray. A sophisticated pressuriser level control system is used to regulate the water level inside
the pressuriser so as to ensure a proper pressure control during reactor power change and transient
plant operation. The heaters will be turned on to increase steam production if the pressure drops. If the
pressure increases, the water spray will be turned on to condense the steam to reduce the pressure. In
addition, the control system will provide a protection signal to shutdown the reactor automatically if the
pressure inside the pressuriser is too high or too low.

At the first start up of a new reactor, primary source rods consisted of californium-252 are inserted into
the reactor to produce sufficient neutrons to initiate the first fission. Secondary source rods consisted of
antimony and beryllium are also inserted at the same time to provide a regenerative neutron source
such that it will initiate nuclear fission in subsequent start up of the reactor throughout its service life. To
ensure nuclear safety and allow control of the fission rate inside the reactor, some fuel assemblies are
fitted with control rods. Each control rod assembly consists of a number of absorber rods attached to a
spider assembly and coupled to the control rod drive mechanism. The absorber rods are made up of
neutron absorbers such as silver, indium and cadmium. Hence, by adjusting the position of the control
rods, the number of neutrons and thus the fission rate in the reactor can be controlled. The control rod
assemblies are fitted with driving mechanism to move the control rods up and down in the reactor core
for controlling the start up of the reactor, adjusting its power output, and enable the normal shutdown of
the reactor and scram. In addition, the fission rate in the PWR can also be controlled by adjusting the
boron (a neutron absorber) concentration in the primary coolant circuit. After start up of the reactor and
attaining its desired power output, it would be maintained at criticality for stable operation at power. The
reactor can be shutdown during emergency by cutting off the power supply to the control rod driving
mechanism which then causes the control rods to drop down to the reactor core by gravity quickly and
thereby stopping the nuclear fission immediately.

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