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Using E-mail on the Job

Merry Chris M. Cabonce

Student, Masters in Public Administration
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
1. Typing an e-mail in all caps:
a. Is the online equivalent of yelling or
b. Makes you look unprofessional
c. Puts a strain on the readers eyes.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
2. An e-mail should only be CCd when:
a. The other person needs to have the
b. The topic is interesting.
c. Its important.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
3. The BCC field is most useful for:
a. Avoiding having to send a second, separate
b. Including someone involved in a situation
while protecting his or her privacy.
c. Sending copies to anyone I want without
getting caught.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
4. E-mails should be answered:
a. As soon as possible.
b. When I get around to it.
c. Within two days.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
5. E-mail paragraphs should be:
a. As long as they need to be.
b. As short as possible.
c. Irrelevant.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
6. If I have several points I want to make in a
single e-mail, I should:
a. Make all the points in one paragraph.
b. Save all the points until the end of the e-mail
and group them together.
c. Use a list format with bullets or numbers.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
7. A good subject line:
a. Contains a greeting.
b. Up to 75 characters in length.
c. Is specific to the topic and no longer than a
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
8. If you need to send a large attachment:
a. Attach it to your e-mail and send.
b. Contact the other party first to let him or her
know its coming.
c. Compress it or break it up into several
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
9. Which information should never be e-
a. Credit card numbers.
b. Social Security numbers.
c. Phone numbers.
Assess Your E-mail Savvy
10. A highly emotional situation should be
dealt with by:
a. A face-to-face conversation
b. Telephone
c. A detailed and unemotional e-mail.
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
1. Craft a Compelling Subject Line
a. Make it compelling, not cute
b. Keep them short and to the point
c. Make it immediate
(If your out in the office for a period of time, use
Auto Reply option.)
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
2. Start with Salutation
If the person signs off with his or her full name -
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name.
If a woman does not denote her marital status
go with Ms.
If the person signs off with his or her first name -
Dear First Name.
If the person signs off with a title - e.g. Dear Dr.
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
3. Sign Off With Substance
- Electronic Signature Line (Video Clip)

4. Consider Attachment Options

a. Size
b. Compress the file
c. Send several smaller emails
d. Use a server e.g. Google Drive (Video Clip)
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
5. Go Easy on the CC
A CC works best on a need-to-know basis.
Understand the Difference between To and
Alphabetize the list of CC recipients
Dont CC anyone who may not be sure why
they are being included
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
6. BCC With Caution
When you want to keep the CC list
When you want to protect privacy
When you need other people to know about
the situation
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
7. Manage Your Files and Setup Your Filing
a. Drafts
b. Sent
c. Spam
d. Trash

File your mail by: Client name, by product, by

Zero Out Your Inbox by creating folders: Do,
Delete, Delegate, Defer
Basic Business E-mail Etiquette
Use the E.M.A.I.L. Acronym

E Effective Writing
M Message Tone
A Appropriateness
I Impact on Others
L Legal
Subject: Your procedure sucks!!
From: Jack B. Nimble
Date: Friday, Aug 11
To: Bill Melater
Cc: Doug Heelsin, Cal Oricounter, Carrie Mehome, Jack Thecarup, Foster
Goodtimes, Bettina Urshirtonit

I am so tired of having to deal with your outdated and stupid prosedures >:(
Everytime ZI deal with your department it turns into a LOL situation. What do I
have to do to get my adress chaned? I moved 6 months ago a you still havent
been able to update my records. I WORK IN THE SAME COMPANY AS YOU
BUT YOU SEEM TO BE THE ENEMY!!!!!! My paycheck is still being forwarded
from my old address this keeps me getting it late. Did you receive the form to
have it deposited directly into my bank account? I dont think so. I sent you a
fax with my bank account number but youve probably lost that X( Here it is
again: #5866634792 If you did nothing has changed!! !!!!! I want to pick up my
paycheck personally from your office-is this possible. Until this whole fiasco is
cleared up. When is it cut and ready to be picked up? GET BACK TO ME
Avoid the Top Ten E-mail Mistakes
1. Wrong spelling, ghastly grammar and poor
2. No salutation or sign off
3. Divulges security-sensitive information
4. No clear request
5. Using all capital letters
6. Unclear subject line
7. Ambiguous acronyms and Jargons
8. Obscure emoticons
9. Lack of important information
10. Unprofessional Tone
There are four ways, and only four ways, in
which we have contact with the world. We
are evaluated and classified by these four
contacts: what we do, how we look, what
we say, and how we say it.

- Dale Carnegie (1888-1955)

American Educator
Leland, Karen and Bailey, Keith. E-mail in an
Instant. 2009.

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