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The National Water Resources

Power and functions:

1. Coordinates and integrates water resources devt

2. Grants & adjudicates water rights
3. Formulate framework plans for water supply
4. Promulgate rules & regulations
5. Imposes fees and charges to water appropriators.
6. Grants permits
7. Imposes penalties for admin. Violations
8. Deputize any official or agency of the govt to perform any of its
functions or activities.
9. Issue writs of execution & enforce decisions with the assistance of
local or national police.
Authority to enter upon private

Notice to owners necessary to be able to:

1. Conduct surveys
2. Hydrologic investigations
3. Other necessary acts including the right to eminent domain
Original Jurisdiction

1. Appropriation
2. Utilization
3. Exploitation
4. Development
5. Control
6. Conservation & protection of waters
Decision immediately executory

1. Suspended only when bond is filed by appealing party.

2. Except when a competent court issued the suspension.

All disputes shall be decided in 60 days.

Decision appealable to the Court of appeals under BP 129, sec. 9(3)

Grounds for appeal: Grave abuse of discretion, question of law,

question of law & fact.
Ruleon exhaustion of
administrative remedies

Penalties:Suspension or
revocation of license, fine
and imprisonment

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