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Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

What is your idea? What are the strategic objectives behind the same?

Primary/Secondary research done that supports the objective

Factors that motivated you to form a team to execute the idea

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

Which industry or sector is your target group and why?

Comment on the market size/penetration and the Regional &

Global trends of the industry
Drivers of your industry

Constraints of your industry

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

What are the characteristics of the product/service? Need Gap analysis- What is the need/ demand of your product/service? Or
how will your idea fulfill the demand supply gap of the existing

Comment on the various phases of the product life cycle that your product/service will go through keeping in mind the marketing strategy
and marketing mix that you would use.

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

How do you see yourself different from your competitors? Perform a competitor benchmarking in terms of the market trends and
competitors response potential.

My idea

five force

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

Elaborate on the market strategy to be adopted by you. What will act as a selling point of your product/service?

Perform a forecast of the geographical reach and expansion of your product/service.

What are the short and long terms plans to sustain the business.

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

What will be
your initial

Comment on
the Revenue

Comment on
the cost

What will be
the expected

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

What is the expected disruptive innovation in your idea?

Explain the scope of technology and upcoming technological trends( Artificial intelligence, virtual reality etc) in your idea if it supports the
idea of job creation/disruption.

What does innovation mean to you in your dictionary?

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

Perform a stakeholder analysis for your product/service. Consider all direct and indirect drivers and forces that make your proposed
ecosystem framework. Be specific about the government intervention/support for the same.

Does your ecosystem framework support creation of jobs? If yes, then what are the expected number of jobs getting created/affected? What
would be the nature/complexity of the jobs? In which sectors do you forecast creations of jobs?

Executive Industry Product Competitor Market Financial Innovative Ecosystem SWOT
Summary Analysis analysis analysis Strategy Analysis edge Analysis Aanalysis

How will you define a Risk Management

framework for your business model in order to
combat the threats and leverage the
Strength Weakness

Opportunity Threat


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