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The Classes of food
 Carbohydrate
Function – to supplies energy
Source – rice , bread
 Protein
Function – to body building
Source – chicken, milk
 Fat
Function – to provides energy
Source – oil cooking,margerin
 Fibre
Function – to prevents constipation
Source – vegetables , fruits
 Water
Function – to transports organic
compounds and mineral
salts. Transports food and
waste substances
Source – Fruit juices
 Vitamin
Function – Prevents diseases
Source – eggs,vegetables,fruits

 Mineral salts
Function – to preserves the body
Source – meat, salts,milk
 Vitamin A
Function – for keeping skin,bones,teeth

and hair strong

- for normal vision
Source - Eggs,milk,dairy

such as carrots and
 Vitamin B
– For the breakdown of carbohydrates

protein and fats to release energy

- For proper functioning of the heart and
the nervous system
- for normal growth
- for the formation of red blood cells
- Eggs,milk,dairy products,yeast,liver
vegetables,fruits, whole- grain bread
and cereals,meat,fish, legumes,nuts,
 Vitamin C
- For healthy teeth and gums
- Helps in iron absorption by bones
- For the formation of connective
- For healing wounds and fighting
- Citrus fruits ,potatoes,guavas,green
vegetables,mangoes, tomatoes.
 Vitamin D
- To form strong bones and teeth
- Promotes absorption of calcium
and phosphorus in the intestines
- Eggs,milk,dairy productc,liver,fish,
Vitamin D is also produced by our
skin cells in the presence of sunlight.
 Vitamin E
- For maintaning healthy red blood
- To resist diseases
- Egg yolk,vegetables
oils,margarine,green and leafy
vegetables,wheat germ,whole-grain
bread and cereals,seeds,nuts.
 Vitamin K
- Helps in blood clothing
- Milk,liver,green and leafy vegetables.
Vitamin K is also produced by bacteria

in our intestines.
 Calcium
- To form strong bones and teeth
- Helps in blood clotting
- For nerve and muscle functions
- Milk,cheese,butter,green
vegetables, tofu,legumes,eggs
 Iodine
- To produce hormones ( chemical
message )
- Seafood,green vegetables,iodised
 Iron
- Formation of haemoglobin ( the red
pigment in red blood cells )
- For transporting oxygen by red blood
- Liver,meat,seafood,eggs,leafy
vegetables,apricots,dried fruits ,
 Phosphorus
- for making healthy bones and teeth
- for helping in the release of energy
- Milk, cheese,butter,fish,eggs,poultry,
meat .
 Potassium
- for maintaining water balance
- for nerve and muscle functions
- Gains,fruits,vegetables,meat,
 Sodium
- for maintaining water balance
- for nerve and muscle functions
- Table salt,processed food,fish,

Balance Diet
 A balance diet contains all classes of
food in correct proportions are as
70 % carbohydrate
15 % protein
15 % fat and sufficient quantity
of vitamin and mineral.
Why a balance diet is
 A balance diet is very important
because it provides sufficient
energy,prevents diseases and
maintains good health.
 Children and elderly people require
more protein to build new tissues.
 Pregnant mothers require more
calcium,phosphorus and iron
Excessive intake
 Sugar can cause diabetes
 Fat can cause heart disease and high
blood pressure.
 Salt can cause heart disease and high
blood pressure.
 Lack of protein in children can cause
The quantity of energy needed by an
individual depends on
 Age
A teeneger who is actively growing
needs more energy.
 Gender
Men need more energy because they are more active in
their live.
Body size
The bigger the body is the more energy it requires
 Activity
A construction worker or a labour requires more energy
compared to an office worker
 Weather
In cold places more energy is needed to maintain the
body temperature
Discuss about
 The issue of junk food – state disadvantages
Food management ;
- Objective
maintaining the nutrients of the food
and preventing food poisoning
- Methods of preparing food
- The correct methods of cooking food
- Methods of storing food
Test for starch
 Iodine solution is used to test for
 The iodine solution will turn dark
blue if starch is present
 Mashed banana contains starch
 When 2-3 drops of iodine solution is
added into the mashed banana , it
turns dark blue to indicate the
presence of starch
Test for glucose
 Benedict solution is used to test for glucose
 A dark red precipitate will form when the
mixture of glucose and the benedict solution
is heated in a water bath
 Honey contains glucose
 2 Cm3 of the benedict solution is added into
the honey
 Then the mixture is heated in a water bath
for 5 minute
 A dark red precipitate is formed to indicate
the presence of glucose
Test for protein
 Millons reagent is used to test for protein
 A dark red precipitate will form when the
mixture of protein and the reagent is
 Egg white contains protein
 2 to 3 drops of the Millons reagent is
added into the egg white
 When the solution is heated,a dark red
precipitate will form to indicate the
presence of protein
Test for fats
 Filter paper is used to test for fats
 Cooking oil contains fats
 Some oil is smeared onto the filter
 The paper is then dried under the flames
of the Bunsen burner
 A translucent spot is formed on the filter
paper to indicate the presence of fats
Human Digestive System
 Definition of food digestion
A process of breaking down food into
small , soluble molecules that can be
absorbed by the body(small intestine)

 The human digestive system consists of

The alimentary canal which starts from
mouth and followed by esophagus,
stomach, small intestine,large intestine
and anus
The organs which are
 The organs which are associated with food
digestion are the liver, gall bladder and
 Salivary glands in the mouth.
 The process of peristalsis is carried out by
the muscle of the walls of the
intestine and large intestine.
 The muscle of the wall contract and dilate
alternately. This will push the food along
the alimentary canal.
Digestion in the mouth
 Physical digestion.
Food is broken down into small
pieces by the teeth.

Chemical digestion
 The saliva which is alkaline and

contains an enzyme called amylase

changes starch to maltose.
Digestion in the stomach

 Hydrochloric acids kills bacteria and

neutralizes the saliva to unable the
enzymes pepsin and rennin to react.
 Rennin coagulates milk protein
 Pepsin digests the protein to peptone
Digestion in the duodenum

 Bile salt from the liver neutralizes

the acidic mixture from the stomach
and mix the fat

 Pancreatic juice contains enzymes,

which digest fat,carbohydrate and
Digestion in the small intestine
 Four alkaline enzymes are prodused to digest all
complex sugars into glucose
 Sukrase
Sucrose to glucose
 Maltase
Maltose to glucose
 Laktase
Lactose to glucose and galactose
 Lipase
Fat to fat acidic and glycerol
 The erepsin enzyme digest peptone into amino acid
The flow of food particles in
the alimentary canal
Mouth Oesophagus Stomach


Anus Large Intestine Small Intestine

Characteristics of enzymes
 Types of proteins that act as
catalysts to speed up the digestion
 Digest only one type of certain food
 Unchanged or destroyed by reaction
with food
 Functions at a certain acidic or
alkaline condition and at the body
temperature of 37 0 C
Absorption of digestive product
 Digested food will be absorbed into the blood
stream and lymphatic gland
 On the wall of the small intestine,absorption
takes place through the thin and semipermeable
 The villi on the wall of the small intestine increase
the surface area of the small intestine
 Blood capillaries and the villi lacteal transport the
digested food out quickly and efficiently
 Only digested food,mineral salts,and vitamin in
the form of small molecules are able to penetrate
the wall of the villi
Digested food is divided
into two group
 Group A
Simple sugar,acid amino,mineral
salts,vitamin B and C that
dissolve in water
. Group B
Fatty acids,glycerol,vitamin
A,D,E,K that dissolves in fat.
The flow of digested food
Digested food

Group A Group B

Blood Capillary Lacteal

Liver Lymphatic System

Circulatory System

Body Cell
Respiration Assimilation
 Digested food will be transported to
the liver and the lymphatic system to
be distributed to all the body cells
through the circulatory system for
Cell respiration.
Glucose will be oxidised by
oxygen to produce heat energy
Building new protoplasm ( amino
acid is used to replace the dead
cells )
Process of defecation
 Undigested substances such as fibres
move into the large intestine
 Excess water is absorbed through the
large intestine wall and the remaining
undigested solid that remain are call
 Faeces will be removed through the
anus in a procces called defecation
Problem of Defecation
 The difficulty of removing the faeces is
known as constipation
 It is caused by the lack of water and fibre
in our food
 Water is important because it makes the
faeces softer,not too dry or stick to the
internal wall of the large intestine
 Eat more fruits which contain a lot of
fibres and vegetables to get more cellulose
which can assist the faeces to move along
the large intestine

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