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Training &

TrainingEvaluation is necessary
to determine if the time, money,
and effort devoted to training
actually made a difference.
It is like in assessing the
effectiveness of the training program.

Introduction (continued)
Training effectiveness refers to the benefits that
the company and the trainees receive from
Training outcomes or criteria refer to
measures that the trainer and the company use
to evaluate training programs.
Training evaluation refers to the process of
collecting the outcomes needed to determine if
training is effective.
Evaluation design refers to from whom, what,
when, and how information needed for
determining the effectiveness of the training
program will be collected. 6-3
Why Should A Training Program Be Evaluated?

To identify the programs strengths

and weaknesses.
To assess whether content,
organization, and administration of the
program contribute to learning and the
use of training content on the job.
To identify which trainees benefited
most or least from the program. 6-4
Why Should A Training Program Be Evaluated?

To gather data to assist in marketing

training programs.
To determine the financial benefits and
costs of the programs.
To compare the costs and benefits of
training versus non-training investments.
To compare the costs and benefits of
different training programs to choose the
best program. 6-5
Reasons for Evaluating Training
Companies are investing millions of dollars in
training programs to help gain a competitive
Training investment is increasing because
learning creates knowledge which
differentiates between those companies and
employees who are successful and those who
are not. 6-6
Reasons for Evaluating Training (continued)

Because companies have made

larger investments in training and
education and view training as a
strategy to be successful, they
expect the outcomes or benefits
related to training to be measurable. 6-7
evaluation description and Examples of evaluation tools and
level type (what is Relevance and practicability
characteristics methods
eg., 'happy sheets', feedback
quick and very easy to
reaction evaluation is how forms
obtain after training ends
the delegates felt about the
1 reaction
training or learning also verbal reaction, post-
not expensive to gather
experience training surveys or
or to analyze for groups
questionnaires - analyzed
relatively simple to set up;
typically assessments or tests
learning evaluation is the clear-cut for quantifiable
before and after the training
measurement of the skills
2 learning
increase in knowledge -
interview or observation can also
before and after less easy for more complex
be used

observation and interview measurement of

behaviour evaluation is the
over time are required to behaviour change
extent of applied learning
3 behaviour assess change, relevance of typically requires
back on the job -
change, and sustainability of cooperation and skill of
change line-managers

measures are already in place individually not difficult;

results evaluation is the via normal management unlike entire organization
4 results effect on the business or systems and reporting - the
environment by the trainee challenge is to relate to the process must attribute clear accountabilities 8
How do you know if your outcomes are good?

Good training outcomes need to be:

Practical 6-9
Good Outcomes: Relevance

Criteria relevance the extent to which

training programs are related to learned
capabilities emphasized in the training
Criterion contamination extent that
training outcomes measure inappropriate
capabilities or are affected by extraneous
Criterion deficiency failure to measure
training outcomes that were emphasized in
the training objectives. 6 - 10
Good Outcomes (continued)
Reliability degree to which outcomes
can be measured consistently over time.
Discrimination degree to which
trainees performances on the outcome
actually reflect true differences in
Practicality refers to the ease with
which the outcomes measures can be
collected. 6 - 11
Importance of Training Cost Information
To understand total expenditures for training,
including direct and indirect costs.
To compare costs of alternative training
To evaluate the proportion of money spent on
training development, administration, and
evaluation as well as to compare monies spent
on training for different groups of employees.
To control costs. 6 - 12
To calculate return on investment (ROI)

1. Identify outcome(s) (e.g., quality, accidents)

2. Place a value on the outcome(s)
3. Determine the change in performance after
eliminating other potential influences on training
4. Obtain an annual amount of benefits (operational
results) from training by comparing results after
training to results before training 6 - 13
To calculate return on investment (ROI) (continued)

5. Determine training costs (direct costs +

indirect costs + development costs +
overhead costs + compensation for
6. Calculate the total savings by subtracting the
training costs from benefits (operational
7. Calculate the ROI by dividing benefits
(operational results) by costs.
The ROI gives you an estimate of the Rupee
return expected from each Rupee
invested in training. 6 - 14
CIROs Four Levels of Evaluation
of Training Impact
CIRO, is also based on four measurement
categories but differs from the Kirkpatrick
model in several respects. It envisages four
categories of data capture:

Context evaluation
Input evaluation
Reaction evaluation
Outcome evaluation. 15
Context Evaluation
Context evaluation seeks to measure
the context.
It scrutinizes the way performance
needs were identified, learning
objectives were established.
linkage of objectives with necessary
Component of program and relation
with culture and structure of
organization 16
Input Evaluation
It focuses on the resources needed to
meet performance needs (e.g. staff,
facilities, equipment, catering, budget)
Inputs should be cost effective 17
Reaction Evaluation
Involves obtaining and using
information about Trainees expressed,
current or subsequent reactions in order
to improve training.
Participants views may be extremely
useful if collected and used
systematically and objectively. 18
Out come Evaluation
The outcome evaluation should measure the
training and development outcomes against
the benchmark of the programs objectives.
the learning outcomes of trainees (i.e.
changes in their knowledge and skills)
the outcomes in the workplace (i.e. changes
in actual job performance),
outcomes for the relevant areas of the
organization (i.e. departments or specialist
units),and finally,
the outcomes for the organization as a whole. 19

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