Testing Dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi

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Testing dan Implementasi

Sistem Informasi
 Tercapainya tujuan implementasi sistem
informasi yang mendukung keberlanjutan
dalam pengelolaan bisnis untuk mencapai
visi dan target utama bisnis.
 Efisiensi dan efektifitas bisnis proses;
Information Systems

Leader Commitment




Quality of Services Correctness

Continuity of Services System Improvement

General Control
 Management  Logical Security
 Hardware  Operations
 Software  Continuity
 System Support  Physical Security
 Database  Systems
 Networking development
General Controls - Management
 Organization
 Planning
 Training
 Security
 Resource management
 Facilities
 Operations
General Controls
 Hardware Interaction
 Processors
 Mainframes
 Desktops

 Laptops

 Input devices
 Tape, CD, scanner, smart card reader, RFID, dll
 Output devices
General Controls
 Systems interactions
 Operating systems
 Applications
 Integrated systems
 Utilities
Software Functions
Application Processing

Data Processor Online

Management Communications Transaction

Access Control

Operating System Function

General Controls Program
 Program integrity
 Testing
 Access
 Maintenance
General Controls
System Support
 Primary objective
 Control environment
 Central vs. Decentralized
 Control requirements
General Controls
 Defined
 Logical view
 Physical view
 Products
 How they work
 Security
 Access Control
 Authentication
 Backup
 Contingency Plan
Information Network
General Controls - Networking
 Basics of networking
 Topologies: star, bus, hybrid,
 Protocols: TCPIP, PPP, …
 Components: router, switch, firewall
 Internal Connectivity: VPN,
 Performance: speed, bandwidth, CIR
General Controls
Network Configurations
 Centralized
 Decentralized
 Distributed
 Client-Server
General Controls
 Internet, intranet, extranet technologies
 Services
 External connectivity
 Objectives
 Protection steps
 Firewall configuration
 Website issues
 Distributed executables
 “Cookies”
 Digital signatures
General Controls
Physical Security
 Physical protections
 Practices
 Facilities
General Controls
Logical Security
 Policies
 Passwords
 Practices
General Controls
 Data center operations
 Scheduling
 Media management
 Production environment
General Controls
 System programming
 Critical functions
 Controlling functions
 Make the system programmer your friend
 Application programming
 Program maintenance
 Roles of the programmer
General Controls
Continuity Planning
 Proper planning
 Scenarios
 Sufficient resources and commitment
 Human side
 Media management
 Inventory Processes
 Onsite and offsite verification
General Controls
Continuity Planning
 Analysis terhadap ancaman (threats)
 Analysis terhadap processes
 Mencari/mempertimbangkan alternatives
 Penentuan dan pengembangan rencana
(plan) contigency
 Documentation pendukung rencana (plan)
 Pengujian rencana (Plan)
IT Contingency Planning
 To develop and maintain an effective IT contingency
plan, organizations should use the following
 Develop the contingency planning policy statement
 Conduct the business impact analysis (BIA)
 Identify preventive controls
 Develop recovery strategies
 Develop an IT contingency plan
 Plan testing, training, and exercises
 Plan maintenance.
Testing Contingency Plan
 Stage 1 - Senior Staff Review
 The senior staff selects an internally-publicized date and time to review all
contingency plans. Aside from ensuring overall business soundness, this
review also serves to recognize people who have thoughtfully completed
their assignment. Knowledge of a firm date for a senior staff review will
increase quality, accuracy and timeliness.
 Stage 2 - Interdepartmental Reviews
 Each department should review another department’s plans. The goal of
this stage is to find bottlenecks, identify conflicts and allocate resources. If
possible, departments that are "downstream" in the business process can
review the plans of "upstream" departments.
Testing Contingency Plan
 Stage 3 - Failures in Critical Systems
 This testing can be localized within departments. It involves simulating
system or vendor failures. You don't actually have to shut down critical
equipment or processes - you can role-play a "what if" scenario. You can
either run a "surprise" drill or plan a role-playing event for a specific time.

 Stage 4 - The Real Deal

 This testing involves short-term shutdowns in key areas. If possible, these
tests should be conducted in a real-time environment. The goal, of course,
is to fully test the contingency plan. Concentrate this last phase of testing
only on areas that have a high business priority and a high risk for failure.
Software Testing Techniques
 Strategy:
 A strategy for software testing integrates software test case
design techniques into a well – planned series of steps that
result in the successful construction of software
 Common Characteristics of Software Testing
 Testing begins at module level and works outward towards the
integration of the entire system.
 Different testing techniques are appropriate at different points in
 Testing is conducted by the developer of the software and for
large projects by an independent test group.
 Testing and debugging are different activities, but debugging
must be accommodated in any testing strategy
Validation and Verification
 Validation (Product Oriented)
 Validation is concerned with whether the right
functions of the program have been properly
implemented, and that this function will properly
produce the correct output given some input value.
 Verification (Process Oriented)
 Verification involves checking to see whether the
program conforms to specification. I.e the right
tools and methods have been employed. Thus it
focuses on process correctness.
Software Quality Assurance
Seven Principles Software
 To test a program is to try to make it fail
 Tests are no substitute for specifications.
 Regression testing: Any failed execution
must yield a test case, to remain a
permanent part of the project’s test suite.
 Applying oracles: Determining success or
failure of tests must be an automatic
Seven Principles Software
 Manual and automatic test cases: An effective
testing process must include both manually and
automatically produced test cases.
 Empirical assessment of testing strategies:
Evaluate any testing strategy, however attractive in
principle, through objective assessment using explicit
criteria in a reproducible testing process.
 Assessment criteria: A testing strategy’s most
important property is the number of faults it uncovers as
a function of time.
Testing from low-level to high
level (Testing in Stages)
 Except for small programs, systems should not be tested as a
single unit.
 Large systems are built out of sub-systems, which are built
out of modules that are composed of procedures and
functions. The testing process should therefore proceed in
stages where testing is carried out incrementally in conjunction
with system implementation.
 The most widely used testing process consists of five stages.
Unit Testing
Component testing
Module Testing
White Box Testing
Sub-System Testing Techniques
(Tests that are derived
from knowledge of the
(Process Oriented)
program’s structure
Integrated testing
System Testing and

Black Box Testing

The stages in the testing process
are as follows:
 Unit testing: (Code Oriented)
 Individual components are tested to ensure that
they operate correctly. Each component is tested
independently, without other system components.
 Module testing:
 A module is a collection of dependent
components such as an object class, an
abstract data type or some looser collection of
procedures and functions. A module
encapsulates related components so it can be
tested without other system modules.
Proses Testing

Unit Module Sub-system System Acceptance

Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

Component Testing Integration Testing Testing

The stages in the testing process
 Sub-system testing: (Integration Testing) (Design
 This phase involves testing collections of modules, which
have been integrated into sub-systems. Sub-systems may
be independently designed and implemented. The most
common problems, which arise in large software systems, are
sub-systems interface mismatches. The sub-system test
process should therefore concentrate on the detection of
interface errors by rigorously exercising these interfaces.
 System testing:
 The sub-systems are integrated to make up the entire system.
The testing process is concerned with finding errors that result
from unanticipated interactions between sub-systems and
system components. It is also concerned with validating that the
system meets its functional and non-functional requirements.
The stages in the testing process
 Acceptance testing:
 This is the final stage in the testing process before
the system is accepted for operational use. The
system is tested with data supplied by the system
client rather than simulated test data. Acceptance
testing may reveal errors and omissions in the
systems requirements definition( user –
oriented) because real data exercises the system in
different ways from the test data. Acceptance testing
may also reveal requirement problems where the
system facilities do not really meet the users needs
(functional) or the system performance (non-
functional) is unacceptable.
The stages in the testing process
 Acceptance testing is sometimes called alpha testing.
Bespoke systems are developed for a single client. The alpha
testing process continues until the system developer and
the client agrees that the delivered system is an acceptable
implementation of the system requirements.
 When a system is to be marketed as a software product, a
testing process called beta testing is often used.
 Beta testing involves delivering a system to a number of
potential customers who agree to use that system. They
report problems to the system developers. This exposes
the product to real use and detects errors that may not have
been anticipated by the system builders. After this
feedback, the system is modified and either released fur
further beta testing or for general sale.
Testing Strategies
 Top-down testing
 Where testing starts with the most abstract component and
works downwards.
 Bottom-up testing
 Where testing starts with the fundamental components
and works upwards.
 Thread testing
 Which is used for systems with multiple processes where
the processing of a transaction threads its way through these
 Stress testing
 Which relies on stressing the system by going beyond its
specified limits and hence testing how well the system
can cope with over-load situations.
Testing Strategies
 Back-to-back testing
 Which is used when versions of a system are available. The
systems are tested together and their outputs are
 Performance testing.
 This is used to test the run-time performance of software.
 Security testing.
 This attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into
system will protect it from improper penetration.
 Recovery testing.
 This forces software to fail in a variety ways and verifies that
recovery is properly performed.
Testing Strategies
 Large systems are usually tested using a mixture of these strategies
rather than any single approach. Different strategies may be needed
for different parts of the system and at different stages in the
testing process.
 Whatever testing strategy is adopted, it is always sensible to adopt
an incremental approach to sub-system and system testing.
Rather than integrate all components into a system and then start
testing, the system should be tested incrementally. Each
increment should be tested before the next increment is added to
the system. This process should continue until all modules have
been incorporated into the system.
 When a module is introduced at some stage in this process, tests,
which were previously unsuccessful, may now, detect defects.
These defects are probably due to interactions with the new
module. The source of the problem is localized to some extent,
thus simplifying defect location and repair.
Unit Testing Coding Focuses on each module and whether it
works properly. Makes heavy use of
white box testing
Integration Design Centered on making sure that each module
Testing works with another module.
Comprised of two kinds:
1. Top-down and
2. Bottom-up integration.
Or focuses on the design and construction of
the software architecture.
Makes heavy use of Black Box testing.
(Either answer is acceptable)

Validation Analysis Ensuring conformity with requirements

Systems Testing Systems Making sure that the software product works
Enginee with the external
ring environment,e.g.,computer system,other
software products.
 Driver and Stubs
  Driver: dummy main program
 Stub: dummy sub-program
 This is due to the fact that the modules
are not yet stand alone programs
therefore drive and or stubs have to be
developed to test each unit.
The responsibility for testing between the
Project & Software Qualitiy Assurance
 Unit Test is the responsibility of the
Development Team
 System Testing is the responsibility of SQA
 User Acceptance Testing is the Responsibility of
the User Representatives Team
 Technology Compliance Testing is the
responsibility of the Systems Installation &
Support Group.
Web Application Testing
 Does the User Interface promote Usability?
 Navigation
 Interactrion
 Abstract Interface Design and Implementation
 Does aesthetics of Web App. Appropriate
for the app domain and pleasing to the
Web Application Testing
 Is the content designed in a manner that
imparts the most information with the least
 Is navigation efficient and straightforward?
 Is Web App. Architecture provided for user:
structure content and function, flow of
navigation for efficient use ?
 Are components designed in manner to reduce
complexity and enhanced correctness, reliability
and performance?
 Security Test: SQL Inject
Technical Metrics for Web Apps
 Representative Tools:
 Netmechanic Tools: improve web-performance (
 NIST Web Matrics Testbed
 Web Static Analyzer Tool (WebSAT)
 Web Category Analysis Tool (Web CAT)
 Web Variable Instrument Program (WebVIP): capture
log user interaction
 Framework for Logging Usability Data (FLUD)
 VisVIP: visualization of user navigation paths
 TreeDec: adds navigation aids to the web site
Web Security
 Firewall
 Authentication
 Encryption
 Authorization
Performace Test
 Response Time
 Unacceptable rate
 Component responsible of degradation performance
 Impact of degradation to security
 What happens when load over the maximum
 Load Testing
 Stress Testing
Load Testing
 P=NxTxD
 N: concurrent user
 T: On Line Transaction
 D: Data load processed by the Server per

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