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Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010

Microsofts Visual Studio includes several
programming languages:
Visual Basic
Visual C# (C sharp)
Visual C++ (cee-plus-plus)
Visual F#
Visual Basic (VB) is the third-generation event-driven programming
language and integrated development environment (IDE) from
Microsoft. VB is also considered a relatively easy to learn and
use programming language, because of its graphical environment
features and BASIC heritage. A programmer can put together
an application using the components and controls provided with Visual
Basic itself. Programs written in Visual Basic can also use the
Windows API, but doing so requires external function declarations.
The final release was version 6 in 1998.Microsoft's extended support
ended in March 2008 and the successor was Visual Basic . NET (now
known simply as Visual Basic). Visual Studio 2010 is currently in
Release Candidate and can be downloaded by the general public at
no cost.
Visual Basic
VB is an object-oriented programming
Means you work with objects in building
an application.
Examples: Form objects, Button objects,
TextBox objects, Label objects, ListBox
objects, PictureBox objects, and more.
Visual Basic
VB is also termed an event-driven
programming language because you will
write program code that responds to events
that are controlled by the system
user. Example events include:
Clicking a button or menu.
Opening or Closing a form.
Moving the mouse over the top of an
object such as a text box.
Moving from one text box to another.
A thing like a noun in English. Examples includeforms and controls
you place on forms such as buttons, text boxes, and icons.
Objects have properties like adjectives in English. Properties describe
object behaviors. Examples of properties
include Text, Name, BackColor, Font, and Size.
Refer to a property by the notationObjectName.PropertyName (use
the .dot notation)
example: TotalDueTextBox.Text orAccountLabel.ForeColor.
Like a verb in English these are the actions that objects
exhibit. Examples include methods to Show and Hide forms and
methods to Print and Closeforms.
Refer to a method with the notationObjectName.MethodName
example Me.Closewill close the current form.
the Integrated Development Environment
Familiarize yourself with the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Across the top are menus with different options used in the designing of an application.
Toolbars with shortcut icons are shown below the menus.
Form Designer (also termed the Document Window).
o Displays open documents such as the Form1 shown in the figure below.
o Tabs along the top are used to allow you to switch rapidly between open documents.
o Every project starts with a default form named Form1 the form you modify to build your
business application.
o The form can be resized by using the sizing handles.
o The form can be renamed (youll do this later in an exercise).
Solution Explorer Window displays filenames for files that comprise a project. The
solution name is also shown here (Ch01VBUniversity).
Properties Window displays properties of the currently selected object in the figure
the properties displayed are those of the Form object.
ToolBox Window this is shown along the left edge of the figure in collapsed display.
The Toolbox
The Toolbox:
Contains controls that are used
to build forms.
Can be expanded or collapsed
with the Pin/Unpin icon.
Parts of the Toolbox can be
expanded/collapsed with
the white and black
pointer icons to the left of the
Used to add controls (tools) to
a form by either double-clicking or
dragging/dropping (your option on
which to use).

Displays filenames for files

that comprise a project.

Displays properties of the

currently selected object
in the figure the properties
displayed are those of the
Form object.
Displays information that will not allow the
user to change its content.

Prefix: lbl

lblFirst, lblFirst_Name, lblFName

2. Textbox
Allows user to input text/information to be
used by the program.

Prefix: txt

txtFirst, txtFirst_Name, txtFName

3. OptionButton
Known as radio button.

Prefix: opt

optWindows, optLinux, optMacOs,

4. Checkbox
I provide the user a chance to select as
many options desired

Prefix: chk

chkSport, chkReading, chkChess

5. CommandButton
Performs task when the user triggers an
action via click event.

Prefix: cmd

6. Frame
Group related control(s)
together in an interface.

Prefix: fra

fraPizza, fraToppings, fraDrinks

6. ComboBox
Combine text with a list

Prefix: cbo

cboWords, cboNames
7. ListBox
Displays text in a box

Prefix: lst

8. Timer
I perform task(s) at
programmers specified

Prefix: tmr

9. ProgressBar
I have the capability to
convey the progress of
a task in a percent
format, such as
download or file
transfer. Prefix: prg

9. PictureBox
A container of
picture(s) to be placed
on the form.

Prefix: pic


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