Online Gaming Attitude Among Computer Programming Students

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Online Gaming Attitude Among

Computer Programming
Students in the
Higher School ng UMak: Its
Significance to the Academic
Mans quest for knowledge shaped its world
and identity since the beginning. Philosophers
in the past never imagined how the curiosity
of their minds that asked the fundamental
questions of existence turned into a reality of
discovery and never-ending investigation. In
the end, this accumulated knowledge of
information were used and applied in
relevance to practical living.
Background of the Study
Nowadays, more and more people are starting
to use the internet. At the same time online
games have become extremely popular
among the young generation.

There are many benefits of the Internet as it

not only acts as an entertainment tool, but
also an important professional resource for
work, communication as well as education.
Theoretical Framework
This study is supported by the theories on
attitude formation. According to Cherry
(2016), in psychology, an attitude refers to a
set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward
a particular object, person, thing, or event.
Attitudes are often the result of experience or
upbringing, and they can have a powerful
influence over behavior.
Research Paradigm
Statement of the Problem
1.What is the profile of the senior high school computer programming students of the Higher School ng
UMAK according to the following:
Grade level;
On-line gaming frequency;
On-line gaming medium?
2. What on-line games do senior high school computer programming students of HSU ng Umak mostly

3. How do the on-line gaming attitudes affect the academic performance of student respondents in
terms of the following?
- Type of games played;
- Number of hours spent;
- Frequency of playing;
- Extent of gaming;

4. What are the benefits of on-line gaming among HSU Students;

-Problem Solving;
-Strategic Thinking skills;
-Learning Skills;
-Decision Making;
-Productivity Levels;
5. Is there a significant relationship between the on-line gaming attitudes of the respondents and their
academic performance?
To determine if there is a significant
relationship between on-line gaming attitudes
of the respondents and their academic
performance, the study will be testing the null
hypothesis at .05 level of significance:

HO: There is no significant relationship

between the on-line gaming attitudes of the
respondents and their academic performance.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Senior high school students who are taking
the elective subject Computer Programming in
the Higher School ng UMAK will be
purposively selected to become the
respondents of the study. They will answer a
survey that will be designed by the
Significance of the Study
UMAK Students
They will know the emotional and physical effects of playing
on-line games. They will be more conscious on the said
effects. They will know how they behave when playing on-line
games every time and they will realize that playing too much
on-line games is not worth their money.
Parents will be provided good information background about
how their children behave towards on-line gaming. They will
become more aware of the different nature of on-line games
that their children usually play on their mobile or electronic
Significance of the Study
Schools and Universities
The different schools will be also informed of the on-
line gaming attitudes of their students. Because of this,
they may provide programs that will guide and counsel
students with regards to proper attitudes and outlook
in both studying and playing on-line games.
Future Researchers
Future researchers may be provided eye-opening
insights about on-line gaming attitudes among people.
This study may become a proposal for them to perform
a wide and in-depth study and analysis on this topic.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literatures and

Review of Related Literatures and

Related Foreign Literatures

The Rise of Electronic Games

An electronic game is an interactive hardware or

software played for entertainment, challenge, or
educational purposes. Electronic games vary in
design but can include vibrant color, sound,
realistic movement, and visual effects; some even
employ human actors.
Review of Related Literatures and
Related Local Literatures
Addiction among Teenage Filipinos
According to Maslog in 1998, the youth of
today no longer seem to spend their leisure
activities like in the olden days; outdoor
games or playing with toys, instead, they
spend their free time in their homes, internet
cafs or computer shops simply to satisfy their
hunger; and that hunger is Online Gaming.
Review of Related Literatures and
The literatures and studies of both foreign and
local shows an in-depth nature of how
technology in the form of online games
becomes part of living specially among gamers
particularly teens in general. It discussed how
the games changed and had become modern
with the development of internet at the same
Chapter 3
Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the research methods and

design utilized by the researchers of the study as well
as the population and sampling procedure. It includes
the research locale, research instruments and tools,
data gathering procedures and statistical treatment
appropriate for the analysis of data.
Research Design
The study will be conducted using a
descriptive-correlational method. Descriptive
method is based on observed events from
which theories may later be developed in
explaining the observations. It is correlational
since it will look for the significant relationship
between the on-line gaming attitudes of the
respondents and their academic performance.
Population and Sampling Procedure

The respondents will be chosen using

purposive sampling which is a non-random
sampling procedure. The purposive sampling
will be particularly used as the type of non-
probability sampling for the reason of the
need to reach a targeted sample quickly and
where the sampling for proportionality is not
the primary concern.
Research Locale

The locale of the study will be the

Senior High School of the University
of Makati or Higher School ng UMAK.
Respondents who are senior high
school students taking up computer
programming elective course will be
the main respondents of the study.
Research Instrument
Survey Questionnaire. This is the main data-gathering
instrument that the researchers will utilize to
determine the on-line gaming attitudes of the selected
Report Card. The report card of the participating
respondents of the study will be utilized to gather their
GWA or general weighted average. This will be used to
correlate their academic performance to their online
gaming attitudes to find out if there is significant
relationship between the online gaming attitudes of
the respondents and their academic performance.
Data Gathering Procedure

The procedure for data gathering will

involve a courtesy call to office of the
Dean of the Higher School ng UMAK
to submit a letter for the conduct of
the study and distribution of survey
questionnaires to the participating
respondents of the study.
Data Analysis
Frequency (f) was used in tabulating the scores from
the profile variables of the respondents.
Percentage (%) was used to express how large or
small one quantity is, relative to another quantity. It
was specifically used in computing the percent
distribution of the profile variables.

Computation of the Frequency and Percentage


Data Analysis
Weighted Mean (WX) was used in average
respondents of the assessed aspects of working
condition based on the data that were gathered
using the five-point scale.
Computation of Weighted Mean

Where: WM = Weighted Mean

TWF = The total of the products of weights
multiplied by their respective frequencies.
N = the number of respondents
Table 1
Score Interval for the Online Gaming Attitudes
Data Analysis
Standard Deviation was used in order to see how
spread or varied the responses of the
respondents to the mean.

Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient

(r) was used to find if there is a relationship
between the online gaming attitudes of the
respondents and their academic performance.

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