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Janet Godoy
This is the 1st photo in the US taken from an
airplane. This picture takes place in San
Diego. It was taken by Charles Lindbergh.
The Titanic tragically sank in April 15, 1912.
The Titanic hit an iceberg and sunk 2 hours
later. 1503 people died in this event. These
photos show how the Titanic sank (which
broke in half) and how it looks now
1913 Dublin Lock-out lasted from August 26,
1913 to January 18, 1914 to fight for their
rights of their jobs. Approximately 20,000
workers and about 300 employees went on
strike. This photo shows people (or maybe a
family) holding signs of the lock-out.
WW1 Begins. Started because of the
assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand. Approximately, 41 million
people died in World War 1. The photo
shows a fallen troop during WW1.
A 6.7 magnitude earthquake hits
Avezzano, Italy. About 29,800 died. The
earthquake hit at 7:52 local time. This
picture shows a house that was hit by
the earthquake.
The flood in Otay Valley, California
happened by the Otay dam not being
able to get all the water and flooded a
whole village. 11 Japanese farmers
died. This photograph shows the flood.
Petition to U.S. Senate
Women Voters Anti-Suffrage Party of
New York World War I, ca. 1917. Here,
the women put in a petition to let
women vote. This picture shows women
protesting for the right to vote.
On this year, the first ever
recorded case of the Spanish flu
was born. The Spanish flu was an
epidemic that killed 50-100
million people. This picture shows
doctors/nurses trying to find a
cue to the Spanish Flu.
On January 5th, the National Socialist
Party forms (Nazi). This party was
mostly for farmers. This picture shows
the Nazis holding up the flag/symbol
they used.
On December 16th, 1920, a 8.5
magnitude hit China. An estimated
200,000 people died. This picture
shows the aftermath of the earthquake.
The End

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