Intro and Middle East Religions 2017

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1. Who was the Founder of Judaism? Where was he from?

Abraham, UR

2. When was it established? Around 1812 BC (3,800 years

3. What are the 2 things God promised Abraham as a part of
their covenant? Land and blessings for his children
4. What other names are Jews called? Hebrews or Israelites

5. Who is Moses? What did he do?

Leader, freed Hebrew slaves from Egypt and delivered the Ten
6. What is the primary document of Judaism? Who did God give it to? What did it
The Torah; given to Moses; rules for everyday life

7. What is the name of the God of the Israelites? Yahweh

8. Where do Jews Worship? What is the Holy day? Synagogue, Saturday

9. What are Jewish Spiritual Leaders called? Rabbi

10. What is the most Holy site in Judaism? What is significant about it?
Western Wall (Wailing Wall); it was part of the Second Temple of Jerusalem
1. Summarize the Jewish faith.
Judaism was the first of the three Abrahamic religions. Its founders are Abraham and
Moses. They believe in one god with whom they have a covenant (agreement) . They
worship in synagogues and their holy book is called the Torah.

2. Jewish people believe they have a COVENANT with God. What does this covenant entail?
God will protect them if they follow Gods laws and bring holiness to their every day lives.

3. The Jews believe many different things about God. Read them, and CHOOSE THREE you
believe are most important to their faith.
There is only one God that cant be subdivided into different persons. God is transcendent
(above and beyond earthly things), created the universe, is omnipotent (can do anything),
is accessible, and is just, but merciful.
4. Which of the Jewish beliefs about God does the website say is DIFFERENT from
Christian beliefs?
Christians believe that God can be subdivided into different beings, Jews do not. They
believe God is only one being.

5. Please choose ONE of the following tabs to research from (CUSTOMS, HOLY DAYS,
PEOPLE, or WORSHIP). READ about this aspect of Judaism, then share TWO new
facts you have learned about the Jewish faith.
Customs Sabbath, Kosher foods
Holy Days - Hanukkah, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur
People Abraham, David, Isaiah, Joshua, Moses
Worship Synagogue
1. Explain why the Jewish population is so spread out around the world.
Jews have been removed/exiled from their homeland multiple times throughout their
history, which has lead many to establish their homes elsewhere around the world.
1. What two countries have the largest Jewish
populations? United States and Israel

2. What Percentage of the global population

live in these two countries? 81%

3. What two European countries have the

largest Jewish populations? Britain, France
1. Who is the founder of Christianity? Where was he from? What religion was he?
Jesus Christ, Nazareth, Jewish

2. What religion is Christianity closely related to? Judaism

3. What is the sacred text of Christianity? Holy Bible

4. What are two sections of the text and what is included in them?
Old Testament same as Jewish Torah, history
New Testament books and letters about Jesus, his disciples, his teachings, his death,
and the start of Christian churches
5. Christian believe in one God but that this God consists of 3 parts, what are they?
Father, Son, Holy Spirit

6. Where do Christians Worship? What is the holy day? Church, Sunday

7. What are Christian Spiritual Leaders called?

Priests, Ministers, Preachers, Reverends

8. What is one Christian holy site found in

Jerusalem? What is significant about it?
Church of the Holy Sepulcher; this is believed
to be the place where Jesus was buried and
1. Summarize the Christian faith.
Christianity is a monotheistic religion (one God). Christians believe that Jesus is the
Messiah that was promised in the Old Testament, that he is the son of God, and that he
was sent to save people from sin. They believe that after his death, he was resurrected
(arose from grave). God exists in three forms/elements Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

2. Explain what Christians believe as justification by

faith. What does this mean?
Christians believe that if they dedicate themselves
to the belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and in his
death and resurrection, they can have a relationship
with God and have his forgiveness
3. One of the central beliefs of Christianity (and a major difference between Christianity
and Judaism) is the Trinity. Summarize what is the TRINITY is to Christian believers.
The Trinity is God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are not separate gods, but
rather the same one in different forms. Jesus is the son, and the Holy Spirit is Gods
presence today.

4. Summarize who Jesus was AND why he was/is so

important to Christians?
Jesus was a prophet who traveled around performing
miracles and teaching about God and how people should
live a good life. His life, teachings, death, and
resurrection are the core of Christian beliefs.
1. Who is the founder of Islam? Where was he from ?
Muhammad, Mecca

2. When was it established? 610 AD

3. Who do Muslims believe Muhammad is?

Muhammad is Gods Final Prophet in a line of prophets
that includes Abraham and Jesus

Fun Fact: Many Muslims do not allow the drawing or

depiction of Muhammad, in order to prevent the
worship of his picture as an idol. They believe only
Allah should be worshipped.
4. What is the sacred text of Islam? Who did God give it to? How?
Quran (sometimes spelled Koran); it was revealed to Muhammad
through the angel Gabriel

5. What are Muslim spiritual leaders called? Imam

6. What is the Muslims call God? Allah

7. Where do Muslims worship? What is the Holy day?

Mosque; Friday

8. How often are Muslims required to pray? Which direction do they

face? Why?
5 times each day, facing Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad
9. What are the 3 most Holy site in Islam? What is significant about each of them?
Mecca declared a site of pilgrimage by Muhammad in 630 AD
Medina city where Muhammad lived in exile
Jerusalem Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the place from which Muslims believe
Muhammad ascended to heaven
1. Summarize the Muslim faith.
Muslims are monotheistic (one God Allah). Abraham, Moses, and Jesus are
considered prophets, but Mohammad is the final Prophet. The word of Allah that was
revealed to Mohammad is contained in the Quran.

2. Who is Allah and what do Muslims believe about him?

Arabic for God, Allah is the supreme God who created and rules everything. He is
eternal (has always and will always exist), omniscient (knows everything) and
omnipotent (can do anything).

3. Muslims believe in the existence of Jesus. According to the Islamic faith, what/who was
Jesus? Jesus is a Prophet in Islam
4. Describe each pillar and explain why Muslims believe they are so important.
- Shahada (declaration of faith)
- Salat (prayer 5 times daily)
- Zakat (money to charity)
- Sawm (fasting during Ramadan)
- Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)
5. In most circles, jihad means internal struggle. According to what youve read, do
Muslims, in general, promote war/terrorism? Share evidence from the website to support
your opinion.

No, most Muslims do NOT promote war/terrorism. Military jihad is only permissible in
cases of self-defense, putting right a wrong, or protecting Muslims from oppression.
1. What Middle Eastern cities were introduced to Islam from 632 644 ?
Baghdad, Jerusalem, Basra, Alexandria, Al-Fustat (Cairo)

2. In what century did Islam spread to Sumatra? 13th/14th Centuries

3. During what years did Andaluca

(Modern Day Spain) become influenced
by Islam? 662-750
1. To the Shiah, what is an Imam? What is special about
The Imam is believed to be direct descendant of

2. Over what issues are the Sunni and Shiah most in

Sunnis believe all Muslims will face Judgment; the Shiites
believe that the imams must guide them to salvation

3. What percentage of Muslims are Sunni today? 87-90%

4. What percentage of Muslims are Shiah? 10-13%

Star of David
Crescent and Star

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