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Monday, October 9th
Warm Up
Mindset Monday

1. What is your definition and understanding of

2. Why does Washington describe it as celestial fire?
Today in History
1967 Che Guevera is killed by the U.S.-backed
Bolivian army.
British Setbacks
Braddocks defeat: sent by British government
to capture Fort Duquesne
He built a road towards the fort in order to
move men and supplies for an open field
George Washington warned Braddock that
the French and Indians wouldnt fight in the
British Setbacks
Braddocks defeat: July 9, 1755 French and
Indians attacked and won a decisive victory.
Braddock was killed in the battle.
French & Indian War
More times Washington didnt die:
During Braddocks defeat, Washington was so
sick with dysentery, he could barely sit on a
After taking command, his horse was shot and
killed from under him but Washington
wasnt hit.
French & Indian War
More times Washington didnt die:
So Washington got another horse and
rode it until it, too, was shot and killed
from under him.
French & Indian War
More times
Washington didnt die:
After the battle,
Washington notice
his coat had been
torn by passing
bullets, but he was
never hit.
British Setbacks
Montcalm: A commander who led the French
to many victories in the early years of the war.
He destroyed major British outposts.
He defended French forts from capture and
Pro-French Natives raided British frontier.
British Successes
Pitts Plan Prime Minister of Great
Used superior British Navy to isolate
French forces.
Replaced commanders to help rally
British Successes
James Wolfe talented military
commander. He led the capture of a
power fort at Louisbourg on the
Atlantic coast, which gave the British
control of the mouth of the St.
Lawrence River.
British Successes
The capture of Louisbourg resulted in Wolfe
leading the attack on the French Candian
capital of Quebec.
The British led a force towards Fort
Duquesne, which the French burned and
abandoned. It was renamed Pittsburg in
honor of Prime Minister Pitt.
British Successes
The Paths of Glory
The meeting of two great commanders:
Montcalm (French) and Wolfe (British).
British confused the French by sailing up
and down the St. Lawrence River
When they landed, the French attacked in
the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
Quebec fell and both Montcalm and Wolfe
were mortally wounded.
Finish working on your political cartoon.

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