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Group 1 :

Dzalilah Zharva Livia Asri 133194004

Ianatusyarifah 133194049
Innieq Yassa Nimara 133194054
The Learning Styles

Auditory learning
Auditory learning is a learning style in which a
person learns through listening. An auditory
learner depends on hearing and speaking as a
main way of learning. Auditory learners must
be able to hear what is being said in order to
understand and may have difficulty with
instructions that are written. They also use
Auditory learners
their listening and repeating skills to sort often tilt their head
through the information that is sent to them. to the side when
listening and
repeat phrases in
their minds
Auditory People: General

Asking for
Talked Love
Instructions talking

Listen Oral
Paying more Siding head Remembering Expressing
attention in while better all what
audio another repeating they want in
information person is things words
than visual talking

1. Reads out loud to self and others
2. Good at explanations
3. Uses a wider range of vocabulary
4. Enjoys show and tell in clas
5. Good at grammar
6. Picks up language quick
7. Repeats words said by others
8. Remembers mot of what they hear in passing
9. Remembers names but forgets faces
10. Talks while writing or playing

Strengths of
Auditory Learning

Auditory learners may have trouble reading silently and responding in a quiet
classroom. Those with an auditory learning style like to speak and hear
others speak in order to learn best. Here are some other strengths of this
learning type:
1. Great at explaining ideas
2. Understanding subtle changes in tone in a person's voice
3. Writing responses to lectures
4. Oral exams
5. Story-telling
6. Solving difficult problems
7. Working in groups

Best Way to Teach
Auditive Learners
Call on auditory learners to answer questions

During a lecture, ask your auditory learners to repeat ideas in their own words.

Allow any struggling auditory learner to take an oral exam instead of a written one.

Differentiate your teaching strategies to include lectures, paired readings, group work,

experiments, projects, plays, etc. to keep auditory learners in their social element.

Reward class participation

Have your auditory learners give speeches on proposed topics

Regulate your voice tone, inflection, and body language during lectures.

Allow students with an auditory learning style to listen to approved music while studying

in class.
Best Way to Learn for
Auditive Learns
Play classical music in the background when studying

Study in groups or with another person by having

people ask you questions aloud.

Read assignments out loud

Ask your teacher if you can record lectures to

listen to later

Participate in class discussions as much as possible.

Sit near the front of the room so you can hear

Learn facts by recitation

Thank You for Your Attention ^^


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