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Worship (ibadah)
o The rulings & teachings related to ibadah.
o Knowledge on how to perform salah is explained in the

2. Halal and haram:

o In food, drinks, clothes, transactions, etc.
o the Sunnah interprets what needs to be interpreted in the
Quran .
A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said that when Allah's
Messenger was asked about bit which is the nabidh from honey,
he replied, "Every liquor which intoxicates is
forbidden." [Bukhari & Muslim]

o The Sunnah may add some prohibitions which are not

included in the Quran
Prohibition in salah.
3. Laws:
o family, criminal, commercial, procedural, international.
o It explains and provides details for the laws found in the
o It also provides examples of the practical application of these
Narated Ali that the Messenger of Allah said: "The pen has
been lifted from three; for the sleeping person until he
awakens, for the boy until he becomes a young man and for
the mentally insane until he regains sanity. [Jami`at-

4. Manner of conduct:
o The Prophet is the model of individual moral conduct.
o The model in the relationship between humans and Allah
o A model in hard-working, patience, dealing with people and
perseverance and etc
o A model husband and father
Hisham said, "I asked 'A'isha, 'What did the Prophet, may Allah bless him
and grant him peace, do in his house?' She replied, 'He did what one of
you would do in his house. He mended sandals and patched garments and
sewed. (al-adab al-mufrad)
5. Leadership:
o He was a model leader from whom we learn the
requirements of a successful leader. understanding-adil
According to Aishah, the Prophet PBUH never gave others tasks
which were beyond the capabilities. [Sahih Bukhari]

6. Dawah:
o He started from nothing and ended with remarkable
followers after two decades only.
o He worked in the most difficult circumstances and gave a
practical demonstration of excellence in moral character
during his Dawah effort.
o The criteria that a daaiah should possess is determined
and persevering.
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: " The case of a
believer is wonderful. There is good for him in every thing, and
this characteristic is for him alone. If he experiences something
pleasant, he is grateful, but if he comes across some adversity,
he patient and submissive (to Allah's will) and that is good for
him." (Narrated by Muslim)
7. Nation building and social reformation:

o Establishing a nation & changed a primitive society by unity,

cooperation & brotherhood.
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and
blessings be upon him, said do not hate each other, do not envy
each other, do not turn away from each other, but rather be
servants of Allah as brothers. It is not lawful for a Muslim to
boycott his brother for more than three days. (Sahih al-Bukhari)

o Eliminating idolatry & establishing Tawhid

Muslim (832) narrated from Urwah ibn Abasah that he said to
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): With
what were you sent? He said, I was sent to uphold the ties of
kinship, to break the idols, and so that Allaah would be
worshipped alone with no partner or associate.

o Eliminating the bias social values in society.

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