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Innieq Yassa Nimara
Fian Linggra P
Mentally disabled (mentally retarded) are real children
who are experiencing barriers to intellectual and
mental developmental delays well below average so
that experience difficulties in academic tasks, and
social communication, and therefore require special
education services
Mentally disabled generally refers to intellectual
functioning is significantly below the normal average.
Along with that, the mentally disabled, deprived of
their behavior and adjustment. All it takes place or
occurs during development. thus, if the person is
mentally disabled has three factors, namely:
Slow learning children has feature, such as:
1. The average primary study low
2. Need more time to finish their task than their
friends in the same age
3. Slow in absorbing their study
Classification of Childrens Low
To know someone intelligence level,
generally can be measured by through
intelligence test which result usually
named IQ (intelligence Quotient) which
can be divided to:
1. Mild Mental Retardation { IQ 55-70 }
2. Moderate Mental Retardation { IQ 40-
55 }
3. Sever Mental Retardation { IQ 25-40
4. Profound Mental Retardation { IQ
Classification of Childrens Low
Indonesian specialist use different
Classification. It can be seen in the table
below: Maturi
Clas ty
Quan Explanation
s Intellec
They just learn subject
Age 5-
1 50-70 matter for children in age
5 until 10 years old
They just learn subject
Age 3-
2 30-50 matter for children in age
3 until 5 years old
They just learn subject
Age 0-
Physical Characteristic Childrens
Low IQ
Children with mentally disabled can be
recognized by their physical character, such as:
1. Physical appearance are not balanced,
example their head is too small or too big.
2. Cannot take care their self appropriate to
their age
3. Has thick eyelid, make their eyes looks
4. Their speaking and language skill are
5. Careless to their surrounding (blank
6. Low movement coordination
Difficulty that faced by Childrens Low IQ
1. Children with obstructed mental development
doesnt mean they obstructed in other
development. Children with mentally disabled
has weakness in counting, language skill,
difficult to remember, controlling their
surroundings and others generally difficulties.
Their physical development is not obstructed
2. Mental Retardation sufferer will not reach their
maturity intelligence the same as normal
children. Their maturity intelligence can be
reached depend on their retardation degree.
3. In their connection with others, mental
Implication in
In reading skill, motoric skill, and others
skill learning is the same as children in
a. The difference of Childrens Low IQ is
their skill in learning characteristic
b. Characteristic difference exist in 3
area, namely:
1. Skilled level
2. Generalization and transfer skill
that just they obtain
3. Attention about carry out a task
Special Learning
1. Need more time than normal children.
2. Need teacher patient and persevering in
giving explanation
3. More practice than memorize and
4. The teacher must use many learning
5. More remedial activity

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