Sap MDG: Mdg100 - Master Data Governance

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Course Contents
Unit 1 MDG Processes
Unit 2 Single Objects Processing
Unit 3 Multiple Objects Processing
Unit 4 Change Request Monitoring & Analysis
Unit 5 Process & User Interface Configuration
Unit 6 Data Quality & Search Configuration
Unit 7 Data Transfer & Data Replication
Unit 8 Custom Object Handling
Exercises - theory/MCQ/Configuration (after each unit)

All rights reserved Nitin G.

Course Contents
Unit 1 MDG Processes
Unit 2 Single Objects Processing
Unit 3 Multiple Objects Processing
Unit 4 Change Request Monitoring & Analysis
Unit 5 Process & User Interface Configuration
Unit 6 Data Quality & Search Configuration
Unit 7 Data Transfer & Data Replication
Unit 8 Custom Object Handling
Exercises - theory/MCQ/Configuration (after each unit)

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Unit I MDG Processes 2 hours

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SAP Enterprise Master Data Management
There has been a shift in the way organizations are approaching a master data solution. There
are two approaches to master data management. One approach is having master data that is
created across different systems within and from outside the enterprise. The master data is then
consolidated into a single view to be consumed for various business purposes such as global
reporting, Global Data Synchronization, and business analytics. This solution is the traditional
approach organizations have taken with master data.
A newer approach in master data management is creating up-front line of business processes
to have a correct, consistent, and complete master data foundation for business transactions.
This approach is needed for end-to-end enterprise master data management and is gaining
broad adoption

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SAP Enterprise Master Data Management
To accommodate this new approach, SAP first developed the SAP NetWeaver Master Data
Management (MDM) system. MDM defines, maintains, and shares consistent definitions of
master data across multiple systems within an enterprise. The MDM solution is successful, but
customers wanted the application more closely tied to SAP Business Suite ERP (SAP ERP). SAP
Enterprise Master Data Governance (MDG) was developed to integrate master data
management and SAP ERP.
MDG is a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes
carried out for data models. The process models describe specifically who is responsible for
which information and what actions they can take.

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MDG for Central Creation of Master Data
MDG enables you to create, maintain, and replicate master data centrally. MDG is the
industrys first governance application to manage master data through a centralized governed
MDG is built on Line of Business processes and business rules across Business Partner,
Customer, Supplier, Material, Financial, and custom domains. MDG enables you to create far-
reaching master data that impacts the process and data integrity of related applications.
SAP Master Data Governance is integrated with SAP Information Steward and Data Services for
end-to-end governance.

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MDG Business Processes
The MDG maintenance process starts
when a user requests new master data,
changes to existing master data, or
when changes to master data are
requested by data flowing into the
system through an API.
A master data request causes the
system to generate a change request. A
change request is a container that
keeps all intended changes in a staging
area, separate from the active master
data. This process ensures that changes
are only moved to production after final
approval. The change request moves
through a user-defined workflow
template until everyone in the
workflow views the change request and
the master data is completed.

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MDG Business Processes
Change requests can also store incomplete, inactive data during the workflow. Storing
incomplete data allows a company to determine who will contribute specific information to the
new record without affecting the active master data.
The system continuously validates data during maintenance with existing business logic and
customization settings. The system validation also integrates services for data enrichment and
cleansing. Data enrichment and cleansing include checking addresses against reference data
from an SAP Data Services system. Companies can add their own validation rules.
Near the end of the workflow, a user approves the changes. After approval, the system moves
the data from the staging area into the active master data. The system makes the data available
to business processes and replicates the appropriate data to other systems.
Organizations can place a subset of all master data attributes under central governance. These
attributes can be enriched in the receiving systems according to local needs.

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MDG High Level Architecture

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Business Process performance

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Key Capabilities
Master Data Governance is a powerful software product that includes many features for
business suite customers. The following capabilities facilitate business process performance:
Delivers an out-of-the-box solution
Provides an integrated object model
Maintains governance, collaboration, and data quality
Provides robust data replication
Allows reusability and extensibility

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Integrated Business Model
SAP MDG includes the Financials, Material, Supplier, and Customer domains. These data models
can be extended, or you can create your own.
The Financials data model includes the following information:
Chart of accounts
General ledger accounts and their hierarchies
Company data
Profit and cost centres and their hierarchies
Most elements and their hierarchies

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Integrated Business Model
MDG uses the flexibility and reporting capabilities of SAP Business Workflow. You can define the
process in a linear model, or you can define the process using a distributed model. In a
distributed model, different departments or locations maintain and approve only the data for
which they are responsible. This model is defined within roles such as Business User, Master
Data Steward, and Master Data Manager.
You can adapt processes to accommodate business networks already in use.

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Data Quality Overview
Data Quality
MDG enables companies to implement specific data quality
criteria as defined in the company's information
governance initiatives.
MDG helps you avoid duplicate data entries. Duplicate
prevention is based on high-quality detection algorithms
that include fuzzy logic from SAP Enterprise Search and
phonetic search and standardization of data provided by
SAP Data Services.
You can enrich data and validate addresses using SAP Data
Services postal validation. You can validate addresses based
on custom-defined validation rules such as integrity rules,
derivations, and other simple checks. You can specify postal
validation criteria using the SAP BRF+ rule modeling tool.
You can also use SAP Information Steward together with
MDG for integrated data quality analysis and remediation.

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Data Quality remediation process
MDG ensures that standards are observed when master data is created and changed. If master data does not
comply with changing standards, then the objects with errors are identified with data quality services. With a
data quality tool or your own implementation, these problems are solved.
Data quality remediation (DQR) provides the process integration of identifying master data objects with errors in
a data quality tool for the SAP Information Steward. To use this process, implement a data quality tool that is not
part of the delivery of MDG. The data quality tool analyses master data according to a set of data quality rules to
detect objects with errors. A data quality check can be done in a periodic batch run based on master data that
was previously loaded from MDG systems and other systems.
Typically, the Master Data Specialist wants to identify the objects with errors with the highest priority or with
similar quality issues using a data quality tool. A data quality tool offers filtering of the objects with errors
according to a rule (or a set of rules). MDG allows the master data specialist to select the criteria for the filtering
that is done by the data quality tool. Alternatively, MDG can integrate a data quality tool specific UI that allows
you to select filtering criteria. DQR retrieves the objects with errors and displays them for investigation by the
master data specialist.
The master data specialist selects an object with errors and creates a change request for data quality
remediation. Using the data quality remediation process, it is possible to create multiple change requests at once,
one for each of the selected objects, or one change request can be used for multiple objects.

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Reuse & Extensibility
MDG lets you reuse extensions that you have
already stored in the SAP Business Suite. You can
include these extensions directly in the MDG data
models. You can also reuse the business logic that
you have created in the SAP Business Suite, such as
validating newly created master data.
All SAP customers create extensions to SAPs
standard master data model. Many of these
customer extensions prescribe specific master data
creation and change processes. To support these
extensions, MDG offers customers flexible and
extensible features to adapt these standards to
their needs. The most important benefit is
enabling customers to add these extensions while
continuing to employ MDGs out-of-the-box

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Comprehensive Searches
To avoid creating duplicate records, perform a comprehensive system search before creating a
new object. The following features and criteria are available from the search tool:
Search method Select a search method and include fuzzy search logic if desired.
Saved searches Select a saved search to reuse, or discard saved searches using the delete
Search criteria Add and remove search parameters, and use combination of multiple
Search results View and sort search results.

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Editions to the Change Request Process
To aid in the governance of Financial master data, MDG includes "editions" integrated into Financial
change requests. Editions help to control the effective date of approved master data. The following
conditions apply to a change request process with an edition:
1. The edition is created before creating change requests.
2. The change request is assigned to a specific edition. Several change requests can be assigned to
an edition.
3. The change request includes the business reason for changing the master data and controls the
approval and change process.
4. The edition is released when all change requests assigned to the edition are approved or
5. The edition cannot be assigned new change requests after it is released.
6. The replication of a change request to local systems is triggered either by approving a single
change request or by approving the edition as a whole.

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Data Replication
After maintaining and approving the master data on the central MDG system, you can replicate
the data to all SAP and non-SAP systems that will need the master data. MDG Data Replication
Framework (DRF) supports the organization and execution of data replication.
MDG DRF is designed to support your company's existing replication and distribution. The MDG
DRF framework is built on the replication mechanisms already used in SAP applications and
MDG DRF tracks what will be distributed, where it goes, and the success of the distribution. In
DRF, you can subscribe the distribution of master data to systems based on filter criteria such
as only tracking materials for plant 1000 with material type FERT that are distributed to system

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Data Replication

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Data Replication Framework Mechanism

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Data Replication Framework Mechanism
MDG provides key mapping, value mapping, distribution monitoring, and error resolution.
Key mapping tracks different historical keys for existing master data in decentralized systems
and makes sure that one instance of the data is maintained centrally.
Value mapping lets you distribute data into systems that might have a different understanding
of the values of an attribute. For example, distributing material type FERT from the original
system to a system in which the same material type is called HALB.
Distribution monitoring is a log that lets you monitor the details of distribution so that suitable
actions can be taken for erroneous records. For example, you can view how many objects were
successfully replicated and to which target systems.

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Data Transfer
The following use cases apply to extraction and load:
1. Initial load in the MDG implementation phase loads data into a new MDG system.
2. Initial load while operating MDG, loads data from new client systems into running MDG
3. Delta loads are high volume transferred from already connected client systems.
4. Extractions are high volume transfers from MDG to client systems.

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Data Transfer
The following key capabilities apply to
extraction and load:
Extracts data from client systems and
MDG system including master data, key
mapping, and value mapping.
Performs data transformation from IDoc
format to SOA messages.
Uploads data to the MDG system
including master data, key mapping, and
value mapping.

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MDG Deployment Options

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MDG Deployment Options
MDG is part of SAP ERP. To install MDG, first install SAP ERP including relevant Enhancement
Packages. When you run MDG processes they are part of a full SAP ERP system.
You can deploy MDG in one of two ways in relation to your existing systems:
1) Introduce a completely new system with a dedicated master data hub. This system is a
complete SAP ERP system. You only use the MDG functions to distribute the master data to
the parts of the system running business processes.
2) Install MDG on an existing SAP ERP system for certain master data domains and run MDG on
this system. MDG manages master the data for those domains, such as Material Data. The
approved data from MDG processes is available directly to the business processes that run
on that system and are distributed to all other systems that need it.

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MDG Deployment Options
The second option can also be implemented as a single SAP ERP system. You can co-deploy MDG
with that system, which involves upgrading your systems and switching on the MDG Business
Functions. Even if you do not want to distribute the master data to any receiving system
which is rare you can realize the following benefits of using MDG:
Separate incomplete or unapproved data from production data through MDG staging
Use MDG workflow templates to distribute maintenance workflow templates that have been
executed to multiple people
Enhance validations beyond the hard-coded checks of SAP ERP
Improved prevention of duplicates and all the other features of MDG

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1. MDG_EX_U1.1 = Detailed (For understanding of concept) 90 Mins

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