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Arithmetic Operations
T. K. Prasad

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 1

Multiplying Numbers
45 * 63 = 4 * 6 * 100
= (4 * 10 + 5) + 4 * 3 * 10
* (6 * 10 + 3) + 5 * 6 * 10
= 4 * 10 * 6 * 10 + 5 *3
+ 4 * 10 * 3 = 24 * 100
+ 5 * 6 * 10 + (12 + 30) * 10
+ 5 *3 + 15

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 2

Multiplying Numbers
= 24 * 100 = 15
+ (12 + 30) * 10 12x
+ 15 30x
= 24 * 100 24xx
+ 42 * 10 = 28 35
+ 15

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 3

Two Digit Multiplication (of Large
Digits in terms of Small Digits)
using Vedic Approach
1. Method : Vertically and Crosswise Sutra
2. Correctness and Applicability

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 4

100s Complement
100s complement of a 2-digit number n is (100 n).

HC(11) = Alternatively, 100s

89 complement of d1 d2
HC(35) = (d2 0) is
(9 - d1) (10 - d2).
HC(35) =
HC(94) =
9 10
-3 -5
6 5
Prasad Arithmetic Operations 5
Method: Multiply 79 * 97
Write the first number to be multiplied and
its 100s complement in the first row, and
the second number to be multiplied and its
100s complement in the second row.

79 21
97 03

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 6

79 21
97 03
To determine the 4-digit product:
subtract crosswise to obtain the left digits
(79 03) = (97 21) = 76
multiply the complements vertically to obtain
the right digits.
(21 * 03) = 63
79 * 97 = 7663

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 7

Another Example
89 * 91 =
89 11
91 09
80 99
89 * 91 = 8099

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 8

Why do both crosswise subtractions yield
the same result?

Why does this method yield the correct

answer for this example?

Does this method always work for any pair

of digits?
Prasad Arithmetic Operations 9
Proof Sketch
(89 9) = (91 11) = 80

Why are they same?

(89 (100 91)) = (89 + 91 100) = 80

(91 (100 89)) = (91 + 89 100) = 80

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 10

Correctness of Product :
Two possibilities
89 = (100 11) 89 = (100 11)
91 = (100 9) 91 = (100 9)
89 * 91 89 * 91
= (100 11) * 91 = 89 * (100 9)
= 100 * 91 11 * (100 9) = 89 * 100 (100 11) * 9
= 100 * 91 11 * 100 + (11 * 9) = 89 * 100 100 * 9 + (11 * 9)
= 100 * (91 11) + 99 = 100 * (89 9) + 99
= 100 * 80 + 99 = 100 * 80 + 99 Right digit
Right digit
= 8099 Left digit [Vertical = 8099 Left digit [Vertical
[Crosswise Product] [Crosswise
Subtraction] Subtraction]

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 11

Another Example
69 * 88
69 31
88 12
57 372
60 72
Note that, the product of the 100s complements
has more than two digits (exceeds 100) . However,
the weight associated with 57 and 3 is 100, and
hence they can be combined.

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 12

Yet Another Example
30 * 21
30 70
21 79
49 5530 Breakdown?!
49+55 30
6 30
This approach is valid with suggested modifications
but not very useful!

Prasad Arithmetic Operations 13

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