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To be, or not to be That

is the question!

1. What genre of literature is this line from?

2. What famous poet/play writer wrote
this line?

Write your thoughts down!

1. This line is from Hamlet a play!
2. William Shakespeare wrote it.
All the worlds a stage
- As You Like It by William Shakespeare
Beable to identify the parts of a play, read a
play, and answer critical thinking questions
about what you have read.
Before you can begin the play, you must
introduce your characters.
Three types of characters we will focus on:
Group roles (i.e. servants, large crowds, etc.)
A Shakespeare play
A love story
Very famous!
Similarto chapters or episodes
The setting will usually change as the scene
Each scene is different from the other
scenes. Therefore, we can compare and
contrast the different scenes.
The place or type of surroundings where an
event (such as a play) takes place
Things to consider:
Location (country, city, state)
Time period
What is the setting of the play The Lion
The person or voice who sets the scene
and tells you background information.
Sometimes you see the narrator, and
sometimes you dont.
Do you think plays are required to have a
narrator? Why or why not?
Guess what? You participate in dialogue every
Conversation between two or more people
Midas: Everything I love is here.
Marigold: Then Ill leave you to your treasure.

Food for thought: If dialogue means

conversation between two or more people,
what does monologue mean?
Have you ever heard the moral of the story
The moral is the lesson you can learn by
reading the story or play.
Common morals:
You cant always get what you want.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Hard work pays off.
Parts of a Play:
Character Introduction
Here,the audience learns the setting
(Time/Place), characters are developed, and
a conflict is introduced.
The action of this act leads the audience to
the climax. It is common for complications to
arise, or for the protagonist to encounter
is the turning point of the play. The
climax is characterized by the highest
amount of suspense.
Theopposite of Rising Action, in the Falling
Action the story is coming to an end, and any
unknown details or plot twists are revealed
and wrapped up.
Thisis the final outcome of the drama. Here
the authors tone about his or her subject
matter is revealed, and sometimes a moral
or lesson is learned

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