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MAN- 302

Quality and Reliability


Text Books:
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control by Douglas C.

Quality and Reliability in Engineering- by Tirupathi R.

1 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
The production processes are not perfect!

Which means that the output of these processes will not be perfect.

(non identical and non-deterministic)

Successive runs of the same production process will produce non-

identical parts.

2 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Alternately, similar runs of the production process will vary, by some
degree, and impart the variation into the some product characteristics.

Because of these variations in the products, we need probabilistic models

and robust statistical techniques to analyze quality of such products.

As quality measurements will vary from item to item, and there will
be a probability distribution associated with the population of such

3 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Objective of Quality control
Objective of quality control is
To develop a scheme for sampling a process,

Making a quality measurement of interest on sample items

Making a decision whether the process is in control or not.

4 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

This is a traditional definition

This is a modern definition of quality

5 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Meaning of Quality


3. QUALITY is a measure of how closely a good or service conforms to specified standard.

6 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

PLAN: Design or revise business process components to improve results
DO: Implement the plan and measure its performance
CHECK: Assess the measurements and report the results to decision makers
ACT: Decide on changes needed to improve the process

7 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Two Different Approaches

8 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

An equivalent definition is that quality improvement is the

elimination of waste. This is useful in service or transactional


9 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Central Limit Theorem
The central limit theorem is: Sampling distributions can be

assumed to be normally distributed even though the

population (lot) distributions are not normal.

The theorem allows use of the normal distribution to easily set

limits for control charts and acceptance plans for both attributes
and variables.

10 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Sampling Distributions

The sampling distribution can be assumed to be normally distributed

unless sample size (n) is extremely small.

The mean of the sampling distribution ( x ) is equal to the population
mean (m).

The standard error of the sampling distribution (s-x ) is smaller than

the population standard deviation (sx ) by a factor of
1/ n
x =

11 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Mean of Sampling Distribution X

Sample Mean
1 3.55
2 3.59
3 3.48 The sampling distribution of sample mean
4 3.51 is approximately normal
5 3.49
6 3.46
7 3.48
8 3.52
9 3.51
10 3.49

12 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Population and Sampling Distributions
f(x) Population Distribution
Mean = m
Std. Dev. = sx

Sampling Distribution
f(x) of Sample Means
x =
13 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
Confidence interval for the Average

What is the 90% confidence interval__for the average, where sample size n
= 15, S= 1.2 and Sample average X = 25.

(Note: When sample size is less than 30; use t- distribution. If greater
than or equal to 30; use normal distribution)

(1 )

14 Hamid
B. Shahul - RiskKhan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
1 23
2 28
3 30
4 30
5 20
6 26
7 29
8 21
9 26 Average value = 25
10 24
11 24
12 24
13 22
14 30
15 22

15 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

16 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
17 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
18 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
19 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
Graphical Methods of Data Representation and
Quality Improvement tools

Check sheet and Histogram

Cause and effect diagram
Pareto diagram
Run chart
Box plot
Scatter diagram
Control charts

21 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Histograms or frequency histograms are a graphical representation of

The shape of the histogram can give insight to the nature of distribution
of data.

Common steps
1. Collection of data (50 or more)
2. Find number of class intervals
3. Find the class width

4. B. Shahulthe frequency
Hamid Khan, IIITDM in each class and draw the histogram10/11/2017 7:38 AM
Determining number of class intervals K
K = 1.5 ln N + 0.5 (N- number of observations or data)

Determine class interval width

Interval width = largest value smallest value/ K

* Begin with first interval :

The first interval will be (smallest value Interval width)

23 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

33.2 43.2 35.9 35 33.9
46.4 38.1 43.5 36.4 42.9
40.4 47.1 38.6 29.9 39.3
45.7 41.1 44.2 33.2 41.5
29.9 33.8 47.3 34.7 37.1
37.9 29.7 41.6 38.7 29.6
31.7 38 30.8 29.7 42.3
29.8 39.6 39.3 39 41.7
35.9 33.1 43.1 41.2 38.3
30.5 39.4 38.3 46.3 42.8

Number of Observations are 50

K = 1.5 * ln 50 +0.5 = 1.5 (3.912) + 0.5 = 6.368 = 7 (Approx)

24 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
Interval width = largest value smallest value/ K

= (47.3 29.6) / 7 = 2.58 = 2.5 say

First interval = 29.6 (2.5) = 29.6 1.25 = 28.3
Check sheet
28.3 - 30.8
33.2 43.2 35.9 35 33.9
30.8 - 33.3
46.4 38.1 43.5 36.4 42.9
33.3 - 35.8 40.4 47.1 38.6 29.9 39.3
35.8 - 38.3 45.7 41.1 44.2 33.2 41.5
38.3 - 40.8 29.9 33.8 47.3 34.7 37.1
37.9 29.7 41.6 38.7 29.6
40.8 43.3
31.7 38 30.8 29.7 42.3
43.3 45.8 29.8 39.6 39.3 39 41.7
45.8 48.3 35.9 33.1 43.1 41.2 38.3
30.5 39.4 38.3 46.3 42.8

25 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Normal Distribution data

29 39 56 50 48
54 47 75 39 29
35 42 56 44 42
68 29 60 41 41
55 51 41 72 34
49 61 54 44 55
49 59 41 40 50
40 40 55 51 52
55 61 53 36 49
36 35 52 55 59

26 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Cause- and- Effect Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram)

It helps to determine the root causes of a problem using a

structured approach.

It encourages group participation and utilizes group

knowledge of the process.

Easy-to-read format

It indicates possible causes of variation in a process.


Machine Methods
Five Key Sources
of Variation + Environment

Materials Measurement

Use cause and effect diagram to single out variation sources within the 5Ms + E



Policies Procedures
Five Key Sources
of Variation
+ Environment

Place Measurement

Use cause and effect diagram to single out variation sources within the 4Ps +
Causes Effect

Main Category



Root Cause

Reference: International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management Volume 12 issue 4

Implementing a quality maintenance system in a military organization

Box-Whisker plot

1. Determine first quartile Q1. This value determines the lower edge of the box
2. Determine Third quartile Q3. This value determines the upper edge of the box
3. Find IQR
4. Find median of the set Q2. Draw a line at median to divide the box
5. Two lines known as whiskers, are drawn outward from the box.
one end extended from Q3 -- to either a Maximum data value (or) Q3+1.5 (IQR)
(whichever is lower)

33 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Other end extended downward from Q1 -- to either a Minimum data value (or)

Q1-1.5 (IQR) (whichever is greater)

6. The values falls outside the plot are represented by asterisks (*)

34 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Box-Whisker plot
The Rockwell hardness value of metal wheel Nuts are found for
randomly chosen sample of 20 parts. The values are below.

After ranking all the data, we get,

35 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

i n 1
Q1 = 21/4 = 5.25 i.e 5th position Q1 = 33.0 ;

Q3 = (21) = 15.75 16th position Q3 = 37.0

IQR = 4

Top edge -- Maximum point = 49.2; Q3+1.5 (IQR) = 37 + 1.5(4) = 43 (whichever is

Choose 43

Bottom edge - Minimum point is 30.1 ; Q1-1.5 (IQR) = 33 1.5*4 = 27

(whichever is greater)

Choose 30.1
36 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

37 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Box andWhisker Plot Example

Suppose you wanted to compare the performance of three

lathes responsible for the rough turning of a shaft.
The design specification is 18.85 +/- 0.1 mm.

Diameter measurements from a sample of shafts taken from

each roughing lathe are displayed in a box and whisker plot.
Lathe 1 appears to be making good parts, and is centered in the

Lathe 2 appears to have excess variation, and is making shafts

below the minimum diameter.

Lathe 3 appears to be performing comparably to Lathe 1.

However, it is targeted low in the tolerance, and is making shafts
below specification.
Data Set # 1

1 18.883 26 18.832 51 18.839 76

2 18.847 27 18.847 52 18.849 77
3 18.855 28 18.841 53 18.824 78
4 18.844 29 18.81 54 18.819 79
5 18.845 30 18.854 55 18.842 80
6 18.868 31 18.9 56 18.833 81
7 18.863 32 18.818 57 18.855 82
8 18.856 33 18.871 58 18.894 83
9 18.847 34 18.864 59 18.849 84
10 18.869 35 18.843 60 18.869 85
11 18.823 36 18.816 61 18.828 86
12 18.849 37 18.878 62 18.874 87
13 18.821 38 18.875 63 18.844 88
14 18.843 39 18.877 64 18.831 89
15 18.875 40 18.794 65 18.848 90
16 18.81 41 18.792 66 91
17 18.781 42 18.796 67 92 Data Set # 1
18 18.867 43 18.909 68 93 Lower Quartile 18.828
19 18.848 44 18.831 69 94 Minimum 18.781
20 18.849 45 18.824 70 95 Median 18.847
21 18.876 46 18.858 71 96 Maximum 18.924
22 18.839 47 18.924 72 97
Upper Quartile 18.866
23 18.861 48 18.826 73 98
24 18.859 49 18.824 74 99
25 18.803 50 18.866 75 100
Data Set # 2

1 18.802 26 18.794 51 18.81 76 18.801

2 18.814 27 18.82 52 18.826 77 18.798
3 18.798 28 18.821 53 18.775 78 18.834
4 18.831 29 18.735 54 18.785 79 18.765
5 18.734 30 18.751 55 18.789 80 18.767
6 18.734 31 18.834 56 18.781 81 18.895
7 18.843 32 18.727 57 18.796 82 18.857
8 18.807 33 18.835 58 18.888 83 18.804
9 18.786 34 18.773 59 18.817 84 18.858
10 18.754 35 18.844 60 18.783 85 18.772
11 18.782 36 18.764 61 18.768 86
12 18.782 37 18.809 62 18.831 87
13 18.886 38 18.845 63 18.831 88 Data Set # 2
14 18.796 39 18.799 64 18.834 89 Lower Quartile 18.779
15 18.792 40 18.863 65 18.78 90
Minimum 18.727
16 18.78 41 18.784 66 18.823 91
17 18.779 42 18.808 67 18.878 92 Median 18.799
18 18.868 43 18.774 68 18.841 93 Maximum 18.895
19 18.843 44 18.778 69 18.779 94 Upper Quartile 18.834
20 18.798 45 18.857 70 18.828 95
21 18.854 46 18.77 71 18.841 96
22 18.779 47 18.738 72 18.851 97
23 18.783 48 18.796 73 18.765 98
24 18.838 49 18.803 74 18.81 99
25 18.744 50 18.793 75 18.845 100


Lower Quartile
18.8 Minimum
Upper Quartile


Data Set # 1 Data Set # 2
Scatter Plots
The Scatter plot is another problem analysis tool. Scatter plots are also
called correlation charts.
A Scatter plot is used to uncover possible cause-and-effect
It is constructed by plotting two variables against one another on a pair
of axes.
A Scatter plot cannot prove that one variable causes another, but it
does show how a pair of variables is related and the strength of that
Used to find out Empirical Equations
44 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
45 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
Scatter plot of tool wear Vs Depth of cut

46 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Scatter Diagram

47 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Pareto Analysis
The Pareto Principle, or 80-20 Rule, is a general guideline that says
that 80% of the effects stem from 20% of the causes.
Vilfredo Pareto originally observed that in Italy, 80% of the land was
owned by 20% of the people.
Pareto Principle is a guiding principle used in business for
Customer Complaints (e.g. 80% of the complaints come from 20%
of the customers)
Management (e.g. 80% of the results come from 20% of the group)
Sales (e.g. 80% of the profits come from 20% of the products)
Quality Management for identifying the most important causes for
defects (e.g. 80% of the problems come from 20% of the causes)

48 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Pareto Diagrams
Pareto Analysis is used to assist in prioritizing or focusing

Decide the objectives of Pareto analysis
Develop list of the responses to be classified
Collect data
Rank the categories
Compute cumulative frequency
Plot the diagram

49 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Purpose: Pareto Charts
Prioritize problems.

How is it done?
Create a preliminary list of
problem classifications.
Tally the occurrences in each
problem classification.
Arrange each classification in order
from highest to lowest
Construct the bar chart
Pareto Charts
Pareto analysis helps
graphically display results 100
so the significant few
problems emerge from the 80
general background
It tells you what to work
on first 40


Dent Scratch Hole Others Crack Stain Gap
Defects 104 42 20 14 10 6 4
Pareto Diagrams
Pareto Analysis is used to assist in prioritizing or focusing activities.

Decide the objectives of Pareto analysis
Develop list of the responses to be classified
Collect data
Rank the categories
Compute cumulative frequency
Plot the diagram

52 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

Pareto Diagrams
Nonconformities in a textile Mill


53 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

54 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
55 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

A line graph of data points plotted in chronological order that helps detect
special causes of variation

of defects

B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM

56 10/11/2017 7:38 AM
A run chart is a graph that shows the changes in a process
measurement over time.
It can help us to
Recognize patterns of performance in a process
Document changes over time

57 B. Shahul Hamid Khan, IIITDM 10/11/2017 7:38 AM

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