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The band

Wheatus are a pop rock

band, best known for the
above song Teenage
Dirtbag; the song was
featured in the teen-comedy
film, Loser, that revolves
around a new student trying
to fit in with the hipster
crowd at school.

Hebdige stated that youth subcultures are seen as a threat to the norm, as seen
when The Jocks try to degrade and exclude Paul by throwing rubbish at him and
push him in the school corridor.
The title of the song itself is reflective of Maffesolis theory, because the phrase
Dirtbag is a catchphrase used by youth subculture.
The clothing worn by The Jocks also emphasises Maffesolis ideas on tribes and how
they create a sort of uniform by wearing similar clothing.

This shot signifies the tribal

dynamic as they group of Jocks
sport the same-logoed jackets
and possess tribal
mannerisms through their
walking style
The fact that they are
positioned centre shot as well
as being shot at a low angle,
suggests that the tribe are
intimidating and we as viewers
are meant to feel afraid of

This shot represents Pauls

separation from the mainstream,
as the location he is in is empty
and hes alone, which reinforces
the idea of how isolated Paul is.
The marquee above Pauls head is
a signifier of the mainstream
which is used to showcase events
and headlines; the fact that this is
borrowed from hegemony and
used to emphasise his separation
from it works to emphasise how
excluded and isolated he is.
CENTRE SHOT (continued)

He is surrounded by signifiers of
the norm, yet he still stands out
and doesnt fit in.

His true identity, which is a

performed through his items of
clothing, such as his hat,
doesnt conform to the
expectations of his peers,
which means that he is
excluded from dominant

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