Lesson Objectives: Knows The Different Types of Containment Covered by The Term "Packaged Form"

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Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Lesson Objectives
 Knows the different types of containment
covered by the term “packaged form”
 Knows the classification of dangerous goods in the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG)
 Knows the properties, characteristics and physical
state of the different substances, materials and
articles covered by the 9 classes of the IMDG Code
 Ability to identify the marking, labeling and
placarding of dangerous goods as required by the
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Lesson Objectives
 Knowledge as the cargo watch keeping officer that
he should have information on the quantities, types
of packages, proper shipping names (correct
technical names), classification, stowage and
segregation of dangerous goods to be handled
 Knows that the duty officer should have
information on the special measures to be taken
when a certain dangerous cargo is handled
 Knows that the measures to be taken in event of an
incident or accident should be made known and
that any necessary equipment and sufficient crew
to operate it should be available DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Lesson Objectives
 Knows that the actions to be taken are laid down in
the IMO Emergency Procedures for ships Carrying
Dangerous Goods (EMS), the IMO Medical First Aid
Guide for the Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous
Goods (MFAG) and the International Medical Guide for
ships (IMGS)
 Knows that any incidents or accident during the
handling of dangerous goods should be reported
immediately to the person in charge of the operation
 Knows that the IMDG Code lays down the packaging
requirements DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Lesson Objectives
 Knows that the requirements for declaration of
dangerous goods and its contents
 Knows that any doubts about the suitability and
integrity of packages should be reported to the
master and chief officer
 Knows the fire precautions which should be taken
when carrying dangerous goods
 Knows the precautions which should be taken while
loading or discharging explosives
 Knows that certain explosives require magazine
stowage and construction of magazine
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Lesson Objectives
 Knows the meaning of the following stowage and
segregation requirements for the different types of
 On deck only
 On deck or under deck
 Away from
 Separated from
 Separated by a complete compartment or hold from
 Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete
compartment or hold from
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy


DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

 Volume 1 (parts 1, 2 and 4-7 of the Code) contains
sections on:
general provisions, definitions, training
packing and tank provisions
consignment procedures
construction and testing of packagings, IBCs,large
packagings, portable tanks and road tank vehicles
transport operations
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

 Volume 2 contains:
 the Dangerous Goods List (equivalent to the
schedules in previous editions of the Code),
presented in tabular format
limited quantities exceptions
the Index

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

 The Supplement contains the following texts
related to the IMDG Code:
EMS Guide
Medical First Aid Guide
Reporting Procedures
Packing Cargo Transport Units
Safe Use of Pesticides
INF Code
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Regulation 2 - Classification
 Class 1  Class 4.1
Explosive. Flammable solids.
 Class 2  Class 4.2
Gases: compressed, Substances liable to
liquefied or dissolved spontaneous combustion.
under pressure.  Class 4.3
 Class 3 Substances which, in
Flammable liquids. contact with water, emit
flammable gases.
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Regulation 2 - Classification
 Class 5.1  Class 7
Oxidizing substances. Radioactive materials.
 Class 5.2  Class 8
Organic peroxides. Corrosives.
 Class 6.1  Class 9
Poisonous (toxic) Miscellaneous DG
 Class 6.2
Infectious substances.
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 1 : Explosives
 Div 1.1: substances and
articles which have a mass
explosion hazard
 Div 1.2: substances and
articles which have a  Div 1.4: substances and
projection hazard but not a articles which present no
mass explosion hazards significant hazard
 Div 1.3: substances and  Div 1.5: Very insensitive
articles which have a fire substances which have a
hazard and either a minor mass explosion hazard
blast hazard or a minor  Div 1.6: Extremely insensitive
projection hazard or both, articles which do not have a
but not a mass explosion mass explosion hazard
hazard DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Explosives-Definitions  Pyrotechnic substances

means a substances
 Explosive substances means designed to produce an
a solid or liquid substances effect by heat, light, sound,
( or a mixture of substances) gas or smoke or a
which is in itself capable by combination of these as the
chemical reaction of result of non-detonative self-
producing gas such at such sustaining exothermic
a temperature and pressure chemical reaction.
and at such speed as to  Explosive article means an
cause damage to the article containing one or
surroundings. Pyrotechnic more explosive substances.
substances are included  Mass explosion means one
even when do not evolve which effects almost the
gases. entire load virtually
instantaneously. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 2 - Gases
 Class 2.1 Flammable gases
Gases which at 200 C and a standard pressure of
101.3 kPa:
 .1 are ignitable when in a mixture of 13%
or less by volume with air; or
 .2 Have a flammable range with air of at
least 12 percentage points regardless
of the lower flammable limit. Flammability
determined by test in accord with methods
adopted by the IO of Standards. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 2 - Gases
 Class 2.2 Non-flammable, non-toxic gases
Gases which are transported at a pressure not
less than 280 kPa at 200 C, or as refrigerant
liquids, and which:
 Are asphyxiant
 Are oxidizing
 Do not come under the other classes

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 2 - Gases
 Class 2.3 Toxic gases
Gases which
.1 are known to be so toxic or corrosive to human as
to pose a hazard to health; or
.2 are presume to be toxic or corrosive to humans
because they have a LC50 value equal to or less
than 5,000 ml/m3
Note: Gases meeting the above criteria owing to their
corrosivity are to be classified as toxic with a
subsidiary corrosive risk.
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 3-Flammable liquids

 These are liquids, or mixture of liquids, or
liquids containing solids in solution or
suspensions (e.g. paints, varnishes, lacquers,
etc., but not including substances which, on
account of the other dangerous
characteristics, have been included in other
classes) which give off a flammable vapour at
or below 61 0 C (141 0 F) closed cup test
(corresponding to 65.6 0 C (150 0 F) open cup
test) DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 3 : Flammable liquids

 Class 3.1. Low flashpoint group of liquids having a
flashpoint below –180 C ( 00 F ) ,c.c. E.g. Acetone
 Class 3.2. Intermediate flash point group of liquids of
–180 C ( 00 F ) up to but not including 230 C ( 730 F ) , c.c.
E.g. Benzene
 Class 3.3. High flash point group of liquids having a
flashpoint of 230 C ( 730 F ) up to , and including, 610 C
( 1410 F ), c.c. E.g. Alcoholic beverages
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 4.1. Flammable solids

 Possessing the properties of being easily
ignited by external sources, such as sparks
and flames, and being readily combustible, or
of being liable to contribute to a fire or cause
one through friction. Also covers substances
which are self-reactive, I.e. liable to undergo at
normal or elevated temperature a strong
exothermic decomposition caused by
excessively high transport temperatures or by
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 4.2. Substances liable to spontaneous

 Either solids or liquids possessing the common
properties of being liable spontaneously to heat and
to ignite.
Class 4.3. Substances which, in contact with
water, emit flammable gases
 Either solids or liquids possessing the common
properties, when in contact with water, of evolving
flammable gases. In some cases these gases are
liable to spontaneous ignition. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 5: Oxidizing substances or organic

 Class 5.1. Oxidizing substances (agents)
 These are substances which, although in
themselves not necessarily combustible, may,
either yielding oxygen or similar processes,
increase the risk and intensify of fire in other
materials with which they become into contact.

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 5.2: Organic peroxides

 Contain the bivalent –OO- structure and may be
considered derivatives of hydrogen peroxide, where
one or both of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced
by organic radicals. Thermally unstable, which may
undergo exothermic self- accelerating decomposition.
May have one or more the following properties:
 Be liable to explosive decomposition
 Burn rapidly
 Be sensitive to impact or friction
 React dangerously with other substances;
 Cause damage to the eyes

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 6: Poisonous (toxic) and infectious

 Class 6.1. Poisonous (toxic) substances.
These are substances liable either to cause death or
serious injury or to harm human health if swallowed
or inhaled, or by skin contact.
 Class 6.2. Infectious substances.
These are substances containing viable micro-
organisms or their toxins which are known, or
suspected, to cause disease in animals or humans.

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 7: Radioactive materials

 Comprises materials which spontaneously emit
a significant radiation and of which the specific
activity is greater than 70 kBq/kg ( 2nCi/g).
 Curie-former unit of radioactivity (symbol
Ci); 1 curie = 3.7 × 1010 becquerels

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 8: Corrosives
 Substances which are solids or liquids
possessing , in their original state, the
common property of being able more or less to
damage living tissue. The escape of such
substance from its packaging may also cause
damage to other cargo or to the ship.

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and

 Class 9.1. Substances and articles not covered by
other classes which experience has shown, or may
show. To be of such a dangerous character that the
provisions of part A of Chapter VII of SOLAS.1974, as
amended should apply; and
 Class 9.2. Substances not subjected to the
provisions of part A of Chapter VII of SOLAS.1974, but to
which the regulations of Annex III of MARPOL,73/78,
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Regulation 6 - Stowage requirements

DG in packages
Stowed in ventilated
Stowed safely
& Explosives secured Spaces or on deck
Segregated In magazine
Special precautions Precautions for
for flammable Spontaneous
Liquid/Gasses heating DG
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

General fire precautions

 Reject any damages or leaking packages.
 Stowed in a location which ensure protection
from accidental damage or heating.
 Combustible material must be kept away from
ignition sources.
 Goods must be segregated from substances
liable to start or spread fires.
 Ensure accessibility of DG.Can be protected or
remove in case of fire. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

General fire precautions

 Enforce prohibition of smoking in dangerous
 Enforce “No Smoking” signs or symbols.
 All electrical fittings & cables must be in good
 Safeguard against short circuit and sparking.
 All ventilators must have spark arrestors of
suitable wire mesh.
DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

General precautions during loading and

unloading of Class 1 Goods
 Fire-fighting appliances ready for instant use.
 Unauthorized personnel cleared of area.
 ‘No Smoking” notices posted and enforce
prohibition of smoking.
 Fire detection system tested.
 No matches or lighters to be carried by anyone
involved in the operation.
 If possible the cargo ops carried out during
daylight hours, ‘B’ flag hoisted. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

General precautions during loading and

unloading of Class 1 Goods
 Bilges should be cleaned before loading.
 Inspect the ventilation fans to ensure that they
are not unsafe.
 Check the light conductors.
 Only approved lightning to be used.
 No wireless transmission to be permitted.
 The radar should not be operated.
 The funnel exhaust spark arrester in good
condition. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

General precautions during loading and

unloading of Class 1 Goods
 No bunkering or repair work during the ops.
 Defective packages should not be accepted for
 Fork lift trucks should not be used.
 Operations should be suspended in rain.
 All explosives should be tallied.
 A responsible person should be present during
the operation and any magazines should be
kept locked when not in use. DWKO/May 003/Y__
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Segregation Table
1.1 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 7 8 9
1.2 1.6
Explosives 1.1,1.2,1.5 * * * 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 X
Explosives 1.3, 1.6 * * * 4 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 X
Explosives 1.4 * * * 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 X 4 2 2 X
Flammable gases 2.1 4 4 2 X X X 2 1 2 X X 2 X 4 2 1 X
No Toxic, non flammable 2.2 2 2 1 X X X 1 X 1 X X 1 X 2 1 X X
Toxic gases 2.3 2 2 1 X X X 2 X 2 X X 2 X 2 1 X X
Flammable liquids 3 4 4 2 2 1 2 X X 2 1 2 2 X 3 2 X X

 Code 1- “Away From”

 Code 2- “Separated from”
 Code 2- “Separated by a complete compartment from”
 Code 4- “Sepatarated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment from”
 Code X- The segregation, if any, is shown in the D.G. List
 Code *- See of this chapter

DWKO/May 003/Y18
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Segregation Table
1.1 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 7 8 9
1.2 1.6
Flammable solids 4.1 4 3 2 1 X X X X 1 X 1 2 X 3 2 1 X
Substances liable to 4.2 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 X 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 X
spontaneous heating
Substances which, in 4.3 4 4 2 X X X 1 X 1 X 2 2 X 2 2 1 X
contact with water, emit
flammable gases
Oxidizing substances 5.1 4 4 2 2 X X 2 1 2 2 X 2 1 3 1 2 X
Poisonous/toxic substances 6.1 2 2 X X X X X X 1 X 1 1 X 1 X X X
Infectious substances 6.2 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 X 3 3 X
Radio active materials 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 X 3 X 2 X
Corrosives 8 4 2 2 1 X X X 1 1 1 2 2 X 3 2 X X
Miscellaneous dangerous 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Code 1- “Away From”
Code 2- “Separated from”
Code 2- “Separated by a complete compartment from”
Code 4- “Sepatarated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment from”
Code X- The segregation, if any, is shown in the D.G. List
Code *- See of this chapter DWKO/May 003/Y14
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Segregation : Code 1-Away from:

Prohibited storage
Effectively segregated so Area
that incompatible
materials cannot interact Prohibited storage Area
dangerously in the event
of an accident but may be
carried in the same
3m 3m
compartment or on deck
provided a minimum Prohibited Area

horizontal separation of
3M projected vertically , is
obtained . Incompatible package
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Segregation-Code 2-Separate From

 In different holds when
stowed under deck. Provided
an intervening deck is
resistant to fire and liquid, a
vertical separation, I.e. in
different compartments, may
be accepted as equivalent to
this segregation. For on deck
stowage, this segregation
means a separation by a Incompatible package
distance of at least 6 metres
Deck resistance to fire and liquid
DWKO/May 003/Y15
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Segregation-Code 3-Separated by a complete

compartment from:
 Means by either a vertical
or a horizontal separation. Incompatible package 12 m
If the decks are not
resistant to fire and liquid,
then only a longitudinal
separation, I.e. by an
intervening complete
compartment, is
acceptable. For on deck
stowage, this segregation
means a separation by a
distance of at least 6
metres horizontally. Deck resistance to fire and liquid
DWKO/May 003/Y16
Akademi Laut Malaysia Malaysian Maritime Academy

Segregation-Code 4-Separate longitudinally by an

intervening complete compartment from:
 Vertical separation alone 24 m, include intervening
does not meet this
requirements. Between a
package under deck & on
deck, a minimum distance of
24 m, including a complete
compartment, must be
maintained longitudinally. For
on deck stowage, this
segregation means a
separation by a distance of at
least 24 m longitudinally. Incompatible package
DWKO/May 003/Y14

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