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Stephen McCarthy

IS6120 presentation
Business intelligence

Decision making and DSS


Data marts and warehouses

Master Data Management

Firstly, its not the same as data integrity

Data quality concerns business value,

integrity deals with data structure

Information must be fit for purpose to helps

data consumers make the right decision

PWC - 75% of companies suffered significant

bottom-line impact from poor data quality
Decisions made With good Decisions made with poor
data quality: data quality:

Case 1: Business Analyst vs. Operations Manager
Business analysts might require quality data on a
products sales figures over a 12 month period for
predicting seasonal trends
An operations manager however would be more
concerned with gauging next weeks stock

Case 2:Patient Record System vs. Social Media API

Hospitals need high granularity data in order to
ensure right diagnosis and treatment is carried out
for patients
In contrast, social media API dont deal with
mission critical data so a lower level of data quality
is required
Accuracy Relevancy


Representation Accessibility

Define what data consumer means by data quality
and aim for conformance to expectations

Develop a set of dynamic data quality metrics that

measure main dimensions i.e. goals and objectives

Consider objective measures of data sets and

subjective measures of stakeholders

Information Resources, Inc.

Clients began to demand more complex

data delivery with reduced cycle times

IRI created a TDQM program that included

technology, work process, and people (IS)

Resulted in 80% of errors being

eliminated, reduced rework levels and
increased speed and delivery consistency
Clavis Technology
- Cloud based SaaS
- Cleanses, augments and
integrates data

- Enterprise solution
- Monitors and maintains quality

Infosolve Technology
- Open source solution
- Manages quality of data lifecycle
Data quality is a business issue not simply an IT
concern and must be managed as such

Aims to provide data consumers with the best

information for making decisions

Exponential growth in data capture will mean data

quality will be very important in future

Any questions or comments?


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