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The Word Become Flesh

And Dwelt Among Us

Lesson text: Hebrews 7:23-28
Loretto Church
Interior Exterior
Loretto Church
*location : One block South of Santa Fe,
Corner of Water Street and Old Santa Fe
5 years to complete. Completed in 1878
Sisters of Loretto
360 degree. 33 steps
Behold the man
Were sinful-Hes sinless
A Real Man
The Second Adam
What we believe matters
Behold the Man
When Jesus asked, everyone was quiet.
Jesus went even further than claiming to be without
Were sinful-Hes sinless
Sinful nature mentioned in the Bible:
1. Psalm 51:5
2. Isaiah 64:6
3. Psalm 143:2
When the Bible speaks about:
Human heart Jesus
pictures serious problems- I always do what pleases
a nature between bent him (John 8:29)
toward sin and rebellion
against God.
A Real Man
gods in pagan religions appear as humans. But
they were pretending taking on appearance.
Jesus purpose as a human is to be a perfect
The Second Adam
Jesus was physically affected by sin but not
morally infected by sin.
What we believe matters
What we believe about the moral nature of Jesus
matters very much.
If Jesus had sin within, His sacrifice could not
have saved sinners.
First Adam Second Adam
ruined redeemed
1. He came to reveal God
2. He became our Savior
3. He became our Example
Thank you for listening

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