Rig Selection 3

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0 Rig Selection

The rig selection must be given the highest

The drilling process requires two major inputs:
- manpower
- hardware( drilling equipment & accessories)
Proper rig selection is important for:
- safe
- efficient
- cost effective drilling operations
Rig Selection

Rig selection involves:

- proper estimation of anticipated loads
during well operations such as drilling and
casing loads
- selection of the most cost effective rig
components that will meet the load and
operating requirements
4.1. General Principles

The rig requirements may be classified as

Type of rig based on terrain (land, swamp, offshore)
Lifting capacity (load capacity)
Substructure/pipe setback load capacity
BOP size, type, number and rating
Pump output and rating
Tank capacity
Solids treatment equipment
Storage capacity and Accommodation
Types of Rigs
Rotary drilling rigs are broadly classified as
onshore and offshore.
Main features of all rigs are mobility and depth of
Both onshore and offshore rigs have common
general features except facilities that are designed
to suit the terrain
Modern rigs also have computer control facilities
to reduce errors and improve efficiency
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.1. Types of rig

For land wells the following choices are
trailer rigs
package rigs
slim hole rigs
Land Rig, 1990s Equivalent - 40,000ft Capability
Land Rig, Desert Rig - Oman (Lekhwair)
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.1. Types of rig

Trailer rigs: First choice for wildcat wells.
Limited lifting capacity.
Package rigs: Higher mobilisation cost.
Suitable for deep wells drilling.
Slim hole rigs: Use only in environmentally sensitive
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.2. Lifting capacity

The rig must be able to handle the heaviest
drillstring or casing string with a margin of safety.
The overpulls load which is necessary to free the
pipe if it is stuck must be considered.
Normally, the heaviest string handled by a rig is the
production casing string.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.2. Lifting capacity

As a rule of thumb, the lifting capacity of the rig
should be considered as the heaviest string multiply
by 1.25.
The string weight should be calculated in air and
no buoyancy factor included in these figures.
If the string gets stuck, the buoyancy of the string
may lost and to pull it free will require pulling more
than its dry weight to free it.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.3. Substructure/pipe setback load

The substructure will capable to take the full
drill-string stood back in the derrick whilst the
heaviest casing (I.e production string) is being
It is not acceptable to have to lay out drill-pipes
to allow casing to be run as we never know when
the casing might need to be pulled and the hole
reconditioned with a bit and BHA.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.4. BOP size, type, number and

The minimum BOP requirements should be
known for each well type, by knowing the well
plan and expected pressure regime
Since land rigs typically use smaller BOPs than
those used offshore, extra care must be taken to
ensure that casing and tubing hangers can pass
through with reasonable clearance.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.5. Pump output and rating

For a given hole size, a given calculation rate
is required.
The normally used a minimum of 500
gal/min pump output in 12 1/4 inch hole
using 5 inch drillpipe.
The pressure loss in a given circulating
system must be calculated.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.5. Pump output and rating

By knowing the hole sizes and casing setting
depths, the pump output capacity and pressure
rating can be defined.
The rig pumps, therefore, should meet these
requirements at a minimum acceptable level.
The pressure loss in the bit nozzle is a major part
of the overall pressure loss in the circulating
PDC bits can work efficiently with lower bit
hydraulic horsepower.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.5. Pump output and rating

The mud weights to be used will also influence the
HHP requirements and these must be considered. As
a guide, the following pump requirements can be
Hole: 12 1/4 to 500 m 8 1/2 to 1000 m - 500 gpm at
1500 psi
Hole: 17 1/2 to 500 m 12 1/4 to 2000m - 800 gpm at
2000 psi
Hole: 17 1/2 to 1500 m 12 1/4 to 3000 m - 1000
gpm at 3000 psi
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.6 Tank Capacity

The surface mud tank capacity must be sufficient to
allow continuous treatment of the mud prior to
pumping it down-hole.
The following minimum surface tank volume
requirements can be used.
Hole: 12 1/4 to 500 m 8 1/2 to 1000 m - 60 m3/380 bbl
Hole: 17 1/2 to 500 m 12 1/4 to 2000m - 90 m3/570 bbl
Hole: 17 1/2 to 1500 m 12 1/4 to 3000 m - 120 m3/760
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.7. Solids treatment equipment

The types of mud systems are to be used on the wells
to be drilled must be determined.
The way with which liquid waste can be disposed
must be assessed.
Simple water-based mud systems can be kept in
shape by extensive dumping and diluting.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.7. Solids treatment equipment

This process takes solids and disposed in the waste
pit; however, it does fill the waste pit rather quickly.
If oil-based muds are in use, then dumping and
diluting is not an effective continuous treatment.
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.7. Solids treatment equipment

Most land wells can be drilled efficiently with using the
following equipment when using water-based mud:
2 double-decker shale shakers
1 de-sander
1 de-silter
If oil-based mud is to be used, then in addition to the
above mud cleaners, a centrifuge should be installed
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.8 Storage capacity

Under storage capacity, we must consider all the
consumables involved in drilling a well.
To operate efficiently, the rig must be capable of
keeping the following material nearby:
bulk chemicals
tubular goods
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.8 Storage capacity

If mains water is available and the supply can be
relied upon, then the water storage requirements
should be minimal
If the well is located in an oilfield area, then
chemicals can be brought as needed and not just
kept on site
Similarly, casing can be brought to the site only a
few days prior to running
4.2. Specifying A Land Rig

4.2.9. Accommodation and offices

Most land wells will have a Drilling Engineer and
possible a Night-shift Drilling Supervisor
Each of these must have a place to work, a desk,
filing cabinets and shelves to keep files etc.
They also need shower facilities, sleeping quarters
and a small kitchen where food can be prepared
It is advisable that the drilling Supervisor should
never leave the site during these operations.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

For most offshore wells, the type of rig required will
fall into one of three groups:
Jack-ups, where the water depth is less than 100
Semi-submersibles in hostile waters too rough for
drill ships and in depths over 100 m.
Drill ships in calmer waters with depths over 100
Nice Pictures of Jack-
DRILLSHIP - Neddrill - 2
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

a) Jack-ups
Jack-ups are used for most of the offshore
exploration drilling worldwide.
They fall into two main categories
determined by the equipment used on the
bottom of the supporting legs.
By far the most common type of jack-up is
the spud can type.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

a) Jack-ups
This rig has spud or tanks mounted on the base of
the legs.
These are usually round and are equipped with a
jetting system to allow them to be jetted into the
Additional jetting systems are installed on the top of
the spud cans to allow the can to be pulled out of the
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

a) Jack-ups
The second type of jack-up is mat supported.
This type of rig has a large single mat connected to
the base of each leg.
This is lowered with the legs and, since it has a
larger area than individual spud cans, it applies less
pressure on the seabed for a given jack-up weight.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

a) Jack-ups
Consequently, it is used mainly in areas where the
seabed is very soft and spud cans would penetrate
too far into the seabed if they were used.
Most modern jack-ups are of the cantilever design.
this means that the derrick and substructure can be
skidded inboard on the rig and skidded out over a
cantilever during drilling operations.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

b) Semi-submersibles
semisubmersibles must be used in areas where water
depths exceed 100 m and bad weather can be
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

c) Drill Ships
Drill ships are used when drilling in calm waters
which are too deep for jack-up operations.
They can be used in very shallow water ( 30 m) in
very calm conditions but are usually used in water
depths of over 100 m. Drill ships can be divided in
two groups:
conventionally moored
dynamically positioned (DP).
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

c) Drill Ships
Conventionally moored drill ships are rigs moored
with bow and anchors (typically four at each end of
the vessel). As such, they are restricted to water
depths of up to 500 m only.
Dynamically positioned drill ships use a series of
hull mounted propellers (thrusters) to keep them in
position over the well.
DP drill ships will operate in water depths of 100 m
up to several thousand meters and are the favored
tool for drilling wells off the Continental Shelf.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.1 Type of rig

c) Drill Ships
When specifying a rig, the deck load requirements
should be met (i.e amount of drill pipe, tools, casing,
cement, chemicals, mud and fluids to be carried
during the drilling operation).
Adrill ship can carry on board most of the
equipment required to drill two wells.
For jack-ups and semis however, there is never
enough deck load capability. As a guide, most wells
of up to 4000 m can be drilled with deck load of less
then 2000 tonnes. Wells deeper will required
additional deck load capabilities.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.2. Lifting capacity

The same criteria for lifting capacity apply equally
to offshore rigs and to land rigs.
Typically, offshore rigs will routinely handle longer
casing than land rigs and therefore will need a
higher rating on their lifting capacity.
Floating rigs use large seabed-placed BOP units
which must be handled at surface initially by means
of cranes and then finally lowered to the seabed
either on drillpipe or on riser.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.2. Lifting capacity

For jack-ups, the rig in its working position must
satisfy the lifting capacity requirements.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

4.3.3. Planning and Preparations

(a) Site Conditions and Considerations:
The exploration geologist is the one who put a finger
on the map and say drill here
The first major step is to select a rig to drill the well.
Certain data must be known about the drillsite and
surrounding area.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(a) Site Conditions and Considerations:

Basic rig selection criteria consist of water depth,
expected environmental conditions during the
drilling period (wind, waves, current profile, and
climatological conditions), distance from nearest
dock facility, and availability of consumable supplies
(such a drilling mud, cement, pipe, rental tools, and
spare parts).
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(b) Water Depth:

If the water depth does not exceed approximately
350 ft, any of the three major rig types can be
Jackups can handle a water depth range from 20 to
30 ft to a maximum depth of 350 ft. The maximum
strains, such as wind, wave, and current conditions
at the site.
Severe conditions tend to lower the jackup rigs
maximum water-depth capacity.
Offshore Drilling Units - Depth
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(b) Water Depth:

Drillship water depths range from approximately
100 to 8,000 ft with todays technology.
Semisubmersible water depths range from
approximately 150 to 8,000 ft.
The semisubmersible must stay in slightly deeper
water than a ship because of the submerged hull
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

Expected Environmental Conditions:

Wind, wave, current and climatological data are
generally the responsibility of an oceanographic
consulting firm or your own companys
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

Expected Environmental Conditions:

To assist in vessel selection, a vessel motion or
downtime analysis can be run. Computer programs
that compare a particular vessels motion
characteristics with the predicted wind and waves
are available
After the vessel is selected, mooring and riser
analyses can be run to determine whether the vessel
is adequately equipped for the location
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

Expected Environmental Conditions:

For jack up rig evaluation, comparing water depth,
current, wind, and tides with the maximum
recommended criteria established by the rig
designer is extremely important
Soil or foundation competency at the site must be
known for jackup operations to ensure that the
soil can adequately support the rig.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(d) Logistics Consideration:

Remote locations require substantially more
planning and preparation than the locations
adjacent to established bases and supplies
Consideration must be given to (1) frequency of
consumable supply; (2) distance from supply base
(length of boat run); (3) number of people the rig
can accommodate; (4) availability of spare parts;
and (5) shipment delays caused by customs
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(d) Logistics Consideration:)

Floating rigs (ships and semisubmersibles) variable
deck-load capacity must be considered and
compared with frequency of consumable supplies
Ships, as an example, have much greater variable
deck-load capacity than semisubmersible drilling
rigs (15,00 vs. 3,000 tons).
The semisubmersible is more stable in rough seas
than the ship.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(d) Logistics Consideration:) )

Availability of pipe, mud, fuel, water and other
consumables must be carefully determined during
the planning effort.
Helicopters to transport personnel and light
equipment in routine and emergency situations are a
necessary part of most floating drilling operations.
Those located within a few minutes of the coastline
and support bases are sometimes exceptions.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(d) Logistics Consideration:

Climatological conditions have a major effect on
helicopter operations.
Fog and impaired visibility conditions will ground
flight operations and depending on their extent, can
have a major effect on the resupply of consumables,
transportation of crews to and from support bases,
and overall rig operations.
Floating ice, low temperature, and high currents
offer special considerations.
4.3.0 Specifying An Offshore Rig

(E) Seismic and Other Location Studies:

Preparations to drill and exploratory location will
include running and evaluating a site of location
Site surveys generally are run by seismic companies
specializing in prespud site studies. These
companies will conduct the surveys, evaluate the
data, and prepare formal reports that present the
data that will be useful in selecting the exact
location, in preparing the mooring plan, and in
determining how the top hole will be drilled.
The deepwater challenges
Commercially producing deepwater hydrocarbons
- locate and characterise reservoirs with high confidence
- reduce exploration and appraisal well costs
- reduce time from exploration to production
- maximise ultimate recovery with fewer wells
- minimise drilling downtime and well intervention needs
- flow assurance and gas disposal

Manage a high risk operational environment

- low drilling margins
- high cost consequences from operational mistakes
- drilling and completion are prime cost targets

Prof. Wale Dosunmu

Key factors for success
Drilling and Completion are primary cost elements; minimising
drilling time and well intervention are key targets.
Improve performance through planning optimisation and new
Organisation Technology

Addressing well cost

Technology and planning

- novel technology development and deployment
- improved planning and risk assessment
- reshaping of organisational and business models
Prof. Wale Dosunmu
The relation between planning and

Limit for the impact of

Planning new planning processes

Introduction of new technology

with step change potential in
performance improvements

Maintain the focus on new

planning processes

Prof. Wale Dosunmu
Deepwater - Drilling and Completion

Reduce costs
- reduce the drilling and completion time (minimise trips, multi-
tasking tools, etc.)
- improve operations (optimise, find right balance between time
savings and operative risks)

Reduce downtime
- increase rig and equipment performance and reliability
- proper planning and establishing procedures with contingency
- minimise uncertainty regarding geo-technical hazards
- establish a learning organisation approach
- full involvement of contractors during planning

Prof. Wale Dosunmu

Deepwater Drilling constraints
Physical effects in deep water

Length effect: Pressure effect: Low

Increased weight Risk for riser
and loading on and pipeline Hydrate
risers, umbilical collapse formation with
and mooring plugging of
Intrusion of control lines
Higher hang off water in control and flowlines
Environmental forces on floaters systems
constraints Wax deposition
Increased Limited with reduction
flexibility of risers possibility to of pipe area
depressurise and pressure
Natural period of systems for loss
movements hydrate removal

Shallow gas, hydrates and

water / sand flow
High pore pressure / low
fracture gradient
Prof. Wale Dosunmu
Reservoir - geological constraints
Low margin pore pressure/fracture gradient

small margin between high
pore pressure and low
fracture gradient
20" Frac

Solutions Long riser / 133/8 "

mud column
PWD and LWD monitoring

Depth ft
mud weight optimisation 9000

more casing strings

careful drilling practices 11000

- limit cutting concentration

- limit swab and surge 13000
- break circulation slowly Low frac 7"

LCM to cure mud losses gradients Potential lost 15000

casing-while-drilling circulation 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

dual gradient drilling High ECD Pressure Gradient S.G

Prof. Wale Dosunmu

Reservoir - geological constraints
Gas hydrates
plugging choke and kill lines, BOP and
dehydration of drilling fluids and / or
plugging well test string

hydrate simulators and modelling
selection of mud system: WBM or SBM
chemical inhibitors added to drilling fluids
reduce to minimum non circulating time
injection of methanol into BOP and
wellhead connector

Prof. Wale Dosunmu

Reservoir - geological constraints

Shallow water flow

water sands are deposited and sealed by
impermeable layer
Mud return to sea
buried at high rates (exceeding 500ft per
ROV millions year)
water depths in excess of 1.000ft - 200 to
2.000ft below mudline

sediments - 500 overpressured water and sand will start to flow
ft/mill. year
boundary layer
creates channels to the seafloor
big washouts if not controlled
Trapped water
improved site surveys and data bases
instrumented pilot holes + ROV surveillance
Prof. Wale Dosunmu

Quality of supervision and rig personnel are

critical for rig selection in addition to:
- contractor safety records
- rig mobility and ease of handling
- contractor dependability
- contractual rates
- rig and accessories condition

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