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• •On January 15,1987 Galvin launched Six Sigma

• Quality Program.
• •The Corporate Policy Committee Of Motorola
• updated its quality goal in achieving Six Sigma
• •The CEO said that “There is only one ultimate goal:
• Zero defects in everything we do.”
• •Six sigma was projected as ‘as organization wide,
• leadership driven, process oriented, middle manger
• led and employee owned initiative.
Motorola steps to achieve
six sigma

• •Identify the product you create or the service that you

• provide.
• •Identify the customer(s) for your product or service, and
• determine what they consider important .
• •Identify your needs.
•Define the process for doing the work.
•Mistake-proof the process and eliminate the wasted effort.
•Ensure continuous improvement by measuring, analyzing

• and controlling the improved process

• All departments of Motorola were taught the ‘benchmarking’
• techniques of competitor’s products reliability and
• performance.
• •Then, the employees were asked to exceed the competitors’
• standards, reducing the cycle time.
• •The managers of the company carried with them printed cards
• and pagers to make them available to customers all the time .
• •All product managers were trained in six sigma, and they, in
• turn, trained their employe
• Quality reviews were conducted on a weekly,
• monthly and quarterly basis to improve performance.
• •All management levels of the company were involved
• in these quality reviews.
• •The six sigma methodology was institutionalized and
• imbibed in to every process across the companythrough
employee participation towards achieving thecommon goal.
• •However, by 1992,Motorola aimed to achieve the
• overall quality level of 5.4 defects per million, a little
• less than six sigma(3.4)

• •Basic level training program
•Serves as high performing team members
•Program focused on DMAIC

• •Technically Oriented Employees
• •Given Computer Training Skill
• •Highest Level Oftechnical Proficiency
• •Masters Provided Technical Leadership Of
The Six
• Sigma
The Benefits

• •Reduction in the process defects

•Reduction in the manufacturing cost by $1.4
•Employee production on a dollar basis
increased by

• 126%
• •Stockholders share value increased by 4 times
Next Generation Six Sigma

• •This is the combination of good business

• of statistics and the elements of effective business
• strategy
• •It comprises the four steps –
• -Align

• Motorola Six Sigma technique

based on Demings PDCA
known as MAIC

• •Measure

• •Six Sigma overcomes weakness of

• TQM:
-Focusing on Customer Requirement
-Developing a set of improvement

• actions
-Prioritizing those actions
-Establishing measures that assures

• accountability

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