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- Muhammad Ismail N

- Rani Oktafiani Setiawan

- Sukron Mamum
- Tris Lukman Syafii
- Basri Bin Akil
Background of the study
The building and an irrigation channel has been
know since the long time ago before Masehi. It can
prove through historical heritage by the history of
national or the history of the world. Indonesia is an
agriculture country, where agriculture is a priority
first. The channel irrigation as supporters of the
provision of food a national of course very important.
So the availability of water in the field can still full
enough even though the land away from any source of
surface water.
Water is affected by gravity, so water can be
flow through channels water by naturally to a lower. But
the water varies a great deal depends on the location
and season. The availability of water in the tropics
(near to the Equator) is very large compared with other
areas such as the desert and the desert.
Create good drainage on the need for an
irrigation system until final disposal obvious,
not until the end of the existing water lines
culminate in a river that is dead, or does not
flow so that the water will overflow and cause
flooding .
The island nation is very vulnerable to an
increase in sea water and storm , Indonesia
is among countries that are very vulnerable ,
and therefore in need of effective ways to
address the problem of flooding .
The benefits of irrigation :
To drain water to the various aspects of
the needs for example : irrigate
agricultural land and can also be used for
To moisten the soil, i.e. wetting the soil
in areas that are less annual precipitation
totals or erratic.
To fertilize the soil, with the flow water
containing sludge and substances nutrient
fertilizer plant on agriculture areas, so
that the land became fertile.
To help travel water in order to avoid the
occurrence of inundation and accelerate the
rate of water back to the river and ended up
in the ocean.
Rinse the dirty water.
Set the temperature of the soil.
The effective ways to solve the flooding

Diligent cleaning drains.

Building / construction of flood
River deepening project.
Planting trees preserving forests.
Making biopori holes.
The calculating of good technically is not
enough to support if it is not balanced
with the using and good maintenance for

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