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Identification for industrial model-

based control
Vidar Alstad
Department of Chemical Engineering

June 8, 2005

Title: "Identification for industrial model-based control. "
Deatils: The committee would like a survey of what
kind of models (soft/hard) are used by industry for
model predictive control (MPC), how the models are
identified, and the expected future direction. The
candidate should also address the following question:
"Why does industry today use almost exclusively black-
box (soft) models?"


Scope of presentation
Introduction & brief history of MPC
Model identification
Linear models used in industrial MPC
Non-linear models in industrial MPC
Future directions
Why still black-box models?
Concluding remarks

Scope of presentation
Model based control (Brosilow and Joseph, 2001 )

Control systems that explicitely embed a

process model in the control algorithm

Internal model control (Morari and Zafiriou, 1989)
Model predictive control (Richalet et al, 1976, Cutler and Ramaker,
Black-box and first principles

Black-box/Soft Hard
Structure Empirical/data-based First principles

Mathematical Linear/non-linear Linear/non-linear

Scope of presentation
Types of models formulations used in MPC
Predictive models
Based on the current measured variables and the current and
future inputs, the model must predict the future outputs
(Rossitier, 2003)

Steady-state models
Often steady-version of the above dynamic model or a separate
comprehensive model (Qin and Badgwell, 2003)

Continuous processes

Model predictive control
(Gorinevsky, 2005)

control horizon

1. At each time step, compute the 2. Apply the first value of the
optimal control inputs over the computed control input into
control horizon by solving an open the process
loop optimization problem over
the prediction horizon taking 3. At the next time step, redo
constraints into account the calculation
Industrial MPC formulation

Prediction horizon Control horizon

Prediction model

Brief history of industrial MPC
LQR (Kalman, 1964)
Little impact in process industries due to lack of constraint handling
(Richalet et al., 1976, Garcia et al. 1989)
IDCOM and DMC (Richalet et al., 1976, Cutler and Ramaker, 1979)
Input/output representation
Ad hoc constraint handling
QDMC (Cutler et al., 1983)
Explicit constraint handling (improved DMC)
IDCOM-M, HIECON, SMCA and SMOC (late 1980-1990s)
State space representation
Hard constraints and priorities
DMC-plus and RMPCT (2000+)
Improved identification technology
Non-linear MPC (Aspen, DOT-products)
Industrial usage of MPC
Factors for widespread usage in process industries
(Piche, et al. 2000)
Open-loop settling time minutes or hours
Well suited for multivariable control (MIMO)
Explicit constraint handling
Empirical modelling tools
Standard in refining, chemical, petrochemical, pulp and
paper and food processing.
Many industrial commercial vendors.

Non-exhaustive MPC Vendor List
(Allgwer, 2004)

ABB Trieber Controls Objectspace

ACT Yokogawa APC Optimal Control Research
Adaptics US Process Control L.L.C.
Pavilion Technologies
Adaptive Resources Eldridge Engineering Inc.
Adersa Predictive Control Ltd.
Elsag Bailey
Aspen Technology Predictor
Aurel Systems Inc. Envision Systems Inc.
Process System Consultants
Batch CAD Gensym
Bonner and Moore RSI
Enterprise Control Technologies
Brainwave Simulation and Advanced
Fantoft Process Group
C.F. Picou and Associates Simtech
Chemstations MATHWORKS
Texas Controls Inc.
Comdale Technologies Honeywell
Control Arts Inc. Inferential Control Company
Control Consulting Inc.
Control Dynamics
Controlsoft Incorporated Knowledgescape
Cybosoft MDC Technology
DOT Products
Nexus Engineering

Identification for MPC
Model identification is clearly the In a typical commissioning project,
Achilles heel of MPC (or any modeling efforts can take up to 90%
other model-based controller of the cost and time (Andersen and
design technique) (Ogunnaike and Kummel, 1992).
Ray, 1994)

Basics of identification

Introduce a sequence of inputs ujk

yjk contain the process information
By treating the time series of yk with
Identification uk , a model can be estimated.
Near all model types need
Steps in industrial identification
(Sderstrm and Stoica, 1989)

Instrument verification
Pre-test Time to steady-state (TSS)
Data for initial identification

Test protocol
Signal type (PRBS or step)

Model Model formulation to use

Model identification Model parameter

Equation error
Output error
Model validation
Model validation: Measure
goodness of model
12 Accept?
Pre-test and test protocol
Pre-test Pre-testing (Seborg et al., 2004)
Estimate process gains
Time constants
Test protocol
Time delays
Plant instrumentation verification
Test protocol
Signal type
Model identification
Sequential vs. simultaneous
Closed loop or open loop
Model validation


Test signals for MPC identification
Data from tests should be informative, e.g. contain information
on sufficient distinct frequencies. (Ljung, 1999).
MPC relevant signal design (McLellan, 2004)

Require good estimate on

steady-state gain and
slower dynamics
Higher frequencies
handled by the regulatory
control layer.


Industrial test signals (McLellan, 2004)

Step signals
14 Pseudo-Random Binary signals (PRBS)
Test signals for MPC identification
u y u y

t t t t

Provides very good information Provides good information on steady-state

on steady-state gain gain and higher frequencies.

power power
Limited information on
higher frequencies

frequency frequency
Input magnitude Input magnitude
Duriation Duration
Minimum switching time
Desired frequency content
Test signals and identification
( Qin and Badgwell, 2003; Conner and Seborg, 2004; Morari and Lee,
1999; Li and Lee, 1996)
Open loop and sequential SISO identification
Step Easy identify model structure
No information on directionality
Easy to administer and
easier to interpret data Good individual SISO match (either
Long test time step or frequency response), poor
MIMO model.
MISO identification
Simultanious excitation signals
Process upset
Output models fit one-by-one
Open loop and simultanious Better disturbance model
No information on directionality

Model formulation in industrial MPC
(Qin and Badgwell, 2003)

Pre-test Input/Output models
Nonlinear neural net (NNN) +
auto-regressive with exogenous state space
inputs (ARX) Hybrid models
Test protocol State space
Nonlinear state space model


Empirical First principles

Model identification

Input/Output models
Finite impulse response (FIR)
Model validation Finite step response (FSR)
Laplace transfer function (TF)
Auto-regressive with exogenous
Accept? inputs (ARX)
State space
Linear state space model (LSS)

Linear models
Majority of industrial MPC
applications use linear empirical
models (Qin and Badgewell, Linear


Input/Output models
Finite impulse response (FIR)
Finite step response (FSR)
Laplace transfer function (TF)
Auto-regressive with exogenous inputs
State space
Linear state space model (LSS)

Input/output models
FIR and FSR Empirical
First principles
Nonparametric models
Finite Impulse Response Linear

Parameters hi are the sampled

output after a unit impulse input
Finite Step Response

Parameters si is the sampled

output after a unit step input

Input/output models Non-linear


(Qin and Badgwell, 2003; Ljung, 1999) Empirical
First principles

General Finite Impulse Response (FIR)


General Finite Step Response (FSR)

Input/output models Non-linear


(Zhu et al., 2000, Ljung, 1999; Qin and Badgwell, 2003) Empirical
First principles


Finite impulse response (FIR) and Finite step response (FSR) model
+ Can handle complex dynamics
Time delays, inverse response
+ Little prior process knowledge needed
Time to steady state (TTSS)
+ Model identification
+ No bias in parameters due to measurement noise
Bias due to truncation
Sample time selected so 30-120 coefficients describe the full open loop
Cannot handle unstable or integrating processes
Output feedback
Input/output models Non-linear

(Zhu et al., 2000; Ljung, 1999; Qin and Badgwell, 2003) Empirical
First principles

Parametric models

Autoregressive model with exogenous inputs (ARX)


General MIMO

Polynomial matrices, e.g.

Input/output models Non-linear

(Zhu et al., 2000; Ljung, 1999; Qin and Badgwell, 2003) Empirical
First principles

Same autoregressive part for inputs and

disturbances Linear

Disturbances enter near input of v

process (same denominator term)
Handles stable, unstable and integrating
Model order B S S A-1
Other parametric models used
Transfer function d
(converted to discrete time)

23 FIR special type of ARX


State space models

(Qin and Badgwell, 2003)
First principles

Discrete state space


Handles stable, unstable and integrating processes

Systematic output feedback (Kalman filter)
Distinction between controlled and feedback variables
Unmeasured disturbance models
Linearized first principle model
Used in research literature

Linear model identification
(Qin and Badgwell, 2003)

Prediction error methods

Minimize a least square criterion

Test protocol

using either
1. Equation error approach (one step ahead prediction)
2. Output error approach (multi step ahead prediction)
Model identification
Finite impulse and step response (FIR and FSR)
yield linear least square.
Model validation


Linear model identification ARX
(Qin and Badgwell, 2003)

Prediction error

Equation error identification approach Output error identification approach

Linear least square Nonlinear parameter estimation

Past measurements fed back in Past estimates fed back in model

model Numerically more challenging
Preferred industrial implementation Gauss-Newton methods
Gradient descent methods
Parameter estimates biased given
white measurement noise Global methods
Parameter estimates unbiased
One-step ahead prediction
26 Multi-step ahead prediction
Linear model identification
state space models
Based on subspace model identification (Van Overschee, 1996)
Efficient method for estimating MIMO models as compared to
existing PEM methods (Favoreel, et al, 2000)

Two step procedure

1. Estimate the state sequence from input/output data
2. Linear regression to find the system matrices

Can yield suboptimal estimates as compared to existing PEM

methods (Van Overschee, 1996)

Linear models Summary
(Qin and Badgwell,2003; Zhu and Butoyi, 2002; Ljung, 1999)

Nonparametric models Parametric models

(FIR and FSR) (ARX and state space)
Bias error due to truncation - Order selection (ARX)
Poor with fast/slow dynamics Ad hoc bias sceeme output
Non-compact. feedback (ARX)
Unable to model unstable and
integrating processes
Ad hoc bias sceeme output + No bias (if sufficient order)
feedback (ARX)
+ Compact
+ Handles unstable and
integrating processes
+ Linear least square for + MIMO identification (state
parameter estimation space)
+ Little process knowledge + Output feedback (state space)
Model formulation in industrial MPC
(Qin and Badgwell, 2003)

Pre-test Input/Output models
Nonlinear neural net (NNN) +
auto-regressive with exogenous state space
inputs (ARX) Hybrid models
Test protocol State space
Nonlinear state space model


Empirical First principles

Model identification

Input/Output models
Finite impulse response (FIR)
Model validation Finite step response (FSR)
Laplace transfer function (TF)
Auto-regressive with exogenous
Accept? inputs (ARX)
State space
Linear state space model (LSS)

empirical models Empirical
First principles


Input/Output models
Nonlinear neural net (NNN) + auto-
regressive with exogenous inputs (ARX)
State space
Nonlinear state space model (LSS) (NNN)


(Piche et al., 2000, Qin and Badgwell, 2003)
Pavilion First principles

Steady-state nonlinear model superimposed on

a linear dynamic model Linear

Second order linear model Steady state nonlinear part modeled

for dynamics as a bounded derivative neural net.
Open loop step response Trained using historical closed loop
for identification data


State space
( Zhao et al. ,1998;2001)
First principles
Aspen Apollo

Claimed that above model can approximate any discrete time

nonlinear process with fading memory (Sentoni et al., 1998)
Bounded derivative network (Turner and Guiver, 2005)
Calculated bounds (max/min) on the gains
Globaly constrained, i.e. smooth transition to a linear approximation
(constant gain) in regions of extrapolation.
MISO identification of linear state space model using Principal
Component Analysis and Partial least squares methods
Neural net trained on prediction error for the linear model

Non-linear first principle

models Empirical
First principles

Mass, energy and impulse conservation

equations (Kouvaritakis and Cannon, 2001) Linear

Empirical data needed

Plant data not sufficient
Uncertain parameters estimated using least square (Young, et al.
Robustness and reliablility of identification algorithm
Art in estimation of the parameters. (Young, et al. 2001)
Nonlinear test signal design
33 Open topic (Morari et al., 1999)
Future directions
Linear models
Parametric models (Qin, 2005)
State space representation (Qin and Badgwell, 2003)
Subspace identification methods
Output feedback
Non-linear models
Non-linear empirical models (Piche et al., 2000)
Extensive testing
First principle models
Modeling and identification
Servo control problem with changes in operating point

MIMO identification
Why does industry still use black-box models?

Historical reasons Why not first principle nonlinear

Regulator problem models?
Sufficient performance using a Modeling and maintenance cost
(Pische, 2000)
linear models (Keep it simple!)
Justification criteria
Non-linearities handled by
variable transformations Often process and operation
Easy to identify
Test signal and identification
Linear least square (ARX, (Morari and Lee, 1999)
Modeling tools
Subspace methods
Non-convex online optimization,
Efficient online optimization computationally expensive (Morari
and Lee, 1999)
Empircal nonlinear models
next step beyond linear
modeling of chemical
processes. (Henson and
35 Seborg, 1997)
Concluding remarks
Predictive models for MPC
Linear empirical models
Sequential and open loop testing
Non-linearity addressed using empirical models (e.g. neural net)
First principle models not widely used due to cost of design and
Improvements in identification technology would have an
positive impact on MPC technology

Bjrn Glemmestad, Vinay Kariwala, Audun Faanes, Tor Steinar Schei,
Stig Strand, Kjetil Fjaalestad, Svein Olav Hauge and Olav

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