Gesture Recognition Technology

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Created by:
Aayushi Bansal
CSE 3rd year
What is gesture?
Gesture means moving a part of the body especially the hand or head
to express an idea or meaning
Gesture recognition is the ability of a device to identify and respond to
the different gestures of an individual.
What is Gesture Technology?
Gesture recognition is a topic in computer
science and language technology with the
goal of interpreting human gestures via
mathematical algorithms. Gestures can
originate from any bodily motion or state but
commonly originate from the face or hand.
Current focuses in the field include emotion
recognition from the face and hand gesture
recognition. Many approaches have been
made using cameras and computer vision
algorithms to interpret sign language. .
Introduction of Gesture Recognition
Interface with computers using gestures of
the human body, typically hand movements.
In addition to hand and body movement,
gesture recognition technology also can be
used to read facial and speech expressions
(i.e., lip reading), and eye movements.
These are the first in a growing array of alternative input devices that
allow computers to recognize and interpret natural physical gestures as a
means of control.
The mouse movement will be in synchronicity with the hand gesture, thus
allowing a hassle free operation of mouse.
How this technology works?
In gesture recognition technology, a camera reads
the movements of the human body and
communicates the data to a computer that uses the
gestures as input to control devices or applications
Motion Sensing
Any movement produces some amount of acceleration.
We are using an accelerometer to measure the acceleration. This 3D motion is
later converted to 2D motion by the microcontroller.


The microcontroller is the heart of our project.

It then interprets the data to detect which direction the hand has moved.
motion data is then sent to the receiver by using the XBee.
USART module is configured to operate in asynchronous mode.
Indirect pointing devices:
Indirect pointing devices require additional coordination in that the operator
has to match his or her movements with displacements in a different plane.
The Mouse
Graphic tablets

Accelerometer sensors measure the acceleration experienced by it and
anything to which it is directly attached.
Goal of this projects is to measure the three-dimensional acceleration of
human hand motion with adequate accuracy and precision, the necessary
bandwidth for normal human motion.
Input Devices That Are Used
Wired Glove:These provide input
to the computer about the position
and rotation of the hands using
magnetic or inertial tracking devices.a
glove can detect hand position
movement and finger bending.
Depth Aware Camera : A
standard 2D camera can be used where
resources would not be convenient for other
forms of image based recognition.

Controlled Gesture These act as

extension of the body so that when gestures
are made some of their motion can be
conveniently captured by software.
Benefits Of Gesture Recognition
A human computer
interface can be provided
using gestures:
Replace mouse and
Pick up and manipulate
virtual objects
Interact with the 3D world
No physical contact with
the computer needed
Communication at a
Applications of the technology
The gesture based technology is of great use now a days and very soon its
new advanced technologies are being developing which are based on this
technology. This technology is of wide use in the following fields:

o Medical
o Education
o Automotive Sector
o Gaming
o Robotics
o Video conferencing
o Security Locks
Applications of the technology
For health and safety reasons, a
nurse or doctor may not be able
to touch a display or track pad but
still needs to control a system. In
other cases, the medical
professional may not be within
reach of the display yet still needs
to manipulate the content being
shown on the display.
For the disabled wheel chairs
designed that can sense the
motion of the hand sof the person
Applications of the technology
The people enjoy the games by moving
the objects without any object just only
by waving their hands
Can be used in virtual gamings as car
races or shooting games
For controlling the rear hatch and sliding
down the windows of the cars
In moving the steering wheel of the car
For the movement of the front and back
Can also be used in the aero planes and
Applications of the technology
Automotive Market
In opening and closing of the sliding
In opening of the lift doors
In changing the movements of an
Instead of giving commands to the
robots they can be given direction
through the movement of hands
Applications of the technology
In the class rooms they can be used for the e education
Gesture based ipads and projector rooms are available.
used to connect students to the education system in a totally
new and different way.
Applications of the technology

Consumer Electronic sector

For switching on and off of the air conditioners, microwave ovens
,leds,lights etc.
For working on Smart phones ,smart tvs,tablets,laptops.
Can be used in the television systems to change channels,and
increase and decrease the volume of the tv.
Man changing channels through
gesture technology
Applications of the technology
Security Locks
The companies can adopt the gesture based locks which can
only be unlocked through the sign given by the head.and thus
they would provide better security
Advantages of Gesture Based
Speed and sufficient reliable for recognition system
Good performance system with a complex background
Simple fast and easy to implement and can be applied to real
time and gaming systems.
Used instruments not too much costly
Simple algorithms can be used to design such systems
Any irrelevant object may overlap the
Performance decreases as the distance
between device and hand increases
System limitations restrict the
applications such as gestures are to be
made with right hand only , palm should
face the camera ,background is plain
Requires a long time for learning the
various gesture symbols
Similar gestures may have different
Proper brightness is required for the
detection of the motion of the hand
As the world is advancing day by day so many new
technologies are being emerged and invented day by
day and are really of a great use to us . These
technologies are far more useful but must be used
properly . They must be used in a proper way.

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