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Cajamarca en el Intermedio

John R. Topic and Theresa Lange Topic
Ubicacin Geogrfica

Entre el sitio Marcahuamachuco,

viracochapampa, Huamachuco,
cerro sazn
During the Middle Horizon certain ceramic
styles and types of sites are found widely
distributed in Peru, and the debate concems
the mechanism responsible for this dis
tribution. Suggested mechanisms include
trade, religious proselytism, military
conquest, or sorne combination of the three
(see forexample Shady and Ruiz 1979; Isbell
and Schreiber 1978; and Isbell and Cook
lnstead, we see the early Middle Horizon as
a time of intensive interaction between
Huari and Huamachuco in which both sides
contributed and accepted ideas (p167).
Cerro Amaru occupies the top of a
SENW trend ing hill a few kilometers
to the northwest of Huamachuco,
covering an area approximately 800
by 300 meters (see Figure 2). The
entire hilltop is now farmed and
most of the prehistoric construction
has been dismantled and the stones
piled into field walls and mounds

We will discuss three features of the

site here: storage facilities, a
mausolewn, and three wells.
Swvey at the site documented
unusually high concentrations of
obsidian on the surface in different
areas, as well as sporadic finds of lapis
lazuli. Preserved architectural features
were rare, and those that were
present were unusual.
The most famous feature at the site
are the three wells, which are locally
called chiles3 (see Figure 3). The
mouths of the chiles are square or
slightly rectangular openings 30 cm
on a side, lined with worked Stone.
1) the wells may tap a natural
phreatic stratum; 2) the water
might be channelled to the wells by
a canal system; or 3) the water in
the wells might derive from rainfall
on the summit of the hill.
Clearly, rain that falls on
Marcahuamachuco filters down
through the thin cap of sediment
and through permeable layers until
it reaches strata of low

[]The canal is most often

mentioned as the source of water
for a spring on Marcahuamachuco,
but the locals frequently state that
the chiles, which lie on the route
between Laguna Negra and Mar-
cahuamachuco, are also supplied
by it (p170).
This canal would have to take
the form of a siphon, since
there are two lower saddles
and a sizable hill between
the lake and Cerro Amaro.
The excavations at 64B, 64El and
64E2, E3 and E4 revealed massive
stone walls, thinner cribbing walls
packed with clay, and narrow
terrace-like walls which served to
retain the artificial fill of the
As the profiles indicate, the water
table in the wells is above the
base of the walls (p170).
Thus, the walls form a reservoir
which captures rainfall on the hill
Dos Modos de Proceso Socio-Cultural: El Horizonte Temprano
y el Perodo Intermedio Temprano en el Valle de Cajamarca
Las excavaciones de Huacaloma fueron conducidas por cinco temporadas,
en 1979, 1982, 1985, 1988 Y 1989. Las investigaciones desde 1979 hasta
1985 fueron realizadas por la Expedicin Cientfica Japonesa a la Amrica
Nuclear que diriga el difunto Dr. Kazuo Terada, y las de 1988 y 89 por la
Expedicin Cientfica de la Antigua Civilizacin Andina de la Universidad
de Tokio, bajo la direccin del Dr. Yoshio Onukj de dicha universidad
Aclarar el proceso de
formacin del montculo de
Reestablecer la cornologa
Cajamarca en base a las
invetigaciones estratigrficas
de escala relativamente

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