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Cells: Size Does Matter in

How They Function

HL Biology 1
2.1.1 Cell Theory Review

Living organisms are composed of


Cells are the smallest unit of life.

Cells come from pre-existing cells.

Cell Theory
Robert Hooke discovered
The cell theory was
proposed by Schleiden,
Schwann and Virchow
Many other biologists
contributed to Cell
See Clegg p 3,
Additional Concepts of the
Cell Theory
All cells pass along hereditary material
to new cells during cell division
All cells are made of the same basic
All energy transformations of life take
place in cells
2.1.2 Evidence for Cell Theory
Review Table 1.2, Clegg p4
Hooke-designed compound microscope;
observed cork
Pasteur-microbiologist; disproved
spontaneous generation
Watson and Crick-discovery of DNA
has double helix

Data Hypothesis Theory

(TOK emphasis)
One or Many?
Many living things consist of a
single cell

Other living things consist of

many cells
Multicellular; in such
organisms the cells can
become specialized for
various functions
2.1.3 Unicellular organisms carry
out all the functions of life
Obtaining energy
Obtaining water
Excretion of wastes
Homeostasismaintaining an internal
environment within normal limits
2.1.7 Multicellular organisms show emergent

Emergent properties arise from the interaction of

component parts; the whole is greater than the sum
of its parts.

As multicellular organisms increase in complexity,

component parts become highly specialized and
more dependent upon one another for their division of
Life is organized
Life has a
hierarchy of
One level builds
upon the next
Cell Types

Prokaryotes: do not contain membrane

bound organelles, unorganized DNA
Eukaryotes: contain membrane bound
organelles and organized DNA (in
nucleus, wrapped around proteins)
Cell similarities
Regardless of whether or not they are
prokaryotic or eukaryotic, unicellular or
multicellular, all cells have 4 things in
Cell membrane
2.1.6 The importance of the surface area to
volume ratio as a factor limiting cell size.
The rate of heat
consumption of a
cell is a function of
its volume, whereas
the rate of exchange
of materials and
energy (heat) is a
function of its
surface area.
Surface Area vs. Volume
Surface area represents how well the plasma membrane
can allow for the exchange of materials between the
interior and exterior of a cell
Volume represents how much the inside of the cell can
hold; rate of heat and waste production and resource
consumption is a function of volume
as the cell increases in size, the volume increases
Equations for surface area and volume of cube often
used to illustrate inverse relationship that exist and
explains why cells are small


SA = L x W x number of sides (answer in units2)

V = L x W x H (answer in units3)
Determine the Surface Area and
Volume and Indicate the

3 cm 3 cm

2 cm 2 cm
1 cm
1 cm

1 cm
3 cm 2 cm

SA: 3 x 3 x 6 = 54cm2 SA: 2 x 2 x 6 = 24cm2 SA: 1 x 1 x 6 = 6cm2

V: 3 x 3 x 3 = 27cm3 V: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8cm3 V: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1cm3

SA:V = 54:27 = 2:1 SA:V = 24:8 = 3:1 SA:V = 6:1

Limits of Cell Size
As the volume of a cell exceeds the surface area of the cell,
the diffusion rate will increasingly slow down. If the diffusion
rate of a cell is too slow, it will be difficult for the cell to take in
nutrients and rid itself of wastes.

The shapes of cells can also affect the amount of surface area
that a cell has. Spherical cells have the least membrane per
unit volume, while flat or long cells have the most. If cells get
too big, they will die. As they become bigger they have less
surface area per unit of volume of cytoplasm. This makes it
much more difficult to exchange materials with the

If this condition is not changed, the cell will not be able to

maintain its homeostasis (internal balance), and it could die.
Cells must maintain a large surface area (SA) to volume (V)
ratio to maintain good health.
2.2 Prokaryotic Cells
3 Domains of life
2.2 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Figure 1.15, p16
--Naked DNA in cytoplasm
--Lack membrane-bound organelles
--70S ribosomes
--1 circular chromosome
--divide by binary fission
2.2.2 Functions of each Part
Cell Wall--rigid covering
Plasma Membrane--encloses
cell contents;controls entry
and exit of substances
Cytoplasm--contains water
and dissolved molecules
Pili--Attachment structures
Ribosomes--Make proteins
from RNA which is made from
translating the DNA code
Nucleoid--region-Contains the
hereditary code (naked DNA)
Capsule--a jelly-like covering
provides protection and allows
adhesion to surfaces
3 Common Shapes of Bacteria
cocci, bacilli, spirilla
2.2.4 Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission
process whereby a cell grows and then divides into 2

Image from

2.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Include the following Kingdoms:

Many protists are unicellular like
Paramecium- unicellular protist
Other protists

Diatoms Giardia

Trichomonas Trypanosoma
Protists Facts
Diatoms- photosynthetic; cell walls made of
Giardia- parasitic; causes Giardiasis, diarrheal
Plasmodium- causes malaria by infecting RBC;
transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes; flu-like
symptoms, high fever, shaking chills, an anemia
Trichomonas- parasite lives in vagina, cervix or
male lower genital tract; causes sexually
transmitted infection
Trypanosoma- parasite transmitted by tsetse
fly; causes sleeping sickness, by infecting the
brain and meninges; can be fatal if left untreated
Eukaryotic cell structure; Page 15, Figure 1.13
Hepatocyte-liver cells that make proteins,
carbohydrates, cholesterol, bile salts and

Apparatus Nuclear
is the term
used in IB
Internal membranes
Mitochondria and compartmentalize
other membrane-
bound organelles
Eukaryotic Animal Cell
Nucleus and its envelope
Protects DNA
Controls and directs
cell activities
Site of:
DNA Replication
Making of RNA
Making of ribosomes
Make proteins from the mRNA code
Some found free in cytoplasm, while
some are on Rough ER
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Smooth ER important in creation and
storage of steroid and storage of ions;
no ribosomes attached to surface of
membrane. In liver cells, it produces
enzymes used to detoxify certain
compounds; Smooth ER is involved in
carbohydrate and lipid synthesis, and
assisting with muscle contractions

Rough ER produces proteins for export

to the plasma membrane and/or beyond;
vesicle forms around protein and is used
for protein transport. In leukocytes
Rough ER produce antibodies, while in
pancreatice cells it produces insulin
Golgi Apparatus
Series of cup-shaped
membranes that receive and
modify cellular products,
including those from the ER,
and prepares them for
external transport or transport
to other locations inside the
Vesicles carrying ER
products bud from the ER
and move through cytoplasm
towards Golgi apparatus
where they fuse;
Site of aerobic
respiration and ATP
Two membranes, with
inner membrane
consisting of many folds
called cristae; they
increase surface area

Image from

Phosopholipid bilayer membrane forms a
barrier to maintain a separate, acidic
internal environment which contains
digestive enzymes and can digest
2.3.4 Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
Feature Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells
Type of genetic A naked loop of DNA; no Chromosomes consisting
material associated proteins of strands of DNA
associated with protein
called histone
Main location of In the cytoplasm in a region In the nucleus inside a
genetic material called the nucleoid; nucleus double nuclear membrane
absent called the nuclear
Mitochondria Not present. The cell surface Always present
membrane and mesosome are
used instead
Ribosomes Small size; 70S (S = svedburg Larger size; 80S
units, a measure of the size of
Organelles Few or none are present Many are present
bounded by a including endoplasmic
single membrane reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, & lysosomes
2.3.5 Comparing Plant and Animal Cells
Feature Animal Plant
Cell Wall Not present. Animal Cell wall and cell
cells only have a cell surface membrane are
surface membrane both present
Chloroplasts Not present Present in plant cells
that photosynthesize

Carbohydrate Glycogen Starch

Vacuole Not usually present. Large fluid-filled
Small or temporary vacuole often present
vacuoles are
sometimes found
Shape Able to change shape. Fixed shape. Usually
Usually rounded rather regular
Plant vs. Animal Cells

Image from

Extracellular components substances that are
secreted outside plasma membrane

Animal cells secrete glycoproteins which become part of

an extracellular matrix; functions in support, adhesion and
2.3.6 Roles of Extracellular Components
Many contents of the cell are contained within the plasma
membrane. Cells also secrete material outside the plasma
membrane, and these substances include plant cell walls
and animal cell glycoproteins
Plant Cell
The Plant Cell
The main component
of plant cells walls is
Cellulose molecules
are arranged in
bundles called
These give the cell
wall great tensile
strength and allow
high pressures to
develop inside the
Maintains cell shape,
Prevents excessive water uptake
Holds the whole plant up against the force of
Animal Cells
Rather than have a cell wall, animal cells have
an extracellular matrix
Secreted by glycoproteins
Support the animal cell
Assist with adhesion and movement

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