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Gui del i ne for Effect i ve

Pr esent at i on

Prepared by: Ola F. Hassan

What Is Presentation?

Presentation Is a method or a technique

used to convey a message to audience.
Why Presentation?

There are three main reason for presenting:

1. Informing.

2. Educating.

3. Persuading.
Effective Presentation

Effective presentation, is a one that

serve the three or any intended
purpose of a presentation.

It takes full consideration of the

audiences needs in order to capture their
interest, develop their understanding,
inspire their confidence and achieve the
presenters objectives.
Criteria of an effective presentation


Effective Confidence

Presentation Layout

1. Less is more.

2. Keep the colors simple.

3. Use an appropriate font.

4. Avoid over styling.

5. Timing.
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