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Airfoil Construction

Aerospace Engineering 2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Airfoil Construction Steps
1. Copy FoilSim into Excel
2. Scale up by 4
3. Import into Inventor
4. Draw spline
5. Print templates
6. Adhere to aluminum stock
7. Hotwire airfoil shape in Styrofoam
8. Test airfoil
Copy Java Foil into Excel
Select coordinates
Copy into Excel
Scale up by 4
Verify work
Import into Inventor
Select points from Excel
Insert points in Inventor
Create spline through Points and Draw
Create Template
Add guide marks and print template
Be clear what you will cut
Aluminum Template
Adhere to aluminum stock
Cut the template
Adhere to Styrofoam
Hotwire Styrofoam
Use hotwire to cut Styrofoam
Keep entire block for support
Add mounting tab

Top shell


Bottom shell

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