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 The ability or potential to influence decisions

and control resources.

 The formal right to get people to do things or

the formal right to control resources.
Types of Power
 Legitimate power – it is the authentic right
of a leader to make certain types of
 Reward power – it is a leader's control
over rewards of value to the group
 Coercive power – it is a leader's control
over punishments.
Types of Power
 Expert power – derives from a leader's
job-related knowledge as perceived by
group members.
 Referent power – refers to the ability to
control based on loyalty to the leader and
the group members' desire to please that
Types of Power

Subordinate power – it is any type of
power that employees can exert upward in
an organization, based on justice and
legal considerations.
Influence Tactics
 Leading by example means that the
leader influences group members by
serving as a positive model of desirable
 Leading by values means that the leader
influences people by articulating and
demonstrating values that guide the
behaviors of others.
Influence Tactics
 Assertiveness refers to being forthright in
your demands

 Rationality means appealing to reason

and logic
Influence Tactics
 Ingratiation refers to getting somebody
else to like you, often through the use of
political skill

 Exchange is a method of influencing

others by offering to reciprocate if they
meet your demands
Influence Tactics
 Coalition formation is a way of gaining
both power and influence

Coalition – a specific arrangement of

parties working together to combine their
power, thus exerting influence on another
individual group
Influence Tactics

 Joking and kidding are widely used to

influence others on the job.
Five General Skills for Managers
 Technical
 Interpersonal
 Conceptual
 Diagnostic
 Political
Skills that can contribute to
leadership effectiveness

 Sizing up situations in order to apply the best

leadership approach
 Exerting influence through various approaches
such as rational, inspirational appeal, and being
 Motivating team members through such
specific techniques as goal setting positive
 Motivating people from diverse cultures and
 Resolving conflict with superiors and group
 Solving problems creatively in ways that point
group members in new directions
 Developing a mission statement that inspires
others to perform well

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