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21st Century Leader

Amor K. Salas
What pops to mind when you
hear the words 21st century?

21st century leadership concept

Leadershipis about transformation, all kinds of

transformation..." (Joseph Rost)
21st Century Leadership is a
perspective of leadership intended to
respond to the unique challenges and
opportunities of todays world.
Reflective of an expanded paradigm
of leadership, it draws upon and
integrates theories and practices from
a wide range of disciplines and
traditions to foster practical
knowledge and transformative change
in service of the world.
Knowing once style

What leadership
style I do?
What do I value?

A. Authority
B. communication
C. challenging expectations
D. outcome
E. collaboration
I Like or I want

A. involvement of subordinate
B. change
C. purpose
D. responsibility
E. efficacy
Six Characteristics Define 21st
Century Leader

1. See Opportunity in Everything

A 21st century leader sees

opportunities everywhere, every day,
and makes the most of them.
-Glenn Llopis
2. Anticipate the Unexpected

Since 21st century leaders can see

opportunity in everything, it gives
them wide-angle, circular vision to
anticipate crisis and manage change
before circumstances force their
- Glenn Llopis
3. Strive for Excellence

A 21st century leader inspires and

motivates others through their own
passion and commitment to explore
endless possibilities.
4. Innovation Comes
Second Nature

A 21st century leader constantly

building relationships, taking smart
risks, learning rapidly all with the
objective of making a positive
5. Share Momentum with Others

A 21st century leader must

understand the importance of having
everyones best interests at heart.
They work with a generous purpose
and fuel momentum for themselves
and others.
6. Lead to Leave a Legacy

Success comes most to those

surrounded by people who want
their success to continue. A 21st
century leader understands the
importance of reciprocity and how
legacies are built.
Odilon Almeida
Leadership is all about personal values.
Personal values are shaped by the
influence of people around you and your
own experiences those from your past
and those with whom you currently
Are you happy to be know the
characteristics of a 21st century

Are you willing to apply those

Reflect on the lyrics of the song
Thank you and God Bless

Have a bless day everyone.

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