Medieval England Canterbury Tales

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Medieval England

1066, Battle of Hastings

Anglo-Saxons defeated by the

William, Duke of Normandy,
France becomes King, after
invading England. French
literature started to influence
English literature. Less
alliteration & more end rhyme.
Actions of King William I

Tower of London
Canterbury Cathedral

Domesday Book

Tower of London
Designed to
protect the city
within its walls
Canterbury Cathedral
Built to house the head of the Catholic
Church of England=Archbishop of
Canterbury. Named by the King and just
as powerful, though not in name
Domesday Book
William redistributed lands formerly owned
by English nobleman to his own French
loyal subjects.
All land was surveyed and recorded before
being redistributed. Record of survey was
called Domesday Book.
This book was used as a basis for the new
process of taxation.
FEUDALISM: land in exchange for
a solemn oath of loyalty to the
crown and a promise of military

Vassal: A tenant on the kings land.

King William forcibly took land from 4000-
5000 English nobles & redistributed to his
loyal followers.
Prominent Kings after William I
Henry II: Historical High Point: Crusades
and feud with Thomas Becket, Archbishop
of Canterbury
John I: Historical High Point: Magna Carta.
Made enemies of everyone in Europe,
including his own people
Edward I: Historical High Point: 1st
Henry V: Historical High Point: 100 Years
War with France
Crusade: a war sanctioned by the pope
Christian attacks on Turkish Muslims in attempts to
capture holy land, and prevent the spread of Islam.
Never successful

Affected literature due to the always present war, struggle,

and all inclusive effort by entire nations. Also, united
Europe against a common enemy
Sir Thomas Becket
Arch Bishop of
Canterbury named so
by Henry II. Then at
odds with Henry II over
church power vs.
monarch power.
Assassinated & named
a saint.
Pilgrims in Canterbury
Tales on a visit to see
his shrine.
Magna Carta 1215: Basis of our
Signed by King John I because he was so unpopular
due to overspending and abuse of power

Limits power of King

Safeguarded rights of nobles
Habeaus Corpus (unjust jailing)
Trial by jury
Gave parliament power over spending (not
War of the Roses
Two families who were descendants of
Edward III fought over rights to the crown
Medieval Gang?
Henry VII married Elizabeth in 1486,
uniting the 2 families, ending the feud
The Plague
High contagious virus which killed 1/3 of
Englands population
Wrecked feudalism with no one to enforce
it, participate in it.
Plague ended due to all people able to get
disease dying. Remaining survivors were
King Arthur
Legendary heroic
figure who was a
Briton, and fought
the Anglo-Saxons
amounts of
literature written
about his mythical
Chivalry: Terms of social codes to
be a knight
Knights were either born of nobility or performed an heroic
deed to become one
Live to serve King & country

Never attack a foe from behind or an unarmed foe

No lying or cheating

Exhibit manners, self control & be polite

Respect women

Destroy evil

Defend the weak & innocent

Avoid Torture
Decline of chivalry/knighthood
1295: Representative Parliament. Made
the middle class more powerful.
Decline of feudalism also made the middle
class more powerful.
100 years war with France united the
country against outside forces
Invention of the crossbow and the cannon
weakened mans strength, status of
knights, and need for castles.

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