3a-Summary Chemistry in Context

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Chemistry in Context
Chapter 1
Explain the connection between your health and what
you breathe (entire chapter)
Describe air in terms of its major components, their
relative "amounts, and the local and regional
variations in the composition of air (1.1, 1.5)
List the major air pollutants and describe the health
effects of each (entire chapter)
Compare and contrast indoor and outdoor air in terms
of which pollutants are likely to be present and their
sources (1.3. 1.13)
Chapter 1
Interpret local air quality data, including why air quality standards are set
separately for each pollutant (1.3)
Evaluate the risks and benefits of a particular activity (1.3)
Discuss the green chemistry initiative and why it makes sense to prevent
pollution rather than to clean it up afterward (1.5)
Relate these terms: matter, pure substances, mixtures, elements,
compounds, metals, nonmetals (1.6)
Discuss the features of the periodic table, including the groups it contains
Explain the difference between atoms and molecules, giving examples of
each (1.7)
Name chemical elements and compounds that relate to air quality (1.7)
Write and interpret chemical formulas that relate to air quality (1. 8)
Chapter 1
Balance and interpret chemical equations that relate to air quality (1.9-
Understand oxygen's role in combustion, including how hydrocarbons
burn to form carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and soot (1.9-1.10)
Describe how ozone forms, including how sunlight, NO, N02, and VOCs are
involved (1.12)
Identify the sources and nature of indoor air pollution (1.13)
Explain the unreasonableness of "pollution-free air (1.14)
Use scientific notation and significant figures in performing basic
calculations (1.4, 1.14)
Apply what you know about air pollution to ways of living that result in
cleaner air (entire chapter)
Chapter 2
Differentiate between harmful ground-level ozone and
beneficial stratospheric ozone layer (2.1)
Describe the chemistry of ozone, including how it is
formed in our atmosphere. (2.1,2.6,2.8-2.10)
Describe the ozone layer, characterizing it in several
different ways (2.1,2.6,2.8-2.10)
Apply the basics of atomic structure to atoms of certain
elements (2.2)
Understand what it means when elements fall into the
same group of the periodic table (2.2)
Chapter 2
Differentiate atomic number from mass number and
apply the latter to isotopes (2.2)
Write Lewis structures for small molecules with single,
double, and triple covalent bonds (2.3)
Describe the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of
frequency, wavelength, and energy (2.4, 2.5)
Interpret graphs related to wavelength and energy,
radiation and biological damage, and ozone depletion
Understand the natural Chapman cycle of stratospheric
ozone depletion (2.6)
Chapter 2
Understand how the stratospheric ozone layer protects
against harmful ultraviolet radiation (2.6, 2.7)
Compare and contrast UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C radiation
along several different lines (2.6, 2.7)
Discuss the interaction of radiation with matter and
changes caused by such interactions, including
biological sensitivity (2.6, 2.7)
Relate the meaning and the use of the UV Index (2.7)
Write Lewis structures for chlorine and bromine atoms,
as well as for some other free radicals. Be able to
explain why these free radicals are so reactive (2.8)
Chapter 2
Recognize the complexities of collecting accurate data
for stratospheric ozone depletion and interpreting them
correctly (2.8, 2.9)
Understand the chemical nature and role of CFCs in
stratospheric ozone depletion (2.9, 2.10)
Explain the unique circumstances responsible for seasonal
ozone depletion in the Antarctic (2.10)
Summarize the outcomes of the Montreal Protocol an its
amendments (2.11, 2.12)
Evaluate articles on green chemistry alternatives to
stratospheric ozone-depleting compounds (2.12)
Discuss factors that will help lead to the recovery of the
ozone layer (2.11,2.12)
Chapter 3
Understand the different processes that take part in Earth's energy
balance (3.1)
Compare and contrast the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and
the enhanced greenhouse effect (3.1)
Understand the major role that certain atmospheric gases play in
the greenhouse effect (3.1-3.2)
Explain the methods used to gather past evidence of greenhouse
gas concentrations and global
Use Lewis structures to determine molecular geometry and bono
angles (3.3)
Relate molecular geometry to absorption of infrared radiation (3.4)
List the major greenhouse gases and explain why each has the
appropriate molecular geometry to be a greenhouse gas (3.4)
Explain the roles that natural processes play in the
Chapter 3
Evaluate how human activities contribute to the carbon
cycle and climate change (3.5)
Understand how molar mass is defined and used (3.6)
Calculate the average mass of an atom using Avogadro's
number (3.6)
Demonstrate the usefulness of the chemical mole (3.7)
Assess the sources, relative emission quantities, and
effectiveness of greenhouse gases other than CO2 (3.8)
Evaluate the roles of natural and anthropogenic climate
forcings (3.9)
Recognize the successes and limitations of computer-
based models in predicting climate change (3.9)
Chapter 3
Correlate some of the major consequences of
climate change with their likelihood (3.10)
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of
proposed greenhouse gas regulations (3.11)
Provide examples of climate mitigation and
climate adaptation strategies (3.11)
Analyze, interpret, evaluate, and critique news
stories on climate change (3.1-3.12)
Take an informed position with respect to issues
surrounding climate change (3.1-3.12)
Chapter 4
Name the fossil fuels, describe the characteristics of each, and
compare them in terms of how cleanly they burn and how much
energy they produce (4.1-4.7)
Evaluate fossil fuels as a sustainable source of energy (4.1-4.7)
Correlate the process of electricity generation from fossil fuels with
the steps in energy transformation (4.1)
Compare and contrast kinetic energy and potential energy, both on
the macroscopic and molecular level (4.1)
Apply the concept of entropy to explain the second law of
thermodynamics (4.2)
Describe "clean coal technologies" and comment on their viability,
long-term and short (4.3)
Explain how and why petroleum is refined (4.4)
Chapter 4
List the different fractions obtained by distilling petroleum.
Compare and contrast these in terms of their chemical
composition, chemical properties, boiling points, and end
uses (4.4)
Apply the terms endothermic and exothermic to chemical
reactions based on calculations or chemical intuition (4.5)
Calculate energy changes in reactions using bond energies
Assess how gasoline additives affect automobile efficiencies,
tailpipe emissions, human health, and the environment (4.7)
Understand activation energy and how it relates to the rates
of reaction (4.8)
Chapter 4
Compare and contrast the production and uses of ethanol and
biodiesel as fuels (4.9-4.10)
Compare and contrast biofuels with gasoline in terms of
chemical composition, energy released on combustion, and
energy required to produce (4.9-4.10)
Correlate energy use to population, environmental pollution,
and economic expansion (4.10)
Take an informed stand on various energy conservation
measures, including to what extent they are likely to produce
energy savings (4.11)
Evaluate news articles on energy sustainability measures and
judge their accuracy (4.11)
Chapter 5
Describe how water is linked to life on this planet (introduction)
Connect the electronegativity of atoms with the polarity of the bonds formed from
these atoms (5.1)
Describe hydrogen bonding and relate it to the properties of water (5.2)
Compare the densities of ice and water and be able to account for the difference
Relate the specific heat of water to the roles played by water on the planet (5.2)
Discuss the relationship between the properties of water and its molecular
structure (5.2)
Describe the major ways people use water on our planet (5.3)
Discuss how the concept of water footprint shapes our view of water use (5.3)
Connect global climate change with the supply and demand of water (5.4)
Use concentration units: percent, ppm, ppb, and molarity (5.5)
Discuss why water is such an excellent solvent for many (but not all) ionic and
covalent compounds (5.5)
Relate these terms: cation, anion, and ionic compound (5.6)
Chapter 5
Write the name and chemical formulas for ionic compounds, including those with
common polyatomic ions (5.7)
Describe what occurs when an ionic compound dissolves in water (5.8)
Explain why some solutions conduct electricity and others do not (5.9)
Describe the role of surfactants as solubility agents (5.9)
Explain the saying "like dissolves like" and relate this to biomagnification (5.9)
Understand the role of federal legislation in protecting safe drinking water (5.10)
Contrast the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) and the maximum
contaminant level (MCL) established by the EPA to ensure water quality (5.10)
Discuss how drinking water can be made safe to drink (5.11)
Understand the processes of distillation and reverse osmosis for producing potable
water (5.12)
Describe how green chemistry and its applications can contribute to clean water
(5.9, 5.12)
Summarize at least two possible solutions to our global water challenges (5.12)
Chapter 6
Define the terms acid and base and know how to use these
definitions to distinguish acids from bases (6.1-6.3)
Represent the dissociation (ionization) of acids and bases using
chemical equations (6.1-6.2)
Write neutralization reactions for acids and bases (6.3)
Classify solutions as acidic, basic, or neutral based on their pH or
concentrations of H+ and OH- (6.3-6.4)
Calculate pH values given hydrogen or hydroxide ion in whole-
number concentrations (6.4)
Compare the pH of pure water, the pH of ordinary rain, the pH of
acid rain, and the pH of seawater (6.4)
Use chemical equations to relate increasing levels of carbonic acid
in seawater to the dissolution of calcium carbonate cells (6.5)
Chapter 6
Locate on a map of the United States where the most acidic rain
falls (6.6)
Explain the role of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in causing acid
rain (6.7-6.8)
Compare the causes of ocean acidification and acid precipitation
Explain why N2 is a relatively inert element. Describe different
forms of reactive nitrogen and how they are produced both
naturally and by humans. Use the nitrogen cycle to explain the
cascading effects of reactive nitrogen (6.9)
Describe how the industrial production of ammonia and the acidic
deposition of nitrates both contribute to the buildup of reactive
nitrogen on our planet (6.9)
Chapter 6
List the different sources of NOx and of SO2 and explain
the variations in the levels of these pollutants over the
past 30 years (6.10)
Describe the production of acidic aerosols and their
effects on building materials and human health (6.12)
Explain why acid rain control is a wise investment in
terms of the benefits to human health (6.12)
Describe nitrogen saturation and its consequences for
lakes (6.13)
Chapter 7
Give an overview of the past and current use of nuclear
power in the United States or another country of your
choice (7.1)
Report on the use of nuclear power for' electricity
generation worldwide (7.1)
Explain the process of nuclear fission, the role of
neutrons in sustaining a chain reaction, and the source
of the energy it produces (7.2)
Compare and contrast how electricity is produced in a
conventional power plant and in a nuclear power plant
Chapter 7
Compare the processes of alpha, beta, and gamma decay in
terms of the changes that occur in the nucleus of the
radioactive atom (7.4)
Interpret the meaning of the word radiation, depending on
the context (7.4)
Explain how the radioactive decay of uranium-238 leads to
the production of a series of radioisotopes. Also explain
why naturally occurring radioisotopes such as carbon-14
and hydrogen-3 are not part of this series (7.4)
Describe the accident at Chernobyl and explain why
radioactive iodine was released and was hazardous to
people (7.5)
Chapter 7
Rank the sources that contribute to your annual dose of radiation, both natural
and human-made (7.6)
Explain why nuclear radiation is also termed ionizing radiation. In your body,
explain the connection between ionizing radiation and the production of free
radicals (7.6)
Some units describe the radioactive sample; others describe the damage it does to
tissue. Use the curie, the rad, and the rem to illustrate this (7.6)
The terms enriched uranium and depleted uranium are confusing to people.
Describe this pair of terms in such a way that the general public could more easily
grasp the similarities and differences (7.7)
Do "back-of-the-envelope" half-life calculations for radioisotopes, being able to
quickly determine how much radioactivity is left after time has passed (7.8)
Apply the concept of half-life to the storage of nuclear waste (7.8)
Evaluate radioisotopes in terms of their health hazards, discussing factors such as
half-life, type of radioactive decay, effect once in the body, and route of entry into
the body. For example, compare radon-222, iodine-131, and strontium-90 (7.8)
Chapter 7
Describe the issues associated with the production and storage of
high-level radioactive waste, including spent nuclear fuel (7.9)
Take an informed stand on how high-level radioactive wastes should
be handled and stored (7.9)
Evaluate news articles on nuclear power and nuclear waste with
confidence in your ability to understand the scientific principles
involved (7.9-7.11)
Describe the connections between nuclear power and nuclear
weapons proliferation (7.9)
Assess the risks and benefits in regard to the use of nuclear power
Take an informed stand on the use of nuclear power for electricity
production (7.11)
Outline the factors that favor or oppose the growth of nuclear
energy in the next decade (7.11)
Chapter 8
Discuss the principles governing the transfer of electrons in galvanic cells,
including the processes of oxidation and reduction (8.1)
Identify oxidation and reduction half-reactions and be able to distinguish
which chemical species is oxidized and which is reduced (8.1)
Describe the design, operation, applications, and advantages of several
different types of batteries (8.1-8.3)
Compare and contrast the principles, advantages, and challenges of
producing and using hybrid vehicles (8.4)
Describe the design, operation, applications, and advantages of typical
fuel cells (8.5)
Explain the energy costs and gains of producing hydrogen and using it as a
fuel (8.6)
Describe the principles governing the operation of photovoltaic (solar)
cells and their current and future uses (8.7)
Describe advantages of renewable energy sources over traditional energy
sources and how they are tied to energy through electron transfer (8.8)
Chapter 9
Give examples of both natural and synthetic polymers (9.1)
Understand at the molecular level the relationship between polymers and
the monomers from which they are synthesized (9.1)
Understand the molecular mechanism of addition polymerization (9.2)
Compare and contrast low-density polyethylene and high-density
polyethylene, both at the molecular level and in terms of their properties
Recognize the molecular structures for each of the Big Six polymers and be
able to draw the structures of the monomers from which they were made
Match the properties of the Big Six polymers with their uses (9.4):
low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) (9.3)
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (9.4)
polystyrene (PS) (9.4)
polypropylene (PP) (9.4)
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (9.5)
Chapter 9
Compare and contrast condensation polymerization with addition
polymerization (9.5)
Be able to name and draw structural formulas for different functional
groups (9.5)
Explain the relationship between amino acids and proteins (9.6)
Use structural formulas to write the chemical equation for the synthesis of
nylon (9.6)
Explain and interpret trends in plastics recycling over the past decade (9.7)
Relate the technical, economic, and political issues in methods for
disposing of waste plastic: incineration, biodegradation, reuse, recycling,
and source reduction
Discuss the different activities involved in recycling and their inherent
complexities (9.8)
Explain the waste reduction hierarchy, and why source reduction and
reuse are preferred (9.8)
Chapter 10
Describe the discovery, development, and physiological properties of aspirin (10.1)
Understand bonding in carbon-containing (organic) compounds (10.2)
Apply the concept of isomerism to organic molecules (10.2)
Convert chemical formulas of carbon-containing compounds to structural
formulas, condensed structural formulas, and line-angle drawings (10.2)
Recognize functional groups and the classes of organic compounds that contain
them; draw structural formulas for organic molecules containing various functional
groups (10.3)
Understand that functional groups may be chemically modified to change a
molecule's properties (10.3)
Predict the products of ester formation reactions and describe how amines may be
converted to their salt forms (10.3)
Relate the molecular structure of aspirin to other analgesics (10.3)
Understand the mode of action of aspirin and other analgesics (10.4)
Describe the discovery of penicillin (10.5)
Chapter 10
Explain the lock-and-key mechanism of drug action (10.5)
Describe how combinatorial synthesis can be employed in the creation of large
collections of new drugs at lower
costs than previous methods (10.5)
Understand differences in molecular structure between a pair of chiral (optical)
isomers (10.6)
Appreciate the economic effect of chiral drugs (10.6)
Identify the basic carbon skeleton arrangement of steroids (10.7)
Recognize that minor changes in steroid structure may result in large changes in
bioactivity (10.7)
Compare and contrast brand-name and generic drugs (10.8)
Identify some of the over-the-counter drug categories and their uses (10.8)
Understand the process of a drug going from prescription to aTC (10.8)
Describe some of the potential benefits and risks of herbal medicines (10.9)
Explain the scheduling of prescription drugs (10.10)
Discuss the use of marijuana and oxycodone in terms of their physiological and
social effects (10.10)
Chapter 11
Discuss the concept of "foodprint" and its implications on the health of the planet
Differentiate between malnutrition and undernourishment (11.2)
Describe what makes a food "processed" (11.2)
Describe the distribution of water, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in the human
body and some typical foods (11.2)
Recognize lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins by their structural formulas (11.3,
11.5, 11.6)
Identify sources of saturated and unsaturated fats and their significance in the diet
Show how fatty acids and glycerol can combine to form a triglyceride (11.3)
Understand how hydrogenation leads to the formation of trans fats (11.4)
Discuss sources of cholesterol and its significance in the diet (11.4)
Describe the green chemistry associated with inter-esterification (11.4)
Explain the differences between sugars, starch, and cellulose (11.5)
Draw the general structural formula for an amino acid and explain how amino
acids combine to form proteins (11.6)
Chapter 11
Discuss the importance of essential amino acids and their dietary
significance (11.6)
Explain the principle of protein complementarity (11.6)
Describe the symptoms and cause of phenylketonuria (11.7)
Discuss the effects of selected vitamins on human health, differentiating
between fat-soluble and water- soluble vitamins (11.8)
Discuss the connections between minerals (macrominerals, micro
minerals, and trace minerals) and human health (11.8)
Explain why carbohydrates, fats, and proteins differ as energy sources
Identify and use basal metabolism rate (BMR) (11.9)
Know appropriate resources for obtaining up-to-date dietary advice
Chapter 11
Use resources to determine personal diet plans (11.10)
Discuss how climate change influences food production and vice versa
Discuss the problems of undernourishment, identifying contributing
factors to observed trends (11.12)
Describe various strategies for sustainably feeding the world's growing
population (11.12)
Discuss the effects of the Green Revolution on food production and the
health of the planet (11.12)
Chapter 12
Discuss the complications of corn farming as an example of inspiration for
genetic engineering (12.1)
Understand that cells function by a complex series of chemical reactions
Discuss DNA as a storage device of information to run chemical reactions
Understand the chemical composition of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a
polymer of nitrogen-containing bases, deoxyribose, and phosphate groups
Interpret evidence for the double-helical structure of DNA and its base
pairing (12.3)
Understand the structural basis of DNA replication (12.3)
Explain how the genetic code is written in groupings of three DNA bases
called codons (12.4)
Understand how the codons relate to amino acids across organisms (12.4)
Discuss the primary, secondary, and tertiary structure of proteins (12.5)
Chapter 12
Recognize the general properties of amino acid side chains (12.5)
Relate the properties of amino acids to the interactions formed in protein
structure (12.5)
Discuss, with examples, how small changes in protein sequence may result
in disease (12.5)
Understand the essential steps in carrying out recombinant DNA
techniques (12.6)
Describe what is meant by transgenic organisms and give examples (12.6)
Give brief examples of natural selection, selective breeding, and genetic
engineering (12.6)
Discuss, with examples, how genetic modification has changed the
chemical industry (12.7)
Discuss controversial issues associated with transgenic organisms and the
fears about Frankenfood (12.8)
Debate issues associated with the prudent and ethical applications of
genetic engineering (12.8)

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