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Ninth Edition


Ferdinand P. Beer
E. Russell Johnston, Jr.
Kinetics of Particles:
Lecture Notes:
Newtons Second Law
J. Walt Oler
Texas Tech University

2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Introduction Angular Momentum of a Particle
Newtons Second Law of Equations of Motion in Radial &
Motion Transverse Components
Linear Momentum of a Particle Conservation of Angular Momentum
Systems of Units Newtons Law of Gravitation
Equations of Motion Sample Problem 12.7
Dynamic Equilibrium Sample Problem 12.8
Sample Problem 12.1 Trajectory of a Particle Under a
Sample Problem 12.3 Central Force
Sample Problem 12.4 Application to Space Mechanics
Sample Problem 12.5 Sample Problem 12.9
Sample Problem 12.6 Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Newtons first and third laws are sufficient for the study of bodies at
rest (statics) or bodies in motion with no acceleration.

When a body accelerates (changes in velocity magnitude or direction),

Newtons second law is required to relate the motion of the body to the
forces acting on it.

Newtons second law:

- A particle will have an acceleration proportional to the magnitude of
the resultant force acting on it and in the direction of the resultant
- The resultant of the forces acting on a particle is equal to the rate of
change of linear momentum of the particle.
- The sum of the moments about O of the forces acting on a particle is
equal to the rate of change of angular momentum of the particle
about O.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Newtons Second Law of Motion
Newtons Second Law: If the resultant force acting on a
particle is not zero, the particle will have an acceleration
proportional to the magnitude of resultant and in the
direction of the resultant.
Consider a particle subjected to constant forces,
F1 F2 F3
constant mass, m
a1 a2 a3

When a particle of mass m is acted upon by a force F ,
the acceleration of the particle must satisfy

F ma
Acceleration must be evaluated with respect to a
Newtonian frame of reference, i.e., one that is not
accelerating or rotating.
If force acting on particle is zero, particle will not
accelerate, i.e., it will remain stationary or continue on a
straight line at constant velocity.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Linear Momentum of a Particle
Replacing the acceleration by the derivative of the
velocity yields

F m

d dL
m v
dt dt

L linear momentum of the particle

Linear Momentum Conservation Principle:

If the resultant force on a particle is zero, the linear
momentum of the particle remains constant in both
magnitude and direction.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Systems of Units
Of the units for the four primary dimensions (force,
mass, length, and time), three may be chosen arbitrarily.
The fourth must be compatible with Newtons 2nd Law.

International System of Units (SI Units): base units are

the units of length (m), mass (kg), and time (second).
The unit of force is derived,
m kg m
1 N 1 kg 1 2 1 2
s s

U.S. Customary Units: base units are the units of force

(lb), length (foot), and time (second). The unit of mass
is derived,
1lb 1lb lb s 2
1lbm 2
1slug 2
32.2 ft s 1ft s ft

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Equations of Motion
Newtons second law provides

F m a
Solution for particle motion is facilitated by resolving
vector equation into scalar component equations, e.g.,
for rectangular components,

Fx i Fy j Fz k ma x i a y j a z k

Fx max Fy ma y Fz maz
Fx mx Fy my Fz mz
For tangential and normal components,
F t mat F n man
dv v2
F m Fn m

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Dynamic Equilibrium
Alternate expression of Newtons second law,

F m a 0

ma inertial vector
With the inclusion of the inertial vector, the system
of forces acting on the particle is equivalent to
zero. The particle is in dynamic equilibrium.
Methods developed for particles in static
equilibrium may be applied, e.g., coplanar forces
may be represented with a closed vector polygon.
Inertia vectors are often called inertial forces as
they measure the resistance that particles offer to
changes in motion, i.e., changes in speed or
Inertial forces may be conceptually useful but are
not like the contact and gravitational forces found
in statics.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.1
Resolve the equation of motion for the
block into two rectangular component

Unknowns consist of the applied force

P and the normal reaction N from the
plane. The two equations may be
A 80-kg block rests on a horizontal solved for these unknowns.
plane. Find the magnitude of the force
P required to give the block an
acceleration of 2.5 m/s2 to the right. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and plane is mk 0.25.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.2
Resolve the equation of motion for the block
into two rectangular component equations.
Fx ma :

P cos 30 0.25 N (80kg) 2.5 m s 2
200 N
x Fy 0 :
N P sin 30 785 N 0
W mg (80kg)(9.81m / s 2 )
Unknowns consist of the applied force P and
785 N the normal reaction N from the plane. The two
F mk N equations may be solved for these unknowns.
N P sin 30 785 N
0.25 N
P cos 30 0.25P sin 30 785 N 200 N

P 535 N
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.3
Write the kinematic relationships for the
dependent motions and accelerations of
the blocks.
Write the equations of motion for the
blocks and pulley.
Combine the kinematic relationships
with the equations of motion to solve for
the accelerations and cord tension.
The two blocks shown start from rest.
The horizontal plane and the pulley are
frictionless, and the pulley C is
assumed to be of negligible mass.
Determine the acceleration of each
block and the tension in the cord.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.3
Write the kinematic relationships for the dependent
O motions and accelerations of the blocks.
vB 12 v A aB 12 a A
Write equations of motion for blocks and pulley.
Fx m Aa A :
T1 100 kg a A
Fy mB aB :
mB g T2 mB a B
300 kg 9.81m s 2 T2 300 kg a B
T2 2940N - 300 kg a B
Fy mC aC 0 :
T2 2T1 0
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.3
Combine kinematic relationships with equations of
motion to solve for accelerations and cord tension.
x y B 12 x A a B 12 a A

y T1 100 kg a A
T2 2940N - 300 kg a B

2940N - 300 kg 12 a A
T2 2T1 0
2940 N 150 kg a A 2100 kg a A 0

a A 8.40 m s 2
a B 12 a A 4.20 m s 2
T1 100 kg a A 840 N
T2 2T1 1680 N
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Problem 13.6 (Dynamics, 14th Edition, R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson)

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Problem 13.6 (Dynamics, 14th Edition, R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson)

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Problem 13.39 (Dynamics, 14th Edition, R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson)

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Problem 13.39 (Dynamics, 14th Edition, R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson)

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.5
Resolve the equation of motion for the
bob into tangential and normal
Solve the component equations for the
normal and tangential accelerations.
Solve for the velocity in terms of the
normal acceleration.
The bob of a 2-m pendulum describes
an arc of a circle in a vertical plane. If
the tension in the cord is 2.5 times the
weight of the bob for the position
shown, find the velocity and
acceleration of the bob in that position.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.5
Resolve the equation of motion for the bob into
tangential and normal components.
Solve the component equations for the normal and
tangential accelerations.
Ft mat : mg sin 30 mat
at g sin 30
at 4.9 m s 2
Fn man : 2.5mg mg cos 30 man
an g 2.5 cos 30
an 16.03 m s 2
Solve for velocity in terms of normal acceleration.

v an 2 m 16.03 m s 2

v 5.66 m s
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Angular Momentum of a Particle

H O r mV moment of momentum or the angular
momentum of the particle about O.

H O is perpendicular to plane containing r and mV

H O rmV sin i j k

rm v HO x y z
mr 2 mv x mv y mvz

Derivative of angular momentum with respect to time,

H O r mV r mV V mV r ma


It follows from Newtons second law that the sum of
the moments about O of the forces acting on the
particle is equal to the rate of change of the angular
momentum of the particle about O.
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Eqs of Motion in Radial & Transverse Components
Consider particle at r and , in polar coordinates,

Fr mar mr r 2
F ma mr 2r

This result may also be derived from conservation

of angular momentum,

H O mr 2

r F

mr 2

m r 2 2rr
F mr 2r

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservation of Angular Momentum
When only force acting on particle is directed
toward or away from a fixed point O, the particle
is said to be moving under a central force.

Since the line of action of the central force passes

through O, M O H O 0 and

r mV H O constant
Position vector and motion
of particle are in a
plane perpendicular to H O .

Magnitude of angular momentum,

H O rmV sin constant
r0 mV0 sin 0
or H O mr 2 constant
HO angular momentum
r 2 h
m unit mass
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Radius vector OP sweeps infinitesimal area
dA 12 r 2 d

dA 1 2 d 1 2
Define 2r 2 r areal velocity
dt dt

Recall, for a body moving under a central force,

h r 2 constant

When a particle moves under a central force, its

areal velocity is constant.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Newtons Law of Gravitation
Gravitational force exerted by the sun on a planet or by
the earth on a satellite is an important example of
gravitational force.
Newtons law of universal gravitation - two particles of
mass M and m attract each other with equal and opposite
force directed along the line connecting the particles,
F G 2
G constant of gravitatio n
12 m3 9 ft 4
66.73 10 34.4 10
kg s 2
lb s 4
For particle of mass m on the earths surface,
MG m ft
W m 2 mg g 9.81 2 32.2 2
R s s

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.7
Write the radial and transverse
equations of motion for the block.
Integrate the radial equation to find an
expression for the radial velocity.
Substitute known information into the
A block B of mass m can slide freely on transverse equation to find an
a frictionless arm OA which rotates in a expression for the force on the block.
horizontal plane at a constant rate 0 .
Knowing that B is released at a distance
r0 from O, express as a function of r
a) the component vr of the velocity of B
along OA, and
b) the magnitude of the horizontal force
exerted on B by the arm OA.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.7
Integrate the radial equation to find an
expression for the radial velocity.

vr r
dvr dvr dr dv
r vr vr r
dt dr dt dr
vr dvr r 2 dr r02 dr
vr dvr 0 r dr
Write the radial and transverse 2

equations of motion for the block. 0 r0

Fr m ar : 0 m r r 2 vr2 02 r 2 r02

F m a : F mr 2r Substitute known information into the

transverse equation to find an expression
for the force on the block.

F 2m 02 r 2
2 12

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.8
Since the satellite is moving under a
central force, its angular momentum is
constant. Equate the angular momentum
at A and B and solve for the velocity at B.

A satellite is launched in a direction

parallel to the surface of the earth
with a velocity of 18820 mi/h from
an altitude of 240 mi. Determine the
velocity of the satellite as it reaches it
maximum altitude of 2340 mi. The
radius of the earth is 3960 mi.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.8
Since the satellite is moving under a
central force, its angular momentum is
constant. Equate the angular momentum
at A and B and solve for the velocity at B.
rm v sin H O constant
rA m v A rB m v B
vB v A
3960 240mi
18820mi h
3960 2340mi
v B 12550 mi h

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Trajectory of a Particle Under a Central Force
For particle moving under central force directed towards force center,

m r r 2 Fr F mr 2r F 0

Second expression is equivalent to r 2 h constant , from which,

h h2 d 2 1
and r 2 2 r
r2 r d

After substituting into the radial equation of motion and simplifying,

d 2u F 1
u where u
d 2 mh 2u 2 r

If F is a known function of r or u, then particle trajectory may be

found by integrating for u = f(), with constants of integration
determined from initial conditions.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Application to Space Mechanics
Consider earth satellites subjected to only gravitational pull
of the earth,
d 2u F 1 GMm
u where u F GMmu 2
d 2 mh 2u 2 r r2
d 2u GM
u constant
d 2
h 2

Solution is equation of conic section,

1 GM Ch 2
u 2 1 cos eccentricity
r h GM

Origin, located at earths center, is a focus of the conic section.

Trajectory may be ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola depending

on value of eccentricity.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Application to Space Mechanics
Trajectory of earth satellite is defined by
1 GM Ch2
2 1 cos eccentricity
r h GM

hyperbola, > 1 or C > GM/h2. The radius vector

becomes infinite for
1 1 1 GM
1 cos1 0 1 cos cos
C h2

parabola, = 1 or C = GM/h2. The radius vector
becomes infinite for
1 cos 2 0 2 180

ellipse, < 1 or C < GM/h2. The radius vector is finite

for every value of ; The radius vector is constant, i.e., a
circle, for = 0.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Application to Space Mechanics
Conic Section: The three types of conics are the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola.
The circle can be considered as a kind of ellipse. The circle and the ellipse arise
when the intersection of cone and plane is a closed curve.
If the cutting plane is parallel to exactly one generating line of the cone,
then the conic is unbounded and is called a parabola.

conic section equation parameter




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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Application to Space Mechanics
Integration constant C is determined by conditions
at beginning of free flight, =0, r = r0 ,
1 GM Ch 2
2 1 cos 0
r0 h GM

1 GM 1 GM
C 2
r0 h r0 r0 v0 2

Satellite escapes earth orbit for

1 or C GM h 2 GM r0 v0 2
vesc v0

Trajectory is elliptic for v0 < vesc and becomes

circular for = 0 or C = 0,
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Application to Space Mechanics
Recall that for a particle moving under a central
force, the areal velocity is constant, i.e.,
dA 1 2 1
2 r 2 h constant
Periodic time or time required for a satellite to
complete an orbit is equal to area within the orbit
divided by areal velocity,
ab 2 ab

h2 h

where a 12 r0 r1
b r0 r1

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.9
Trajectory of the satellite is described by
1 GM
2 C cos
r h
Evaluate C using the initial conditions
at = 0.
A satellite is launched in a direction
Determine the maximum altitude by
parallel to the surface of the earth
finding r at = 180o.
with a velocity of 36,900 km/h at an
altitude of 500 km. With the altitudes at the perigee and
apogee known, the periodic time can
be evaluated.
a) the maximum altitude reached by
the satellite, and
b) the periodic time of the satellite.

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.9
Trajectory of the satellite is described by
1 GM
2 C cos
r h
Evaluate C using the initial conditions
at = 0.
r0 6370 500 km 1 GM
C 2
r0 h
6.87 106 m
km 1000 m/km 1 398 1012 m3 s 2
v 0 36900
h 3600 s/h 6.87 10 m
70.4 m s
2 2

10.25 103 m s 65.3 109 m-1

h r0v0 6.87 106 m 10.25 103 m s
70.4 109 m 2 s

GM gR 2 9.81m s 2 6.37 106 m 2
398 1012 m3 s 2
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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Sample Problem 12.9
Determine the maximum altitude by finding r1
at = 180o.
1 GM 398 1012 m3 s 2 9 1
2 C

65.3 10
r1 h 2 2 m
70.4 m s
r1 66.7 106 m 66700 km
max altitude 66700 - 6370km 60300 km

With the altitudes at the perigee and apogee known,

the periodic time can be evaluated.
a 12 r0 r1 12 6.87 66.7 106 m 36.8 106 m
b r0 r1 6.87 66.7 106 m 21.4 106 m

2 ab 2 36.8 106 m 21.4 106 m

h 70.4 109 m 2 s

70.3 103 s 19 h 31min

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Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics
Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion

Results obtained for trajectories of satellites around earth may also be

applied to trajectories of planets around the sun.

Properties of planetary orbits around the sun were determined

astronomical observations by Johann Kepler (1571-1630) before
Newton had developed his fundamental theory.
1) Each planet describes an ellipse, with the sun located at one of its
2) The radius vector drawn from the sun to a planet sweeps equal
areas in equal times.
3) The squares of the periodic times of the planets are proportional to
the cubes of the semimajor axes of their orbits.

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