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Agreement or Disagreement

1. Children must not watch TV before they go to


We agree with that statement because if the

children watch TV before go to school, maybe they
will be late.

The result of a reset showed that students who

watch TV before they go to school, had a trouble do
work study or some educative game that need a bit
long time, such as reading and setting puzzle.
2. Children should use handphones to school for
their safety.

We dont agree with this statement because if

students bring or use handphones to school it will
increase the possiblity of criminal like theft or
kidnapping,. So its not safety at all.
3. Students must buy food and drinks in the school

We disagree because even bring food and drinks

from home is a bit burdened but it more healthy
and higenic than buy it from canteen.
4. Students should take the English tutoring class
after school.

We dont agree because students should not get

forced, they will study what they need. Beside that
they can study english from watching film or
listening to the music which is more fun and not
forced them
5. Boys should not play with a doll, and girls should
not play with a toy car.

We disagree with this statement because it just not

fair. They can play what they want if it not bring
bad effect for them.

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