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Grant Unit Day 3: Solutions

Dr. Will Kurlinkus
University of Oklahoma
Describe Your Problem
5 Sentence Statement of Need
Outline a solution for me
6 Bulleted things that your program will do to solve the problem.
Try to be specific.
Program Design: Pre-Planning
1. Good program
designs are geared
towards local
Who will your workers
be? Who already wants
to help?
What resources (space,
people, money, time,
equipment) do you
already have for free
that you can contribute
to the project?
What experts do you
have that can work with
Program Design: Pre-Planning
1. Good program designs are geared Feasible objectives are S.M.A.R.T
towards concrete long-term goals.
Goals are descriptive long-term big Specific: Secure the closure of
picture hopes (recruit more women wastewater injection wells that
to stem, make more hospital cause earthquakes in OK.
workplaces for women in STEM).
Measurable: This adds up to the
2. Good program designs are well- closure of 5,000 wastewater
researched. injection wells.
Demonstrate what has worked in the
past, what has failed, and how you Attainable: Only wells within a
are learning from those things. 100-mile radius of areas where
(youre required to describe 3 other more than 100 earthquakes have
solutions people have tried) originated in the last 3 years.

3. Program designs result in concrete Relevant: Earthquakes have

objectives. increased by 8,000 annually over
the last three years.
Objectives are quantifiable
outcomes that you hope to reach by
the end of your program. (We hope Time Bound: Half will be shut
to give classroom presentations to down by the end of 2017 and all
every public school in Norman. We wells closed by the end of 2018.
hope to have a 5% increase in local
female applicants to OU by 2020).
Strategies: The Things Youll
Actually Do
Look at your pre-planning stages (especially your resources and
What will you need to do to actually do to result in these changes?
Strategies usually have plans (big steps like giving classroom
presentations on women in STEM) and sub-plans (Who will give the
presentations? What will the content/activities be? Who will plan the
presentations? How long will they be?)
o What other sub-planning questions could we ask about planning
a classroom presentation?

Good strategies are based in proven research (things that have

been shown to work in the past).

Remember to make sure you keep a running list or resources

(the things that you need to accomplish your activity) in
order to use it in your budget.

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