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Cardinal & Theological Virtues

Theological and Cardinal

Virtues are gifts from God that lead us to live in a close relationship
with him.

Virtues are like habits. They need to be practiced; they can be lost if
they are neglected.

The three most important virtues are called theological virtues because
they come from God and lead to God.

The cardinal virtues are human virtues, acquired by education and

good actions. Cardinal comes from cardo, the Latin word for hinge,
meaning that on which other things depend.
Theological Virtues

Ability to believe in God & give your life
to Him
It makes you able to trust God
completely and to accept all that He has
revealed and teaches through the
Catholic Church
Closely related to faith
It is the desire for all of the good things
God has planned for you.
It gives you confidence that God will
ALWAYS be with you and that you will
live with Him forever in heaven
Love (Charity)
Charity leads you to love God above all
things and love your neighbor as
This love is more than just feelings ~ it
is the way you think about God and act
towards Him
Cardinal Virtues

Helps you decide what is good and then
to choose to do it.
It leads you to STOP & THINK before
you act
Leads you to respect the rights of
others and to give them what is
rightfully theirs
You consider the needs of others and
you always try to be fair
Gives you the courage to do what is
right even when it is very difficult
Provides you with strength to the
temptations you face, and even when it
is difficult, to do what you know is right
Helps you balance what you want with
what you need
Helps you moderate your desire for
enjoyment & builds self-control

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