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Neha Mittal B 29

02 Shail Sharma B44

Internet & CRM

The overall goal of CRM is The concept that
to effectively manage Internet enterprises can conduct
Essence of differentiated relationships customer relationship
CRM with all customers and management via
communicate with them on CRM Internet-based
an individual basis. platforms.

In traditional CRM, customer contact is through retail store, phone, fax

where as Internet enabled CRM uses all traditional methods as well as
Customer contacts
internet, e-mail, wireless & PDA technologies

Traditional CRM views differ based on audience/no personalization &

Customization personalization requires program changes where as Internet enables
and CRM has personalized individual views based on purchase history and
personalization of information preferences. Individual has ability to customize view.

Traditional CRM was created for internal use, based on job functions &
products. Web applications designed for a single department or business
System Focus unit, whereas Internet enabled CRM is created for external use, based
on customer needs. Web application designed for enterprise-wide use.

Traditional CRM systems are high maintenance in terms of time & cost
due to servers located at multiple locations whereas Internet enabled
System Maintenance &
CRM systems are less expensive & time consuming as Implementation
and maintenance can take place at one location and on one server. 141
What is e-CRM?

This concept is derived from E-commerce. It also uses net environment i.e., intranet, extranet and internet.
Electronic CRM concerns all forms of managing relationships with customers making use of Information
Technology (IT).
E-CRM is enterprises using IT to integrate internal organization resources and external marketing strategies
to understand and fulfil their customers needs.

Why e-CRM?

Gather and combine customer Respond faster Build customer

information into a unified and more loyalty
picture accurately
Different Levels of e-CRM

Services Value Added
This includes the
minimum necessary
These are extra services
services such as web site
such as online auctions
effectiveness and
and online training and
responsiveness as well as
order fulfilment.

These services include
order tracking, product
configuration and
customization as well as
What does internet help CRM?

Acquisition of
information about the
customer .
What actions to take
as a result of this
knowledge Integration of Channels
and Systems
Respond to customers
through their channel of
E-mail, phone, chat line,
Re-engineering the
business process
around the
All interactions
with customers
recorded in one
Technology and
Organization and
scalability of technology
must be able to handle
increased volume of
More than a change
in technology is
Change in attitude
and philosophy is
Product centric focus
vs. customer centric

Mobile CRM(mCRM)

One subset of Electronic CRM is Mobile CRM (mCRM).

This is defined as "services that aim at nurturing customer relationships, acquiring or maintaining customers,
support marketing, sales or services processes, and use wireless networks as the medium of delivery to the

Reasons for the popularity of Mobile CRM

The users are becoming The software being Wireless-enabled

Improvement in the devices
developed for these CRM - Improved
used by customers. more sophisticated.
productivity and
Larger and clearer displays. They are used to technology applications has become
efficiency - Faster
Access times on networks are and can therefore easily worthwhile and useful to response times -
improving overall. adapt to this change. end users Faster sales
Advantages of Mobile CRM

The mobile Typically it is It is continuously Overall it

channel creates a an opt-in only active and supports loyalty
more personal channel which allows necessary between the customer
direct connection allows for high individuals to take and company, which
with the and quality action quickly using improves and
customers. responsiveness. the information.. strengthens
Goals of implementing internet supported CRM System

Quality Offer an efficient customer self-service where

customers could learn about products,
purchase, service plans, phones and
accessories, manage their accounts, request
service and support, all in one place.
Improve quality of service while reducing

Efficiency Reduce the number of calls to the service


Integration of telephone, e-mail Customers have access to
and Web environments every company function in one
familiar place

Allowed the company to bring

together all the members of the Customers can interact with the
customer service community: system whenever they wish.
marketing and sales, finance and
accounting, distribution
Internet of Things
It is defined as a proposed development of the Internet in which everyday
objects have network connectivity, allowing them to send and receive
How it affects CRM?
Research and advisory firm Gartner has named the Internet of Things as the fifth
driver of CRM, behind social, mobile, big data and the cloud. As people, places
and things become increasingly connected to the internet and the price of the
sensors that connect them decline, therell be an increased need for sales,
marketing and customer service teams to sell, promote and support these new
services. Internet of Opportunities
Once these devices begin to amass large amounts of data for every
individual, there will be a big opportunity for businesses to use that
data to sell to consumers in real time based on their past
behaviours. All of this data will need to be stored (likely in the cloud)
and be available for in order to build and maintain relationships with
consumers. A task CRM has been purpose-built for.

The Internet of Things combined with CRM will present

brands with new platforms for communicating with
their customers

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