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Dr Pranav Kumar Prabhakar (16113)
Mr Gurinder Singh (11183)


LPU CCT298 :: Workshop on Conducting Quality Projects and Dissertation
Training is short term, task oriented and targeted on achieving a
change of attitude, skills and knowledge in a specific area.
Training is simply means to use activities to fill the gaps of
performance between the actual results and the expected results.
This GAP can be separated into 3 main themes
Internship is the main component of Medical Laboratory Programmes.
We are offering full term internship in diploma, UG and PG
programmes because these are practical oriented programmes and
students need hands on experience in diagnostic labs and hospitals.
In Diploma and UG level Programmes: Students collect patient
specimens and perform tests in areas like blood banking, clinical
Biochemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Serology and Histopathology.
In PG Programmes: Students will get practical exposure only in the
specialization of the programmes such as Clinical Microbiology and
Clinical Biochemistry.
Why do we Need INTERNSHIP courses?
It provides the opportunity to integrate and implement the
knowledge and skills gained during their studies
Hands on experience of advanced techniques of Medical
Laboratory Technology in a hospital/ lab.
How to work, adjust and grow in an environment of clinical
set up
Trainees, learn by doing.
Process of Internship
1. We take the interest of the students either they want internship
through the department or their own.
2. Registration of the students in an internship course by DAA
3. Allocation of the Internal Supervisors/ Training Mentors:
The student(s) must be in contact with supervisor on regular basis
through phone or email to discuss their goals and objectives and to
seek clarifications on problems faced during their internship.
It is the responsibility of the student(s) to provide regular progress
report to the supervisor
Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisor

Guide and encourage the students throughout the internship.

Help the students (PG) to formulate an appropriate, feasible and
innovative topic of internship.
Provide timely feedbacks to the students.
Monitor the progress of students towards completion of internship
work as per prescribed timelines.
Provide constructive feedbacks/ recommendations while evaluating
monthly to move the students forward in preparing final internship
It means no auto generation of CA at the end of term.
CA will be uploaded by internal supervisor on monthly
X: No Mid Term
8: External Evaluation
R: *Reappear
* Single chance of reappear will be given
CA Marks Entry
The supervisor will assess the monthly progress based on the
criteria for providing Continuous Assessment (CA) marks to
the students via online CA interface.
Marking of Continuous Assessment (by Internal Supervisors):
By last working day in three month in the given term.
In Autumn Term: Last week of Sep, Oct, Nov months
In Spring Term: by Last week of Feb, Mar, April months
INTERNSHIP Evaluation Guidelines for
In evaluation there is only two components of evaluation CA and
Criteria Weightage
Continuous Assessment (CA) by the 50%
Training Supervisor (External + Internal)

End Term Evaluation (ETP) by Neutral 50%

INTERNSHIP Evaluation Guidelines for CA

CA Evaluation Parameters:
Parameter Marks
Regularity 50
Work Plan 50
Total 100
INTERNSHIP Evaluation Guidelines for CA

Criteria of CA evaluation Weightage

Internal Supervisor 50%

External Supervisor 50%

Note: But total weightage of internal and external supervisor is

50% of total.
Refresh your mind !!!!
If a student got 60 marks from internal supervisor and 70
marks from external supervisor. What will be the total CA?
We will consider 30 marks of internal supervisor and 35 marks
of external supervisor.
Total CA = 30+35 =65
Total CA will be 65/100
Total weightage of CA is 50% =(65)X45/100 = 32.5 =33/50
Refresh your mind !!!!
If internal supervisor has given 60, 70 and 70 for month
September, October and November. What will be the total
internal CA?

It will be the average of three months
Total CA = (60+70+70)/3 = 66.6 (67)
INTERNSHIP Evaluation Guidelines for ETP
Two Neutral examiner will be allotted in a panel. Marks will be uploaded at the time
of viva on line by neutral examiner
Refresh your mind !!!!
If neutral examiner one (N1) has given 70/100 and Neutral
examiner two (N2) has given 50/100. What will be the total
It will be the average of two examiner
Total marks = (N1 + N2)/2
= 70+50/2
= 60 out of 100
Weightage of neutral examiner is 50% = 60 x50/100 = 30/50
Total marks of the student = 30+33 = 63/100
Report Submission
An e-copy of the report shall be uploaded by the student(s) on the UMS
interface in a secured pdf format as per prescribed timelines by DAA
Submission of electronic copy is required in addition to the printed copy.
Supervisor shall review the submitted report e-copy online and provide
recommendation and remarks of acceptance. All supervisors must adhere to
the timelines for report completion and final recommendations.
As per prescribed last dates of Final Report Submission, if supervisor is satisfied
with the quality of report and the student has submitted the e-copy online,
he/she will recommend the final report of the student.
Report should be signed by external as well as internal guide.
Scan copy of certificate must be incorporated in report.
Report Submission
Upon recommendation on e-copy by supervisor, the student(s) shall
take final print outs and present the hardcopy of the report to the
respective Admin Office.
University does not charge any fee for submission and evaluation of
report, but if a student submits e-copy on time but fails to submit
the printed copy, then the compounding fee 1000 INR shall be
Report duly approved (signed) by the supervisor shall be assigned a
unique number which will be auto-generated through an electronic
interface. The number shall be assigned to reports submitted by the
due date without compounding fee and after last day for submission
with compounding fee.
Report Submission
In case of late submission, the student will deposit compounding fee in the
Accounts Department and obtain a receipt of the same.
The receipt will be generated through the electronic interface which will be
date and time sensitive.
Hence the last report will be accepted by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of report
submission (till 10 days from last date of submission) with compounding fee.
Thereafter the interface will STOP assigning report numbers and generating
compounding fee receipts. All the remaining students will automatically be
awarded R grade.
The student who submit the report with compounding fees must submit the
receipt of deposition of compounding fee along with the printed report duly
signed by the supervisor on or before the last date of submission with
compounding fee.
ETP Examination shall be planned centrally by DAA in-coordination
with Division of Examination. ETP Panel members shall be vetted by
respective HOS(s) and will be called from respective Schools.
ETP viva schedule will be announced on UMS by DAA.
There will be two neutral examiners for each panel from the respective
Neutral examiner will upload the marks on given interface at the time
of viva.
Student will submit the certificate and external CA of internship at the
time of ETP viva.
Certificate to be uploaded along with the soft copy of final report
AwArd of r GrAde
R grade stands for resubmission.
In this case student is required to re-submit the report and
reappear for ETP viva again.
The resubmission of the report is to be made within two weeks
of the declaration of result.
In case a student fails to make the resubmission by the due
date R grade will be converted to F grade.
Only one chance will be given to appear in R grade
CA will not be improved, only ETP marks can be updated.
r GrAde will be Given in the followinG
If student fails to submit the report in all the permissible time
If unable to secure enough marks to meet the passing
If awarded CA + ETP less than 50 %. It should be equal or
greater than 50.
If awarded CA + ETP more than 50% but ETP alone less than
Absent in ETP Viva.
Online R Grade Registration
Registration for R Grade shall be conducted online via UMS interface
for R Grade Registration provided by Examination as per prescribed
timelines by DAA.
After award of R grade student will be required to pay online
resubmission exam fee of One Thousand Rupees within 15 days of
declaration of result.
R grade ETP viva shall be taken as per schedule prescribed by DAA.
If the students are unable to the R grade pass viva at first instance,
then F grade shall be awarded to the student. No additional chance
to reappear shall be available and the student will be required to re-
register for the course as a backlog student.
Number of Chances for R Grade
In case R grade is awarded due to non-submission of report in all
the permissible time limits, the student will get one chance to clear
the R grade and it will be within one month of start of new session
in case of Spring Term and within one month of declaration of result
in case of Autumn Term.
If the student does not submit the report as per prescribed
timelines or does not appear in the exam or fails it, F grade will be
The reappear exam for internship shall be scheduled only once. It
shall not be scheduled in batches for different candidates.
AwArd of f GrAde
F stands for fail grade.
In case of F Grade the student is required to re-register for the
course in the next term. The student is required to repeat the
internship and rewrite the report.
Student will register again for backlog
Again CA will be awarded by the supervisors.
F grade shall be awarded in the
following cases
The student could not pass the R grade viva.
The Student did not appear in R grade viva.
The Student did not submit his report after award of R grade.
In case of plagiarism. In this case a UMC case is to made and referred
to Examination Division. If the plagiarism is finally proved then UMC
Board may order the award of F grade.
The student did not register himself/herself in for R Grade for
appearing in R grade viva as per prescribed timelines by DAA. .
Thank you for your kind
attention !!!!

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