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Integumentary Assessment

Kozier Ch 30
What are the Functions of the
Integumentary System?
Functional Review
Protector and barrier between internal
organs and external environment
Barrier against foreign body intrusions
against invading bacteria and foreign matter
Transmits sensation nerve receptors
allows for feelings of temperature, pain, light
touch and pressure
Skin Functions
Regulates body temperature
regulates heat loss
Helps regulate fluid balance
absorbs water
prevents excessive water & electrolyte loss.
Slow loss up to 600 ml daily by evaporation
Immune Response Function
inflammatory process
Skin Functions
Vitamin production
exposure to UV light allows for the conversion
of substances necessary for synthesizing
vitamin D
Necessary to prevent osteoporosis, rickets
Skin Assessment
Visual inspection
Olfactory senses
Adequate lighting
Remove necessary clothing while
providing respect and privacy
Appropriate client positions p.568
Visual inspection
Skin color:
Hypopigmentation vitiligo
Visible changes if the Skin
Changes in skin color texture
Eczema, infections
Assess the vascularity & hydration of skin
Edema swelling, pitting edema
1+ 2 mm 3+ 6 mm
2+ 4 mm 4+ 8 mm p.579

Nails configuration, consistency, color p.579

Hair color and distribution, aloplecia,

Gerontology Considerations
Watch for significant changes in aging:
Decrease immunity functions
Susceptibility to infections
Poor nutrition
Decrease collagen production loss of
Thinning of epidermal skin layers
Increase skin problems
Gerontology Considerations
Taking more medications
Excessive environmental exposure
Dryness, wrinkling
Uneven pigmentation
Various proliferative lesions
Assessing light to dark skin
Description Light skin Dark skin
Cyanosis - bluish Bluish tinge Ashen gray
Pallor - paleness Loss of rosy glow Ashen gray (drk skin)
Yellowish brown (brown
Erythema - redness Visible redness Diffused; rely on palpation
of warmth or edema
Petechiae small Purplish Usually invisible; check
size pinpoint pinpoints oral
ecchyumosis Mucosa, conjunctiva,
eyelids, conjunctiva
covering eyeballs.
Assessing light to dark skin
Description Light skin Dark skin
Jaundice - yellow Yellow sclera, Reliable on sclera, hard
skin, fingernails, palate, palms and soles.
soles, palms, oral
Ecchymosis large Purplish to Difficult to see, check
diffused bluish black yellow-green mouth or conjunctiva
Brown-Tan cortisol Bronze; Easily masked.
deficiency, increased Tan to light
melanin production brown
Assessing Lesions
Vary in size, shape and cause
Primary vs. Secondary
Erruptions: cysts, wheals, bullous, pustules,
psoriasis, eczyma, vesicles, bullae, nodules,
Discoloration: macules (caf-au-lait),
Disorders Affecting the Skin
Skin Lesions p.755

Infections herpes, impetigo, HIV, melanoma
Toxic chemicals: skin irritation
Physical trauma: burns, lacerations
Hereditary factors
External factors: allergens, contact dermitis
Systemic diseases: measles, lupus, nutritional
Skin Lesions
Nursing Process Care:
Assessment: descriptions; pt. history, causative
Evaluation of skin identify problem
Nursing Diagnosis
Interventions for skin care to promote healing
and prevent further injury
Pain management & comfort
Infection control
Nursing evaluation & reassessment
Systemic Skin Diseases:
Skin Disorders in Diabetes
Diabetes Dermapathy shin spots, caused
by break- down of small vessels that supply
the skin.
Stasis Dermatitis compromises circulation
to the distal extremities due to damage of
larger vessels.
Problem: Injuries heal slow; increase risk for
ulcerations; risk for skin infections
Fungal infections of the Skin
Tinea Pedis (athletes foot)
Tinea Corporis (ringworm of the body)
Tinea Capitis (scalp ringworm)
Tinea Cruris (ringworm of the groin)
Jock itch jock, common in diabetes.
Tinea Unguium (ringworm of the nails)
Parasitic Infections
Pediculosis capitis - lice
Pediculosis corporis/pubis
Sarcoptes scabiei scabies
Raised burrows found between fingers, wrists,
elbows, nipples, feet, groin, gluteal folds, penis,
Poor hygienic living conditions
Increase; contagious
Secondary lesions: vesicles, papules, crust,
Parasitic Infections
Appear 4 wks after exposure
Elderly patients from long term facilities
Lindane, crotamiton (Eurax), permethrin
Nursing Diagnosis
Skin Impairment r/t:
Protect the skin
Prevent secondary infections
Promote healing
Skin Care

Review of wound dressings

Wound Dressings
Occlusive airtight cover applied to skin
Wet (obsolete) wet compresses applied on
acute weeping, inflamed lesions
Moisture-retentive more efficient wet drsg
for removing excudate: impregnated with
saline, petrolatum, zinc-saline, hydrogel,
antimicrobial agents.
Avoids maceration , less infections,
scarring & reduces pain.
Wound Dressings
Hydrogels polymers with 90% water
superficial wounds, abrasions, skin graft
sites, draining venous ulcers
Hydrocolloids impermeable to water, O2
Remain intact during bathing.
Produce foul-smelling yellowish covering
May leave on wound for 7 days
Promote debridment & granulation tissue
Wound Dressings
Foam hydrophilic absorption and
hydrophobic backing to prevent leaking of
Nonadherent; require secondary dressing
Used over bony areas and weeping wounds
Calcium alginates absorbent fiber packing
made from seaweed.
Absorbes exudate, best for macerated
wounds, packing deep wounds, sinus
tracking, heavy drainage - nonadherent

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