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Prepared by J.Balamurali
Communication Trainer
Developing Pharmacy Student Communication Skills
through Role-Playing and Active Learning

Success as a practitioner in any health care profession is partly based on effective communication and listening
skills. One of the primary roles of a pharmacist is to serve as an active communicator with patients, other health
professionals, and the public. (1) For student pharmacists, developing competence in communication is as pivotal as
developing their knowledge base and clinical skills in integrated therapeutics and pharmacy practice. (2,3) Both the
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Standards and Guidelines Version 2.0 and the Center for
Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE) emphasize that student pharmacists must achieve the ability to provide
patient care in cooperation with an interprofessional health care team. (4,5) Specifically, ACPE Standard 12 states,
"Pharmacy graduates must be able to communicate and collaborate with patients, care givers, physicians, nurses,
other health care providers, policy makers, members of the community, and administrative and support personnel
to engender a team approach to patient care." (4) The literature also promotes that pharmacy education include
enhancing student communication skills. (1) Nevertheless, challenges remain in designing an effective course that
provides students with the essential knowledge and skills for communication compentency. (1) Student pharmacists
may not recognize their verbal communication deficiencies and need to be taught skills to improve them. (6)
Additionally, communication course content may lack national consistency. (7) In order to overcome these
challenges, a progressive curriculum that addresses developing communication skills would help programs comply
with various industry standards. (7)
A literature review did yield useful techniques to improve student pharmacists' communication skills. Role-
playing or improvisational tasks as part of the curriculum to enhance communication skills help develop
patient-care skills and information collection. (8-10) Employing an integrative approach to the theory of
psychology and psychotherapy by recognizing and adjusting to varying personalities and perceptions can
influence patient counseling and communication. (9,12) Medina demonstrated the value of traditional class
discussions, student reflections, baseline, and follow-up counseling activities in developing communication
skills. (9) Hyvarinen and colleagues found that stand-alone courses for pharmacy are appropriate for teaching
pharmacy-specific communication skills in vocational circumstances. (11) Villaume and colleagues
demonstrated that motivational interviewing can be enhanced if students script patient scenarios. (13)
Westberg and colleagues showed that interprofessional activities with health professionals from various
disciplines help instill the values of teamwork. (14) Hypothetical situations portraying drug therapy problems,
medication errors, and other interactions with physicians can be valuable. (15,16) Instruction on emotional
intelligence, defined as the ability to appropriately control feelings to achieve shared team goals through
improved communication, is useful. (17,18) Lecture-laboratory courses with standardized patients and
scaffolding techniques also help to augment student communication skills. (19,20)
Creating a communication course was prompted by discussions with our college's curriculum and admissions
committees, in which members of both committees agreed that there was a gap in the curriculum. Evidence of this
gap was based on IPPE preceptor feedback and observations by faculty members at public events where students
made presentations. Student communication deficiencies could be attributed to the large population of English-as-
a-second-language (ESL) students. Another contributing factor could be the high composition of Asian/Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students (64%), who may encounter unintentional cultural barriers, such as the
perception among these ethnicities that making direct eye contact is threatening and disrespectful.
1. available without a prescription --> a - antidepressant (n.)
b - over-the-counter (adj.)
2. the amount of medicine to be taken --> c - side effect
d - dose (n.)
3. having the ability to heal --> e - generic drug
f - drowsy (adj.)
4. an abnormally high body temperature --> g - fever
h - active ingredient
5. an undesired effect resulting from a medication --> i - sedative
j - therapeutic (adj.)
6. medicine that treats depression -->

7. the opposite of a "brand name" drug -->

8. medicine that calms you down -->

9. sleepy -->

10. the substance in a pharmaceutical drug that is

biologically active -->
1. free of microorganisms -->

2. medicine that kills bacteria --> a - allergy (n.)

b - apply (v.)
3. a strip of material such as gauze used to protect, c - migraine
immobilize, compress, or support a wound --> d - antibiotic
e - aseptic
4. severe headache --> f - bandage (n.)
g - dehydration
5. an excessive loss of body fluid --> h - nausea
i - rash (n.)
6. to put on one's skin, hair, etc. --> j - diarrhea
7. loose or liquid bowel movements -->

8. a feeling like one wants to vomit/throw up -->

9. a physical (usually negative) reaction to taking a

medicine -->

10. a change of the skin which affects its color,

appearance or texture -->
Noun (n) Past Tense Adjective (adj) Adverb (adv) Noun (n) Past Tense Adjective (adj) Adverb (adv

a blister to blister; blistered blistery laceration to lacerate; lacerated lacerated

a boil to boil; boiled boiling; boiled moistness to moisten; moistened moist moistly
brittleness brittle brittlely oil; oiliness to oil; oiled oily; oiled
a bruise to bruise; bruised bruised ooze to ooze; oozed oozy
a bump to bump; bumped bumpy a patch to patch; patched patchy; patched
a crack to crack; cracked cracked; cracking a pimple pimply; pimpled pimplier
a crust to crust; crusted crusty; crusting psoriasis psoriatic
dryness to dry; dried dry; dried; drying dryly pus pussy*
eczema eczematous a rupture to rupture; ruptured rupturing; ruptured
excretion to excrete; excreted excreted a scab to scab; scabbed scabby; scabbed
flakes; flakiness to flake; flaked flaky flakily a scar to scar; scarred scarred; scarring
inflammation to inflame; inflamed inflamed; a scrape to scrap; scraped scraped
inflammatory a sore sore sorely
irritation; irritant to irritate; irritated irritable; sweat to sweat; sweated sweaty; sweating sweatily
irritated; irritably a swell to swell; swelled swollen; swelling; swelled
irritating an ulcer; ulcerated
itch; itchiness to itch; itched itchy; itching an ulceration
a wound to wound; wounded wounded; wounding
(Choose the best response)
1. A company that produces drugs/medicine is called a __________________________ company.

2. If you've had a __________________________ to these pills in the past I don't recommend you take them again.
bad feeling
bad reaction

3. Are you __________________________ taking any other medication?

right now

4. You can __________________________ your prescription online or by telephone.

react to

5. I just want to make sure there are no __________________________ with other medication you might be taking.
6. In the United States and Canada, there are many __________________________ pharmacies. You can pick
up your prescription without even getting out of your car!

7. A negative reaction = An __________________________ reaction


8. __________________________ medicine is medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

On demand

9. Are their any potential __________________________ ( = problems) from using the medications together?

10. Your prescription usually includes your doctor's __________________________ on how and when to take a
Sample Dialogue
Customer: I would like to have this prescription filled please.
Pharmacist: Have you been to our pharmacy before?
Customer: No, I havent.
Pharmacist: Okay. I need so me information from you.
Do you have your medical insurance card with you?
Customer: Yes. Here it is.
Pharmacist: What is your name? What is your address?
What is your date of birth? Have you used this medicine before?
Customer: (Answer each question.)
Pharmacist: Do you have any questions?
Customer: No, not yet.
Pharmacist: Okay, that will take about 20 minutes.
Customer: Thank you. I will wait.
Twenty minutes later...

Pharmacist: Here is your medicine. Do you have any questions?

Customer: Yes, what is this medicine used for?
Pharmacist: It is used for _____________________.
Customer: How much do I take?
Pharmacist: You take ________________________.
Customer: Are there any side effects?
Pharmacist: Yes. You may feel _________________.
Customer: Is it okay for my child to take this medicine?
Pharmacist: Yes / No.
Customer: Are there any warnings?
Pharmacist: Yes, dont take too much. Follow the directions.
Customer: Thank you.
Pharmacist: Please call if you have any more questions. Goodbye.
QUESTIONS: (Choose the best response for each one)

1. I have to __________________________ my prescription. ( = get a second/subsequent filling )


2. I'm sorry, we're temporarily __________________________ that antibiotic. ( = we don't have any more)
out of
away from

3. Nausea is a common __________________________ of these pills.

side condition
secondary affectation
side effect

4. Make sure you take this __________________________ with plenty of water.


5. Don't take these on __________________________. Take them with a meal.

empty stomach
a stomach that's empty
an empty stomach
6. We always __________________________ ( = verify) with your doctor before filling your prescription.
check out
check in

7. You might __________________________ ( = feel) some dizziness.


8. This is the best cold medicine __________________________. ( = that's available)

on demand
on the market
on a scale of one to ten

9. Its benefits __________________________ its risks. ( = it has more benefits than risks)
weight more than
are heavier than

10. Let's see if we can find you a low-cost __________________________. ( = substitute)

Answer the questions below by selecting the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

1. _____ What is the patients complaint?

a. she cant swallow tablets
b. she is allergic to jellyfish
c. she has bumps on her body from the waist down

2. _____ Which part of the body does the patient claim has bumps?
a. from the waist down
b. her arms only
c. her entire body

3. _____ Before recommending treatment, what does the pharmacist ask the patient?
a. how long she had been scratching
b. if she is allergic to any medication
c. how long she was swimming in the ocean
Answer the questions below by selecting the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

4. _____ What over-the-counter medicine does the pharmacist recommend?

a. betadine in liquid form only
b. Benadryl in liquid form only and a shot of hydrocortisone
c. Benadryl in liquid form because the patient cant swallow tablets, and hydrocortisone cream

5. _____ The pharmacist tells the patient:

a. to call her doctor if the rash and itching continue
b. that she can continue to swim in the ocean as long as she takes the medication
c. that her skin will become very dry
Multiple Choice Questions - Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c.
1. _____ The adjective form of scratch is:
a. scratched
b. scratchy
c. scratched and scratchy

2. _____ If a person has athletes foot, the person:

a. is a fast runner
b. plays many sports
c. has a fungal infection

3. _____ If a person is tearing his or her hair out, the person:

a. is balding
b. is worried and anxious
c. has alopecia

4. _____ A child with head lice:

a. needs to scratch his or her head
b. needs to remove the head lice with his or her fingers
c. needs to have his or her hair combed with a louse comb and treated with anti-lice
5. _____ In the sentence, I have a bruised bump on my head, the word
bruised is:
a. a past tense verb
b. an adjective
c. a noun

6. _____ The adjective form of sweat is:

a. sweaty, sweating, and sweatily
b. sweaty and sweating
c. sweating and sweated

7. _____ Scratch marks are:

a. produced on the skin from scratching too much
b. caused by a jellyfish sting
c. caused by a laceration

8. _____ A person who is tough as nails:

a. has healthy nails
b. has brittle nails
c. is strong and determined
9. _____ Dried blood that is formed on the skin after a cut or wound is healed is called:
a. a laceration
b. a scab
c. a scrape

10. _____ In the sentence, The girl complained of an itchy sensation on her arm, the
word itchy is:
a. an adjective
b. a verb
c. a noun

11. _____ The word wound is:

a. both a verb and a noun
b. a verb only
c. a noun only

12. _____ A superficial wound is:

a. a deep gash
b. a deep laceration
c. not deep
13. _____ An oozy blister can contain:
a. pus
b. lice
c. scabs

14. _____ The word swell is:

a. a noun, a verb, and an adjective
b. a noun only
c. an adjective
15. _____ In the sentence, Because the scab on the skin did not heal properly, the
area is scarred,
the word scarred is used as:
a. an adjective
b. a past tense verb
c. a noun
Multiple Choice Questions - Choose the correct answer from a, b, and c.

1. _____ My ear feels like its clogged up means:

a. the ear is infected
b. the ear is closed
c. the ear feels tight

2. _____ If you are all ears while listening to the professors lecture, you are:
a. putting your hands over your ears during the lecture
b. very interested in the lecture and paying attention
c. you cant hear the lecture

3. _____ Ear popping is caused by:

a. pressure in the ear
b. wax in the ear
c. a broken eardrum

4. _____ If you cant see eye to eye with another person, it means:
a. you have weak vision
b. the other person is blind
c. you cant agree with the person
5. _____ If a patient complains of blurred vision, the patient should be tested for:
a. glaucoma
b. dry eye
c. conjunctivitis

6. _____ A common ear condition in infants is:

a. swimmers ear
b. middle ear infection
c. fungal infection

7. _____ If a person has tunnel vision, he or she:

a. can only see things that are straight ahead
b. can only see in the dark
c. can only see around them

8. _____ The word discharge is:

a. a verb
b. a verb and a noun
c. a noun
9. _____ Pink eye is another term for:
a. crusty eyes
b. a stye
c. Conjunctivitis

10. _____ The patient complained that she had a yellow, green, and watery
discharge from her eye.
This could indicate she has:
a. a droopy eye
b. an eye infection
c. an eyelash in her eye
Read the following sentences carefully. Then indicate the word form of the bolded word(s), choosing from
v, n, adj, or adv.

1. Her lips are cracked as a result of the cold weather.

cracked _____

2. The rash on her skin is very itchy.

rash _____ itchy _____

3. Her scalp is dry but her hair is oily.

dry _____ oily_____

4. She dried her skin completely before she applied the ointment.
dried _____

5. The scab did not heal well and now the area is scarred.
scab _____ scarred _____

6. It was not a superficial wound, but a deep laceration.

wound _____ laceration _____
7. She lacerated her hand while opening the sharp lid of the cat food can.
lacerated _____

8. The wound was filled with pus.

wound _____ pus _____

9. Keep the sterile gauze on the laceration and be careful not to wound it again.
laceration _____ wound _____

10. Her fingernails left big scratch marks on her itchy skin.
scratch _____ itchy _____

11. The boil under her skin ruptured.

boil _____ ruptured _____

12. The new body lotion she rubbed on her skin irritated her skin.
irritated _____

13. If he doesnt get treatment for his acne, his face is going to become more pimply.
pimply _____

14. He scraped his already bruised knees after he fell off his bike again.
scraped _____ bruised _____

15. When she is speaking in front of an audience, she becomes very nervous and her hands become
very sweaty.
sweaty _____
A fast way to expand your vocabulary is to make sure you know the different forms of the
words you learn.

Exercise 1. The words in this list are all verbs. What are the noun forms? Write them in the
second column. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Word formation: nouns

1. diagnose diagnosis
2. examine ______________
3. prescribe ______________
4. suffer ______________
5. operate ______________
6. cure ______________
7. recover ______________
8. analyse ______________
9. infect ______________
10. carry ______________
11. replace ______________
12. degenerate ______________
13. refer ______________
14. paralyse ______________
15. obstruct ______________
Exercise 2. First, check your answers to Exercise 1 in the key. Then rewrite the
below, changing the verbs (which are in bold) to nouns. Do not change the meaning of
sentences, but be prepared to make grammatical changes if necessary. The first one has
been done for you as an example.

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