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Jazan Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle

(JIGCC) Project

Pre-Commissioning Presentation
Saudi ARAMCO Management(SA)

Project: Jazan Integrated Gasification Combined

Cycle(JIGCC)- EPC 6
Client: Saudi ARAMCO

Contractor: China Harbour Engineering Company Saudi Arabia

Jazan Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
(JIGCC) Project


Pre-Commissioning & Mechanical completion Plan

Pre-commissioning Procedure/Activities
Detail of equipment to be Pre-Commissioned
Pre-Commissioning & Mechanical
Completion Plan

Pre-Commissioning & Mechanical Completion Plan(MC) has been prepared

with the following sequence!
Purpose and Scope
Terms & Definitions
Pre-Commissioning Organization Chart.
Pre-Commissioning Phases with main type of field activities.
Functional Tests
Turnover System
Mechanical Completion
Purpose and Scope
Terms & Definitions

Purpose and Scope

- The purpose of this document is to describe the specific requirements, principles, and responsibilities
for the preparation, execution, verification, and documentation of PRE-COMMISSIONING and
Turnover phases, leading to Mechanical Completion.

- This plan outlines how CONTRACTOR intend to perform the PRE-COMMISSIONING and Turnover
Activities in order to get a safe, quality, timely and control of the FACILITY based on defined

Terms & Definitions

In this document, the terminology and project definition are used which is important
to explain what the terminology and definition mean as well as it use.
Pre-Commissioning Organization Chart
Pre-Commissioning Phases with Main
Types of field activities

During Pre-Commissioning, erected systems (Individual Equipment) will be checked to

* Continuity & containment of Process flow routes, operability & internal
cleanliness- free of foreign materials etc. in static condition.
* Equipments Physical Integrity such as;
- Instrument and electrical items will undergo end-to-end
- Loop and no-load tests to confirm their fitness for functioning
- Control valves functionality will be checked
- Protective devices will be calibrated and installed
- Function of Lubrication and hydraulics
- Motors will be run uncoupled(Solo Run Test)
Pre-Commissioning will be carried out as parallel single discipline activities in
conjunction with final erection. In general, pre-commissioning does not involve
dynamic operation of process equipment.
To facilitate the pre-commissioning activities, the plants have been divided into two
- Operational System such as Seawater intake system, tanks. Centrifugal pumps,
telecom, electrical or control systems.
- Non-operational systems such as surface and passive fire protection, insulation,
architectural, structural steel, markings and signs, cable trays and ladders
Pre-Commissioning Phases with Main Type of
Field Activities
These systems will be included in specific packages, previously agreed upon with the
COMPANY, and will include all the possible disciplines of the project.
The adequate Pre-commissioning activities will be performed on every item of the plant,
and conveniently reported through the use of Pre-Commissioning forms on completion of
these tests.
The conformity checks will be carried out in accordance with Checklists to verify visually !
- The condition of the equipment
- The quality of the installation
- The compliance with Project drawings and specifications, VENDOR's
instructions, safety rules, codes, standards and good practice.
These Check Lists define the exact scope of work that must be systematically performed
on every item of equipment.
Main Types of Field Activities
During Pre-Commissioning stage, the static and de-energized tests will be carried out in
accordance with technical specifications, and reported on test sheets e.g. calibration of
ESD instruments, Pumps alignments, setting of safety valves, pressure testing of piping,
cables continuities, etc. .
Piping test - Hydro/Pressure Test with dried Compressed Air.
Functional Tests &Turnover System
The functional tests are dynamic checking used to verify that each basic electrical, instrument, and
telecommunication function, included in the plant design, performs properly.
It Consists of bringing the sub-system equipment as close as possible to normal conditions, not only to live
test of automated devices, controls, normal and shutdown sequences, but also to detect possible
mechanical or electrical faults (water tightness, vibrations, overheating, overloading, testing of pumps, etc.)
which may occur during prolonged normal use.
Turnover System
Turnover is the process and sequence of events leading to transfer of principal responsibility of a
Subsystem, System and Facility from CONTRACTOR to Commissioning/Start up. (COMPANY).
System Turnover is the point when a defined portion of the facilities is fabricated, fully erected, all materials
items are present and aligned, tested for physical strength, and all pre- commissioning checks completed.
Turnover System status shall be apply to a single specific Subsystem or a defined package containing several
System Turnover status requires that!
* All material items are fabricated, erected, aligned with correct dimensions and finally instated
according to specification.
* Control systems site acceptance tests are complete.
* All the discrepancies will be recorded in the Punch list during Pre-Commissioning phase, All Yes
punches by CONTRACTOR and COMPANY are completed, and category NO punches items are
reduced to the minimum to prevent interfere with commissioning activities.
* All non-conformance reports(NCRs) resolved to the satisfaction of COMPANY.
* All necessary Documents like fabrication & construction documents, material certificates,
inspection and tests records, equipment inspection (EIS) and preservation schedules, safety documents
and Pre-Commissioning documentation shall be completed, catalogued, and available for review.
* Marked up PIDs and Mark up SLD should be included in package
* All Red Lined As built vendor manuals and drawings shall be completed.
* All spare parts packages shall be completed prior to MC
After WORK completion and has obtained signed-off documentation required for items included in the
SYSTEM or Subsystem, CONTRACTOR will submit the Notice of COMPLETION to the COMPANY to
commence with Commissioning activities, punch listing, and review of the turnover package.
Functional Tests &Turnover System

Mechanical Completion
Mechanical Completion will be achieved when all defined Systems & sub-systems have been
turnover to COMPANY, the Turnover Notice issued and available for commissioning.
Partial Mechanical Completion is achieved when a separable System/Sub-system of a facility is
available for commissioning as defined by its portion of the approved scope.
Final Mechanical Completion is achieved when the total facility is available for commissioning.

COMPANY will be invited for final review at about 90% completion of the Pre-commissioning stage of
the Subsystem to provide initial comments prior to formal review.
Four weeks prior to the schedule MC(Part) date , CONTRACTOR will notify to the COMPANY that the
System, combination of Systems, or portions thereof are completed with the exception to the Punch
list items and ready for MC inspection.
Completion Reporting

Completion Reporting

During the course of construction, inspection, testing and Pre-Commissioning,

inspection and test results shall be recorded on approved certificates, record
forms, checklists, or signed-off method statements. CONTRACTOR shall
request COMPANY to endorse these written records according to the level of
participation noted in approved inspection and test plans.

CONTRACTOR shall assemble a Turnover Dossier for each System package.

The dossier will contain original signed records of the agreed tests, inspections
and checklists which are required to be presented in support of the
application for Turnover.
Punch Lists

Punch List
While the Pre-Commissioning activities have been performed, all the
discrepancies will be recorded in the Punch list. CONTRACTOR will maintain
this punch list of deficient work for use in managing work and that of his
subcontractors. This punch list will be independent of the turnover punch list
although could be requested and provided as reference by COMPANY.
From the construction to the commissioning activities, two punch list priority
levels should be considered:
YES Must be completed before Mechanical Completion Acceptance -
Ready for Commissioning.
NO Must be completed before facility ACCEPTANCE or date specified by
Contracts Contracts No. 6600033569(OOK) & 6600033568 (IK)

A00-A-VE-722987 Mechanical Completion & Performance Acceptance Plan

MP-IK-LSTK 07/09, Revised 09/13 IK Contract Schedule B

CHEC-JIGCC6IK-90-GE-PLA-0001 Systemization Philosophy

00-SAIP-06 Pressure Test Requirements

SAES-L-125 Safety Instruction Sheet for Piping and Pipelines

SAES-A-004 General Requirement of Pressure Testing

SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Testing Fluids and Lay-up Procedures

SAES-B-017 Fire Water System Design

SAES-G-116 Cleanliness Standard for Lube/Seal Oil and Fluid Power

SAES-K-002 Air Conditioning Systems for Essential Operating Facilities

SAES-L-150 Pressure testing of plant Piping and Pipelines

A61-A-VE-544859 Pre-Commissioning Checklist forms

Guidelines Summarize Activities to be completed
during Pre-Commissioning Phase of the Project

Testing &adequate flushing of all piping system.

Removal of blinds or spool pieces used during
hydrostatic testing
Proper positioning of spectacle blinds.
Witness or calibrate, and test all instruments in
accordance with the Pre-Commissioning procedures,
and record all calibrations and test data on the
checklists provided for each instrument and
instrument loop.
Ensure that fire extinguishers are in place.
Check all closures.
Ensure all escape routes are clear of obstacles.
Wear personal safety equipment.
Clear area from unauthorized personnel.
Ensure that fire detection equipment is operational.
Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning
(HVAC) Systems

Air Handling Units

Air conditioning Unit
Automatic Dampers
Ducting & Sound
HVAC Humidifier
Fire Damper
HVAC Filters
Exhaust Fans

Oil Filled Transformers

MV / LV Switchgears
Motor Control Centers
Dry Type Transformer
LV/MV Cable Bus
LV Distribution Panels
Batteries & Battery Chargers
Automatic Transfer Switches
LV/MV Motors
Fire & Alarm System
MV/LV Power & Cont. Cables
Indoor/Outdoor lighting system

Drum Screening
Trash Screening
Vertical Centrifugal
Blower Various skid
based pumps in EC
Building Submersible
Diesel Engine
Over Head Crane
Main Piping System

12 x 84 to 128 Pipelines from EBARA

Pumps to Discharge Basin
1 x 40 Pipeline from Emergency Pump
to Discharge Basin-Under Ground
1 x 24 Pipelines from EBARA Pumps to
Booster Pumps.
1 x 20 Pipelines from EBARA Pumps to
Drum Screen Backwash Pumps. Buried
10 Nos. buried Pipes of different sizes
from IGCC to different locations of EPC -
6 Project such as UW, DW, UA, IA, FW,
OW pipe lines from OW Pump station to

Pressure Gauges
Flow Meters
Temperature Gauges
Pressure Relief Valves
Pneumatic Actuated
Electrical Actuated
Instrument Panels
Fire & Gas Detectors
Loop Checking
Telecommunication system

Analog Telephone System

PA/GA Loud Speakers
Flashing Light
Marshaling Box
Central control Cabinet
Control Monitors
FOC Patch Panels
CCTV Camera and Housing
MDF/IDF Cabinet
Telecom Cables
Fire Alarm System EC & S/S Building

Fire Alarm Panel

Smoke Detector
High Sensitivity Smoke Detector
Remote Conventional Zone Module
Call Points
Fire Alarm Sounder
Interface Module
Beacon Outdoor

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