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Gita Puspita Adha

The act or process of changing
place or position of a body with respect to
some reference point.
2. Extension : The movement when
1. Flexion: The movement when
neck is extended, as in looking upward
the chin is lowered down toward
toward the ceiling
the chest.

4. Lateral flexion : the

3. Rotation : The action of movement of bending
direct lateral rotation to sideways at the neck
either side.
1. Flexion : When you move your arms from a resting position by your
sides, to straight above your head.
Example : Raise the arm
2. Extension : When you move your arms and put them out behind you.
Example : Take the wallet in the pocket
3. Abduction : When you moves your arms laterally away from the midline
of the body
Example : Playing golf
4. Adduction : The opposing movement that brings the arm toward the body
or across the midline
Example : Playing golf
5. Exorotation : Rotating the arm away from the centerline (medial line)
of the body
Example : Reach (up) to scratch the back of your neck.
6. Endorotation: Rotating the arm towards the centerline of the body
Example : Reach (down) to scratch your lower back.
1. Flexion : A bending movement around a joint in a limb
2. Extension : The action of extending/Straightening the elbow joint
3. Supination : Rotating the forearm so that the palm faces up if the forearm is flexed
4. Pronation : Rotating the forearm so that the palm faces down if the forearm is flexed
1. Flexion : The movement
2. Extension : The movement
of bending the palm down,
towards the wrist.
raising the back of the hand.

3. Supination : The 4. Pronation : The movement

movement of rotating the of rotating the forearm into
forearm into a palm up a palm down position.
5. Ulnar deviation/ulnar flexion :
The movement of bending the wrist
to the little finger, or ulnar bone side

6. Radial deviation/radial flexion :

The movement of bending the wrist
to the thumb, or radial bone side.
1. Flexion : A bending movement
around a joint in the leg

2. Extension : The action of 3. Abduction : Moves the leg

extending/Straightening the leg laterally away from the midline
of the body

4. Adduction : The opposing

movement that brings the leg
toward the body or across the
5. Exorotation : Rotating the leg away from the
centerline (medial line) of the body

6. Endorotation : Rotating the leg towards the

centerline of the body
1. Flexion: A bending movement 2. Extension : The action of
around a joint in the leg extending/Straightening the
knee joint

3. Exorotation : Rotating the 4. Endorotation : Rotating

leg away from the centerline the leg towards the centerline
(medial line) of the body of the body
3. Inversion is rotating the ankle
1. Dorsiflexion is decreasing so the sole of the foot points
the angle of the ankle joint towards the other

2. Plantarflexion is increasing
the angle of the ankle joint 4. Eversion is rotating the ankle,
so the sole of the foot points
away from the other

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